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ICorDebugThread Interface

Represents a thread in a process. The lifetime of an ICorDebugThread instance is the same as the lifetime of the thread it represents.


Method Description
ClearCurrentException Method This method is not implemented. Do not use it.
CreateEval Method Creates an ICorDebugEval object that operates on this ICorDebugThread.
CreateStepper Method Creates an ICorDebugStepper object that allows stepping through the active frame in this ICorDebugThread.
EnumerateChains Method Gets an interface pointer to an ICorDebugChainEnum enumerator that contains all the stack chains in this ICorDebugThread.
GetActiveChain Method Gets an interface pointer to the active ICorDebugChain on this ICorDebugThread.
GetActiveFrame Method Gets an interface pointer to the active ICorDebugFrame on this ICorDebugThread.
GetAppDomain Method Gets an interface pointer to the application domain in which this ICorDebugThread is currently executing.
GetCurrentException Method Gets an interface pointer to an ICorDebugValue object that represents an exception currently being thrown by managed code.
GetDebugState Method Gets a CorDebugThreadState value that describes the current debug state of this ICorDebugThread.
GetHandle Method Gets the current handle for the active part of this ICorDebugThread.
GetID Method Gets the current operating system identifier of the active part of this ICorDebugThread.
GetObject Method Gets an interface pointer to the common language runtime (CLR) thread.
GetProcess Method Gets an interface pointer to the process of which this ICorDebugThread forms a part.
GetRegisterSet Method Gets an interface pointer to the register set associated with this ICorDebugThread.
GetUserState Method Gets a bitwise combination of CorDebugUserState values that describe the current state of this ICorDebugThread.
SetDebugState Method Sets a bitwise combination of CorDebugThreadState values that describe the debugging state of this ICorDebugThread.



This interface does not support being called remotely, either cross-machine or cross-process.


Platforms: See System Requirements.

Header: CorDebug.idl, CorDebug.h

Library: CorGuids.lib

.NET Framework Versions: Available since 1.0

See also