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The RASUPDATECONN structure is used to update an active RAS connection.


typedef struct _RASUPDATECONN {
  RASAPIVERSION     version;
  DWORD             dwSize;
  DWORD             dwFlags;
  DWORD             dwIfIndex;


  • version
    A RASAPIVERSION value that specifies the structure version.

  • dwSize
    The size, in bytes, of the RASUPDATECONN structure.

  • dwFlags
    Reserved. Do not use.

  • dwIfIndex
    A value that specifies the new interface index of the Virtual Private Network (VPN) endpoint.

  • localEndPoint
    A RASTUNNELENDPOINT structure that contains the new local client information of the VPN endpoint.

  • remoteEndPoint
    A RASTUNNELENDPOINT structure that contains the new remote server information of the VPN endpoint.


The table below describes the effect of different member combinations in the RASUPDATECONN structure.

Case Number remoteEndPoint dwIfIndex localEndPoint Description of MOBIKE Switch
1 Not Specified Not Specified Not Specified The current localEndPoint and remoteEndPoint are used to perform the MOBIKE switch. This combination can be used over an unreliable connections.
2 Not Specified Not Specified Specified The specified localEndPoint and current remoteEndPoint are used to perform the MOBIKE switch only if they are the same tunnel type (their dwType members match).
3 Not Specified Specified Not Specified Two things may happen:
  • If the IP address corresponding to the tunnel's dwType is available on the interface specified by dwIfIndex, then that IP address and the current remoteEndPoint are used to perform the MOBIKE switch.
  • If the IP address corresponding to the tunnel's dwType is not available on the interface specified by dwIfIndex, then additional server IP addresses of dwType are used for remoteEndPoint if they are avilable on the interface.
4 Specified Not Specified Not Specified The specified remoteEndPoint and the current localEndPoint are used to perform the MOBIKE switch only if their dwType members match. The remoteEndPoint should be from the additional address provided by the server or it should be the same as the current remoteEndPoint.
5 Not Specified Specified Specified The specified localEndPoint and the current remoteEndPoint are used only if their dwType members match. The specified dwIfIndex should be the same as the interface index corresponding to the localEndPoint.
6 Specified Not Specified Specified The specified remoteEndPoint and the specified localEndPoint are used to perform the MOBIKE switch only if they are the same tunnel type.
7 Specified Specified Not Specified Any of the IP addresses available on the interface specified by dwIfIndex whose dwType matches remoteEndPoint can be used as the IP address for the localEndPoint in order to perform the MOBIKE update.
8 Specified Specified Specified Similar to case 6. Note - The interface index should be the same as the interface index corresponding to the localEndPoint.



Minimum supported client

Windows 7 [desktop apps only]

Minimum supported server

Windows Server 2008 R2 [desktop apps only]



See also

Remote Access Service (RAS) Overview

Remote Access Service Structures
