17. mar., 21h - 21. mar., 10h
Pridružite se nizu srečanj in ustvarite prilagodljive rešitve za AI na podlagi primerov uporabe v resničnem svetu s kolegi razvijalci in strokovnjaki.
Prijavite se zdajTa brskalnik ni več podprt.
Izvedite nadgradnjo na Microsoft Edge, če želite izkoristiti vse prednosti najnovejših funkcij, varnostnih posodobitev in tehnične podpore.
In this article, you learn how service discovery works within a .NET Aspire project. .NET Aspire includes functionality for configuring service discovery at development and testing time. Service discovery functionality works by providing configuration in the format expected by the configuration-based endpoint resolver from the .NET Aspire AppHost project to the individual service projects added to the application model. For more information, see Service discovery in .NET.
Configuration for service discovery is only added for services that are referenced by a given project. For example, consider the following AppHost program:
var builder = DistributedApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
var catalog = builder.AddProject<Projects.CatalogService>("catalog");
var basket = builder.AddProject<Projects.BasketService>("basket");
var frontend = builder.AddProject<Projects.MyFrontend>("frontend")
In the preceding example, the frontend project references the catalog project and the basket project. The two WithReference calls instruct the .NET Aspire project to pass service discovery information for the referenced projects (catalog, and basket) into the frontend project.
Some services expose multiple, named endpoints. Named endpoints can be resolved by specifying the endpoint name in the host portion of the HTTP request URI, following the format scheme://_endpointName.serviceName
. For example, if a service named "basket" exposes an endpoint named "dashboard", then the URI https+http://_dashboard.basket
can be used to specify this endpoint, for example:
static client => client.BaseAddress = new("https+http://basket"));
static client => client.BaseAddress = new("https+http://_dashboard.basket"));
In the preceding example, two HttpClient classes are added, one for the core basket service and one for the basket service's dashboard.
With the configuration-based endpoint resolver, named endpoints can be specified in configuration by prefixing the endpoint value with _endpointName.
, where endpointName
is the endpoint name. For example, consider this appsettings.json configuration which defined a default endpoint (with no name) and an endpoint named "dashboard":
"Services": {
"https": "", /* the https endpoint, requested via https://basket */
"dashboard": "" /* the "dashboard" endpoint, requested via https://_dashboard.basket */
In the preceding JSON:
.var basket = builder.AddProject<Projects.BasketService>("basket")
.WithHttpsEndpoint(hostPort: 9999, name: "dashboard");
When deploying to Kubernetes, the DNS SRV service endpoint resolver can be used to resolve named endpoints. For example, the following resource definition will result in a DNS SRV record being created for an endpoint named "default" and an endpoint named "dashboard", both on the service named "basket".
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: basket
name: basket-service
clusterIP: None
- name: default
port: 8080
- name: dashboard
port: 9999
To configure a service to resolve the "dashboard" endpoint on the "basket" service, add the DNS SRV service endpoint resolver to the host builder as follows:
For more information, see AddServiceDiscoveryCore and AddDnsSrvServiceEndpointProvider.
The special port name "default" is used to specify the default endpoint, resolved using the URI https://basket
As in the previous example, add service discovery to an HttpClient
for the basket service:
static client => client.BaseAddress = new("https://basket"));
Similarly, the "dashboard" endpoint can be targeted as follows:
static client => client.BaseAddress = new("https://_dashboard.basket"));
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17. mar., 21h - 21. mar., 10h
Pridružite se nizu srečanj in ustvarite prilagodljive rešitve za AI na podlagi primerov uporabe v resničnem svetu s kolegi razvijalci in strokovnjaki.
Prijavite se zdajUsposabljanje
Vodeno učenje
Build distributed apps with .NET Aspire - Training
Learn how to build observable, production ready, distributed applications with .NET Aspire. AZ-2009