Прочитај на енглеском

Делите путем

Offset Element

Defines a three-dimensional (3-D) translation for the specified object.


    value="0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000" />



The translation vector in the form (x, y, z). The default value is (0, 0, 0)

Parent/Child Elements

Hierarchy Elements
Parent Properties
Child None


You may also apply key-frame animation to properties such as Offset. For example, the following excerpt from the provided custom XML file demonstrates how to linearly interpolate the value of the Offset property. In this case, the Offset element takes on several Point child elements.

  <Offset type="float3" evaluation="Linear" >
    <Point time="0.000000" value="-0.209169, 0.114583, 0.000000" />
    <Point time="0.900000" value="-0.209169, 0.114583, 0.000000" />
    <Point time="1.000000" value="-0.209169, 0.114583, 0.000000" />


Client: Windows Vista

See Also