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Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization - Training
Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization
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To check out the latest features of Microsoft Edge DevTools and the Microsoft Edge DevTools extension for Microsoft Visual Studio Code and Visual Studio, read these announcements.
To stay up to date and get the latest DevTools features, download an Insiders preview version of Microsoft Edge. Whether you're on Windows, Linux, or macOS, consider using Canary (or another preview channel) as your default development browser. The Beta, Dev, and Canary versions of Microsoft Edge run as separate apps, side-by-side with the stable, released version of Microsoft Edge. See Microsoft Edge Insider Channels.
For the latest announcements, follow the Microsoft Edge team on Twitter. To report a problem with DevTools or ask for a new feature, file an issue in the MicrosoftEdge/DevTools repo.
In the Performance tool, the duplicate Selector Stats label has been removed from the Recalculate Style
event details.
The Enable advanced rendering instrumentation (slow) checkbox has been renamed to Enable advanced paint instrumentation (slow). Selecting this checkbox now only turns on paint instrumentation, and no longer turns on CSS selector stats as well. To enable gathering CSS selector stats, in the Performance tool, select the Capture settings () button, and then select the Enable CSS selector stats (slow) checkbox.
See also:
In recent versions of Microsoft Edge, some context menus in the Activity Bar displayed empty whitespace in the header area at the top:
The top of each context menu now shows the title again:
In the Memory tool, there are several improvements for heap snapshots:
Generating heap snapshots is now faster.
HTML elements are grouped by tag name, such as <body>
, <div>
, or <img>
Shallow sizes now match JavaScript semantics better, by showing fewer internal objects (unless you select the Show option to expose internals in heap snapshots experiment checkbox and then, before taking a snapshot, select the Expose internals (includes additional implementation-specific details) checkbox).
The Include numerical values in capture checkbox (shown before you take a heap snapshot) has been removed, and heap snapshots now always show numeric values.
See also:
WebSocket activities have been added to the Network track in the Performance tool, to help correlate JavaScript activity with WebSocket messages. This can help identify whether latency issues are coming from the client's parsing of a message, or from the server's response.
See also:
Microsoft Edge 128 also includes the following updates from the Chromium project:
Путања учења
Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization - Training
Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization
What's New in DevTools (Microsoft Edge 127) - Microsoft Edge Developer documentation
Use Copilot to explain HTML and CSS in the Elements tool. And more.
What's New in DevTools (Microsoft Edge 129) - Microsoft Edge Developer documentation
Unique breakpoint icons. Fixed CSS selector stats Copy table. Added Activity Bar icons. Fixed Security tool icons and device emulation. And more.
What's New in DevTools (Microsoft Edge 131) - Microsoft Edge Developer documentation
Can disable Edge experiment settings. View CSS selector stats information in Insights tab of sidebar panel in Performance tool. Fixed edit field to exit after pressing tab after auto-completion. Removed Visual Studio Code themes. And more.