Мицрософт 365 Цоммунитy Цонференце
6. мај 14 - 9. мај 00
Вештина за еру АИ на крајњем Мицрософт 365 догађају под водством заједнице, 6-8. маја у Лас Вегасу.
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The Microsoft Teams Electronic Health Record (EHR) connector Virtual Appointments report in the Microsoft Teams admin center gives you a quick and easy way to view Teams EHR-integrated virtual appointments usage in your organization.
To view the report, you must be a Teams Administrator, Global Reader, Reports Reader, or Global Administrator.
Microsoft recommends that you use roles with the fewest permissions. This helps improve security for your organization. Global Administrator is a highly privileged role that should be limited to emergency scenarios when you can't use a less-privileged role.
There are two ways to access and view the report in the Teams admin center.
In the dashboard of the Microsoft Teams admin center, go to the EHR connector Virtual Appointments card.
Here, you get an at-a-glance view of Teams EHR-integrated virtual appointment activity by month, including completed appointments, remaining allocation, and whether you exceeded the monthly limit (depending on the license you have).
Choose View details to view the report. To purchase more licenses, choose Buy more.
In the left navigation of the Teams admin center, go to Analytics & reports > Usage reports.
On the View reports tab, choose EHR connector Virtual Appointments and a date range. Then, select Run report.
Callout | Description |
1 | Each report shows the date for when the report was generated and the date range you chose. |
2 | The table gives you detailed information about each appointment that took place during the selected date range. Keep in mind that you won't see entries for appointments in which either a staff member or patient didn't join.
3 | You can export the report to a CSV file for offline analysis. Select Export to Excel to download the report. |
4 | Select Filter to filter the report details view. |
5 | Select Full screen to view the report in full screen mode. |
6 | Select Edit columns to add or remove columns in the table |
For more analytics on Teams EHR-integrated virtual appointments, see Virtual Appointments usage report. With the Virtual Appointments usage report, you can view key metrics such as total appointments, lobby wait time, appointment duration, and no shows. Use this information to gain insight into usage trends to help you optimize Virtual Appointments to deliver better business outcomes.
Мицрософт 365 Цоммунитy Цонференце
6. мај 14 - 9. мај 00
Вештина за еру АИ на крајњем Мицрософт 365 догађају под водством заједнице, 6-8. маја у Лас Вегасу.
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Monitor your Microsoft Teams environment - Training
Learn about different reports and dashboards to monitor your Teams environment, including Microsoft 365 and Teams usage reports, Microsoft Adoption Score, Microsoft Entra ID, access reviews, and Microsoft 365 network connectivity dashboard.
Microsoft 365 Certified: Teams Administrator Associate - Certifications
Demonstrate skills to plan, deploy, configure, and manage Microsoft Teams to focus on efficient and effective collaboration and communication in a Microsoft 365 environment.