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Planning HoloLens 2 deployment in a commercial environment


HoloLens 2 is a Windows device. It runs on Windows 10 Holographic, which provides organizations with robust, flexible, built-in mobile device and app management technologies.

Windows 10 Holographic supports end-to-end device lifecycle management, giving you control over your devices, data, and apps. HoloLens 2 uses a comprehensive mobile device management solution that enables it to be incorporated into standard lifecycle practices, from device enrollment, configuration, and application management up through maintenance and retirement.

The following steps and video will help guide you through the process of deploying HoloLens 2 within your organization.

Step 1.
Prepare:   Learn about Microsoft tools and services used for deployment.
Step 2.
Configure:   Learn about setting up and adding devices to your deployment.
Step 3.
Deploy:   Learn about deploying your applications and devices.
Step 4.
Maintain:   Learn about maintaining and managing your deployment.

Before you start

If you already know the basics of HoloLens, you can skip this step. If not, you can learn:

You can start learning to use HoloLens 2 by:

Deployment types

Learn about the Common Deployment Scenarios:

The deployment method for your commercial device deployment will depend on your use case.

Use case What it will do
Remote Assistance Enable your employees to remote in an expert anytime they need it.
Guides & Task Management Walk employees step-by-step through guided experiences to help them complete tasks faster and more accurately than ever before.
Restricted offline device deployment Lock down HoloLens 2 for use in secure environments
Training & Simulation Train and onboard new employees faster than ever using a "learning by doing" approach.
Design & Prototyping Convert your CAD and BIM files to 3D digital twins to quickly iterate and collaborate on new product designs.
Sales Assistance Carry less inventory and close large ticket sales faster by using mixed reality to showcase any configuration or customization to your customer.
Contextual Data Overlays Make pertinent and real-time data available when and where it is needed, enabling your employees to make better, faster, more informed decisions.

The tools and processes you use to deploy HoloLens 2 will vary depending on your use case, so determine your objectives before proceeding.


Learn about the tools and services you'll need for your HoloLens device deployment.

Microsoft tools and services used for deployment:

How Microsoft tools and services used to deploy HoloLens 2 devices:


Learn about setting up a new network for your HoloLens 2 devices and adding them to a Microsoft Entra tenant.



Device Management


Learn about distributing your HoloLens 2 applications and validating your HoloLens 2 devices.


Learn about updating, validating, supporting, and managing your HoloLens 2 device deployments.




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