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MixedRealityInspectorUtility Class


This class has handy inspector utilities and functions.

public ref class MixedRealityInspectorUtility abstract sealed




AddMixedRealityToolkitToScene(MixedRealityToolkitConfigurationProfile, Boolean)

If MRTK is not initialized in scene, adds and initializes instance to current scene


If MRTK is not initialized in scene, adds and initializes instance to current scene

AxisMoveHandle(Object, Vector3, Vector3, Single, Single, Boolean, Boolean)

Draw an axis move handle.


Centers an editor window on the main display.


Check and make sure we have a Mixed Reality Toolkit and an active profile.

CircleMoveHandle(Object, Vector3, Single, Single, Single, Single, Boolean, Boolean)

Draw a Circle Move Handle.

DrawProfileDropDownList(SerializedProperty, BaseMixedRealityProfile, Object, Type, Boolean, Boolean)

Draws a dropdown with all available profiles of profilyType.

DrawProfileDropDownList(SerializedProperty, BaseMixedRealityProfile, Object, Type, Boolean)

Draws a dropdown with all available profiles of profilyType.

DrawProfileDropDownList(SerializedProperty, BaseMixedRealityProfile, Object, Type[], Boolean, Boolean)

Draws a dropdown with all available profiles of types contained in the array profilyTypes.

DrawSubProfileEditor(Object, Boolean)

Draws an editor for a profile object.


Returns the default config profile, if it exists.


Given a list of MixedRealityToolkitConfigurationProfile objects, returns the one that matches the default profile name.


Found at https://answers.unity.com/questions/960413/editor-window-how-to-center-a-window.html


Render the Mixed Reality Toolkit Logo.

RotationHandle(Object, Vector3, Quaternion, Single, Boolean, Boolean)

Draw a rotation handle.

SphereMoveHandle(Object, Vector3, Single, Single, Single, Single, Boolean, Boolean)

Draw a sphere move handle.

SquareMoveHandle(Object, Vector3, Single, Single, Single, Single, Boolean, Boolean)

Draw a square move handle.

VectorHandle(Object, Vector3, Vector3, Boolean, Boolean, Single, Single, Boolean, Boolean)

Draw a vector handle.

Applies to

Производ Верзије
MRTK2 Unity 2018 2.5.0, 2.5.1, 2.5.2, 2.5.3, 2.5.4, 2.6.0, 2.7.0
MRTK2 Unity 2019 2.5.0, 2.5.1, 2.5.2, 2.5.3, 2.5.4, 2.6.0, 2.7.0, 2.8.0
MRTK2 Unity 2020 2.5.2, 2.5.3, 2.5.4, 2.6.0, 2.7.0, 2.8.0