31. mar., 23h - 2. apr., 23h
Največji dogodek učenja SQL, Fabric in Power BI. 31. marec - 2. april Če želite shraniti 400 $, uporabite kodo FABINSIDER.
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Izvedite nadgradnjo na Microsoft Edge, če želite izkoristiti vse prednosti najnovejših funkcij, varnostnih posodobitev in tehnične podpore.
Applies to:
SQL Server
Azure SQL Database
Azure SQL Managed Instance
Azure Synapse Analytics
Analytics Platform System (PDW)
SQL analytics endpoint in Microsoft Fabric
Warehouse in Microsoft Fabric
Contains one row for each character set and sort order defined for use by the SQL Server Database Engine. One of the sort orders is marked in sysconfigures as the default sort order. This is the only one actually being used.
Column name | Data type | Description |
type | smallint | Type of entity this row represents: 1001 = Character set. 2001 = Sort order. |
id | tinyint | Unique ID for the character set or sort order. Note sort orders and character sets cannot share the same ID number. The ID range of 1 through 240 is reserved for use by the Database Engine. |
csid | tinyint | If the row represents a character set, this field is unused. If the row represents a sort order, this field is the ID of the character set that the sort order is built on. It is assumed a character set row with this ID exists in this table. |
status | smallint | Internal system status information bits. |
name | sysname | Unique name for the character set or sort order. This field must contain only the letters A-Z or a-z, numbers 0 - 9, and underscores(_); and it must start with a letter. |
description | nvarchar(255) | Optional description of the features of the character set or sort order. |
binarydefinition | varbinary(6000) | Identified for informational purposes only. Not supported. Future compatibility is not guaranteed. |
definition | image | Internal definition of the character set or sort order. The structure of the data in this field depends on the type. |
Mapping System Tables to System Views (Transact-SQL)
Compatibility Views (Transact-SQL)
31. mar., 23h - 2. apr., 23h
Največji dogodek učenja SQL, Fabric in Power BI. 31. marec - 2. april Če želite shraniti 400 $, uporabite kodo FABINSIDER.
Registrirajte se danes