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Environment variables FAQ

This article answers frequently asked questions about working with environment variables and the Azure Developer CLI (azd).

What are the differences between azd environment variables and system environment variables?

azd environment variables are stored in the .env file in the .azure/<environment name> directory of your project and are separate from your system/OS environment variables. azd environment variables configure template provisioning and deployment tasks and are accessible using commands such as azd env or azd env get-values.

A screenshot of the environment folder structure.

System environment variables are not directly accessible through azd commands and should be managed with custom shell or PowerShell scripts, generally using azd hooks.

Can azd commands directly read and write system environment variables?

No, azd commands cannot read or write system environment variables. Commands such as azd env set or azd env get-values operate on values stored in the template .env file for a specific azd environment. azd environments are managed using subfolders in the .azure/<environment name> directory of your project template, which enables your template to have multiple environments. Environment subfolders hold configuration files such as .env that describe the environment.

Use custom shell or PowerShell scripts with azd hooks to read or write system level environment variables.

What is the relationship between output variables set in the main.bicep file and azd environment variables?

Output variables set in the main.bicep file are automatically stored in the .env file of your azd template. Consider the following output variables in a main.bicep template infrastructure file:

output API_BASE_URL string = api.outputs.SERVICE_API_URI
output REACT_APP_WEB_BASE_URL string = web.outputs.SERVICE_WEB_URI

After a successful azd up or azd provision, azd writes these two variables to the .env file in the .azure/<environment name> directory of your project:

output REACT_APP_WEB_BASE_URL="<example-app-url>"

You can then access those variables from the .env file using azd env get-values.

Which environment variables are set in the .env file by default?

The following environment variables are set in the .env file by default:

Name Description Example values When available
AZURE_ENV_NAME The name of the environment in-use. todo-app-dev When an environment is created (after running azd init or azd env new, for example).
AZURE_LOCATION The location of the environment in-use. eastus2 Right before an environment is provisioned for the first time.
AZURE_PRINCIPAL_ID The running user/service principal. 925cff12-ffff-4e9f-9580-8c06239dcaa4 Determined automatically during provisioning (ephemeral).
AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID The targeted subscription. 925cff12-ffff-4e9f-9580-8c06239dcaa4 Right before an environment is provisioned for the first time.
SERVICE_<service>_IMAGE_NAME The full name of the container image published to Azure Container Registry for container app services. todoapp/web-dev:azdev-deploy-1664988805 After a successful publishing of a containerapp image

Retrieve azd environment variables using the azd env get-values command.

Azure Developer CLI
azd env get-values

Common reasons to access azd environment variables include the following:

  • Perform additional configuration in hook scripts.
  • Expose the .env values from the template to the application code framework, such as Node.js or .NET.
  • Write the .env values to system environment variables.


Use caution when setting system environment variables, as they can cause conflicts with other templates that share the same environment variable names.

How do I manually set a new azd environment variable?

Set additional azd environment variables using the azd env set command, providing the key and value for your variable.

Common reasons to set azd environment variables include the following:

  • Access Azure resource information created during provisioning that is needed during deployment.
  • Override or change default azd environment variable values.
  • Provide additional custom configuration values for use in provisioning, deployment, or custom scripts.
Azure Developer CLI
azd env set MY_KEY MyValue

How do I copy or write azd environment variables as system environment variables?

In some scenarios you may want to copy azd environment variables to another environment file or to your system environment for use by language frameworks. For example, you may want to use endpoint URLs from provisioned Azure services to connect to those services in your app code. Use custom scripts to retrieve azd environment variables and then set them as system environment variables. It's common to run these scripts as hooks during the azd lifecycle, as seen in the following example:


Use caution when copying azd environment variables to your local system or other operating environments. System environment variables with matching names can be picked up by azd and cause conflicts between different azd templates or different azd environments.

        shell: pwsh
        run: ./scripts/map-env-vars.ps1
        interactive: false
        continueOnError: false
        shell: sh
        run: ./scripts/map-env-vars.sh
        interactive: false
        continueOnError: false

The referenced shell script for Linux retrieves the azd environment variables and exports them as system environment variables:

echo "Loading azd .env file from current environment..."

while IFS='=' read -r key value; do
    value=$(echo "$value" | sed 's/^"//' | sed 's/"$//')
    export "$key=$value"
done <<EOF
$(azd env get-values)

The referenced PowerShell script for Windows retrieves the azd environment variables and exports them as system environment variables:

Write-Host "Loading azd .env file from current environment"
foreach ($line in (& azd env get-values)) {
    if ($line -match "([^=]+)=(.*)") {
        $key = $matches[1]
        $value = $matches[2] -replace '^"|"$'
        [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable($key, $value)

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