Selitev na inoviranje vrha:
Preberite, kako lahko selitev in posodobitev v Azure izboljšata učinkovitost delovanja, odpornost in varnost vašega podjetja, kar vam omogoča, da v celoti sprejmete AI.Prijavite se zdaj
Ta brskalnik ni več podprt.
Izvedite nadgradnjo na Microsoft Edge, če želite izkoristiti vse prednosti najnovejših funkcij, varnostnih posodobitev in tehnične podpore.
This article explains how you can download the price sheet for an Enterprise Agreement (EA) or Microsoft Customer Agreement (MCA) via the Azure portal. Included in the price sheet is the list of products that are eligible for savings plans, as well as the 1- and 3-year savings plans prices for these products.
Download EA price sheet
To download your EA price sheet via Azure portal, do the following tasks.
If you have questions about Azure savings plan for compute, contact your account team or create a support request. Temporarily, Microsoft only provides expert support for Azure savings plan for compute in English.
Next steps
To learn more about Azure Savings plans, see the following articles: