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Using DirectQuery in the Tabular BI Semantic Model

SQL Server Technical Article



Writer: Cathy Dumas, Business Intelligence Consultant, Avantage Partners.

Contributors: Marius Dumitru, Akshai Mirchandani, Edward Melomed, Karen Aleksanyan, Bob Meyers, Siva Harinath

Technical Reviewers: TK Anand, Greg Galloway, Marius Dumitru, Edward Melomed, Willfried Färber, Alberto Ferrari

Published: April 2012

Applies to: SQL Server 2012


Summary: This paper introduces DirectQuery, a mechanism for directly querying a SQL Server data source for Analysis Services tabular models. Readers will learn when and how to use DirectQuery in SQL Server 2012.


To review the document, please download the Using DirectQuery in the Tabular BI Semantic Model Word document.

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