31. mar., 23h - 2. apr., 23h
Največji dogodek učenja SQL, Fabric in Power BI. 31. marec - 2. april Če želite shraniti 400 $, uporabite kodo FABINSIDER.
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Izvedite nadgradnjo na Microsoft Edge, če želite izkoristiti vse prednosti najnovejših funkcij, varnostnih posodobitev in tehnične podpore.
Applies to:
SQL Server
The MSdistribution_status view exposes additional information on the status commands in the distribution database. This view is stored in the distribution database.
Column name | Data type | Description |
article_id | int | Identifies an article. |
agent_id | int | Identifies a replication agent. |
UndelivCmdsInDistDB | int | The number of commands pending delivery to Subscribers. |
DelivCmdsInDistDB | int | The number of commands delivered to Subscribers. |
Replication Tables (Transact-SQL)
Replication Views (Transact-SQL)
31. mar., 23h - 2. apr., 23h
Največji dogodek učenja SQL, Fabric in Power BI. 31. marec - 2. april Če želite shraniti 400 $, uporabite kodo FABINSIDER.
Registrirajte se danes