Поwер БИ ДатаВиз Светско првенство
14. феб 16 - 31. мар 16
Са 4 шансе за улазак, можете освојити конференцијски пакет и стићи до ЛИВЕ Гранд Финале у Лас Вегасу
Сазнајте вишеОвај прегледач више није подржан.
Надоградите на Microsoft Edge бисте искористили најновије функције, безбедносне исправке и техничку подршку.
This article outlines the key factors to consider before submitting a support ticket. While most people inherently understand this process, there can be situations where urgency for the creation of the support ticket can lead to some steps being skipped or rushed. The steps are essential as they enable our support organization, processes, and other relevant Microsoft Teams to address your request promptly.
When you submit a support ticket, the key to helping us assist you is to triage the issue beforehand. This might involve your IT department, a business super-user, or a service agreement with an implementation partner or an independent software vendor (ISV). The purpose of the triage is to ensure the following:
Ensure you gather all the necessary information before opening a support ticket, and that it clearly and concisely describes the issue.
Microsoft offers several support plan options for Dynamics. Ensure you understand the features of each support plan and select the one appropriate for your situation. If you're working with an implementation partner, they might want to open the support request using their plan.
Clearly articulating the problem statement in your support ticket is crucial for us to assist you effectively. This not only ensures that your ticket is directed to the right team but also helps the support engineer understand the issue more quickly. Remember, engineers take cases from various customers, so they might not always be familiar with your company-specific or industry terminologies.
Making sure that the problem description contains all the relevant information in the first round of communication can expedite the resolution process. The description should contain the following information:
The customer impact statement is important for the support engineer and engineering teams to prioritize and properly route the ticket. If the request is urgent and/or high severity, the support engineer asks for this statement anyway. Providing the full impact statement at the beginning makes the support process more efficient, requiring less communication.
Поwер БИ ДатаВиз Светско првенство
14. феб 16 - 31. мар 16
Са 4 шансе за улазак, можете освојити конференцијски пакет и стићи до ЛИВЕ Гранд Финале у Лас Вегасу
Сазнајте вишеОбука
Describe support offerings for Microsoft 365 services - Training
Learn about how people and organizations can get the most out of their technology through Microsoft 365 support offerings and help improve Microsoft 365 services.
Microsoft Certified: Dynamics 365 Customer Service Functional Consultant Associate - Certifications
Improve business processes for customer service functions, such as automatic case creation and queue management with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service.
Dynamics 365 technical and billing support - Dynamics 365
Learn where to get support for technical issues or other questions, based on the Dynamics 365 product and license you use.
Документација за Dynamics 365 - Dynamics 365
Откријте како да примените, прилагодите и користите Microsoft Dynamics 365 услуге и апликације и управљате њима. Проналажење веза до документације, обуке, узорака кода, упутстава и још много тога.
Наведите повратне информације о нашој документацији - Dynamics 365
Сазнајте како можете да нам обезбедите повратне информације о Microsoft Dynamics 365 документацији и како можете да предложите нове функције или могућности за производ.