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ICorDebugDataTarget2::CreateVirtualUnwinder Method

Creates a new stack unwinder that starts unwinding from an initial context (which isn't necessarily the leaf of a thread).


HRESULT CreateVirtualUnwinder(
    [in] DWORD nativeThreadID,
    [in] ULONG32 contextFlags,
    [in] ULONG32 cbContext,
    [in, size_is(cbContext)] BYTE initialContext[],
    [out] ICorDebugVirtualUnwinder ** ppUnwinder);


nativeThreadID [in] The native thread ID of the thread whose stack is to be unwound.

contextFlags [in] Flags that specify which parts of the context are defined in initialContext.

cbContext [in] The size of initialContext.

initialContext [in] The data in the context.

ppUnwinder [out] A pointer to the address of an ICorDebugVirtualUnwinder interface object.

Return Value

S_OK if successful. Any other HRESULT indicates failure. Any failing HRESULT received by mscordbi is considered fatal and causes ICorDebug methods to return CORDBG_E_DATA_TARGET_ERROR.



This method is available with .NET Native only.


Platforms: See System Requirements.

Header: CorDebug.idl, CorDebug.h

Library: CorGuids.lib

.NET Framework Versions: Available since 4.6, .NET Native only

See also