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Project Settings (Type Mapping) (SybaseToSQL)

The Type Mapping page of the Project Settings dialog box contains settings that customize how SSMA converts Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) data types into SQL Server data types.

The Type Mapping page is available in the Project Settings and Default Project Settings dialog boxes.

  • To specify the type mapping settings for all future SSMA projects, on the Tools menu, select Default Project Settings, select migration project type for which settings are required to be viewed or changed from Migration Target Version drop down and then select Type Mapping at the bottom of the left pane.

  • To specify settings for the current project, on the Tools menu, select Project Settings, and then select Type Mapping at the bottom of the left pane.


Source Type
The mapped ASE data type.

Target Type
The target SQL Server data type for the specified ASE data type.

See the table in the following section for the default SSMA for Sybase type mapping.

Click to add a data type to the mapping list.

Click to edit the selected data type in the mapping list.

Click to remove the selected data type mapping from the mapping list.

Reset to Default
Click to reset the type mapping list to the SSMA defaults.

Default Type Mapping

The following table contains the default type mapping between ASE and SQL Server data types.

ASE Data Type SQL Server Data Type
bigint bigint
binary binary
binary[*..8000] binary[*]
binary[8001..*] varbinary(max)
bit bit
char char
char varying varchar
char varying[*..8000] varchar[*]
char varying[8001..*] varchar(max)
char[*..8000] char[*]
char[8001..*;] varchar(max)
character char
character varying varchar
character varying[*..8000] varchar[*]
character varying[8001..*] varchar(max)
character[*..8000] char[*]
character[8001..*] varchar(max)
date date
datetime datetime2[3]
dec decimal
dec[*..*] decimal[*]
dec[*..*][*..*] decimal[*][*]
decimal decimal
decimal[*..*] decimal[*]
decimal[*..*][*..*] decimal[*][*]
double precision float[53]
float float[53]
float[*..15] float[24]
float[16..*] float[53]
image image
int int
integer int
longsysname nvarchar[255]
money money
national char nchar
national char[*..4000] nchar[*]
national char varying nvarchar
national char varying[*..4000] nvarchar[*]
national char varying[4001..*] nvarchar(max)
national char[4001..*] nvarchar(max)
national character nchar
national character[*..4000] nchar[*]
national character[4001..*] nvarchar(max)
national character varying nvarchar
national character varying[*..4000] nvarchar[*]
national character varying[4001..*] nvarchar(max)
national varchar nvarchar
national varchar[*..4000] nvarchar[*]
national varchar[4001..*] nvarchar(max)
nchar nchar
nchar varying nvarchar
nchar varying[*..4000] nvarchar[*]
nchar varying[4001..*] nvarchar(max)
nchar[*..4000] nchar[*]
nchar[4001..*] nvarchar(max)
numeric numeric
numeric[*..*] numeric[*]
numeric[*..*][*..*] numeric[*][*]
nvarchar nvarchar
nvarchar[*..4000] nvarchar[*]
nvarchar[4001..*] nvarchar(max)
real float[24]
smalldatetime smalldatetime
smallint smallint
smallmoney smallmoney
sysname nvarchar[128]
sysname[*..*] nvarchar[255]
text text
time time[3]
timestamp rowversion
tinyint tinyint
unichar nchar
unichar varying nvarchar
unichar varying[*..4000] nvarchar[*]
unichar varying[4001..*] nvarchar(max)
unichar[*..4000] nchar[*]
unichar[4001..*] nvarchar(max)
unitext nvarchar(max)
univarchar nvarchar
univarchar[*..4000] nvarchar[*]
univarchar[4001..*] nvarchar(max)
unsigned bigint numeric[20][0]
unsigned int bigint
unsigned smallint int
unsigned tinyint tinyint
varbinary varbinary
varbinary[*..8000] varbinary[*]
varbinary[8001..*] varbinary(max)
varchar varchar
varchar[*..8000] varchar[*]
varchar[8001..*] varchar(max)