Microsoft Monetize - Basic Buy-Side setup procedures
This page provides a list of procedures needed to get your buying objects quickly setup on the Microsoft Advertising platform. You can use these to set up media buying on behalf of your company or, if you're an agency, your advertisers.
The sequence of procedures you follow depends on whether you plan to use Standard line items or Augmented Line Items (ALI). Note that ALIs cannot be used with legacy insertion orders.
Determine which type of line item you are currently using.
The images below can help you determine which type of line item you are currently using.
Standard Line Item
Augmented Line Item
Use the following table to find the correct procedures for your setup.
The Microsoft commercial marketplace is a catalog of cloud applications and services that contains offerings from Microsoft and thousands of partners. In this learning path, you'll be introduced to concepts that will help your organization get ready to sell your cloud products and services through the commercial marketplace.