29. apr., 14h - 30. apr., 19h
Pridružite se končnemu navideznemu dogodku strežnika Windows Server 29.–30. aprila za tehnične seje z globokim potopom in vprašanjih v živo z Microsoftovimi inženirji.
Prijavite se zdajTa brskalnik ni več podprt.
Izvedite nadgradnjo na Microsoft Edge, če želite izkoristiti vse prednosti najnovejših funkcij, varnostnih posodobitev in tehnične podpore.
Enables an administrator to display a list of installed device drivers and their properties. If used without parameters, driverquery runs on the local computer.
driverquery [/s <system> [/u [<domain>\]<username> [/p <password>]]] [/fo {table | list | csv}] [/nh] [/v | /si]
Parameter | Description |
/s <system> |
Specifies the name or IP address of a remote computer. Do not use backslashes. The default is the local computer. |
/u [<domain>]<username> |
Runs the command with the credentials of the user account as specified by user or domain\user. By default, /s uses the credentials of the user who is currently logged on to the computer that is issuing the command. /u can't be used unless /s is specified. |
/p <password> |
Specifies the password of the user account that is specified in the /u parameter. /p cannot be used unless /u is specified. |
/fo table | Formats the output as a table. This is the default. |
/fo list | Formats the output as a list. |
/fo csv | Formats the output with comma-separated values. |
/nh | Omits the header row from the displayed driver information. Not valid if the /fo parameter is set to list. |
/v | Displays verbose output. /v is not valid for signed drivers. |
/si | Provides information about signed drivers. |
/? | Displays help at the command prompt. |
To display a list of installed device drivers on the local computer, type:
To display the output in a comma-separated values (CSV) format, type:
driverquery /fo csv
To hide the header row in the output, type:
driverquery /nh
To use the driverquery command on a remote server named server1 using your current credentials on the local computer, type:
driverquery /s server1
To use the driverquery command on a remote server named server1 using the credentials for user1 on the domain maindom, type:
driverquery /s server1 /u maindom\user1 /p p@ssw3d
29. apr., 14h - 30. apr., 19h
Pridružite se končnemu navideznemu dogodku strežnika Windows Server 29.–30. aprila za tehnične seje z globokim potopom in vprašanjih v živo z Microsoftovimi inženirji.
Prijavite se zdaj