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IGameStatistics Interface

The IGameStatistics interface provides methods to manipulate user statistics through the preview pane in Windows Games Explorer.


This interface is supported on Windows platforms beginning with the Windows 7 release.

The following methods are supported by the IGameStatistics interface:

Method Description
GetCategoryTitle Retrieves the title for the indexed statistics category.
GetLastPlayedCategory Retrieves the category last set using SetLastPlayedCategory
GetMaxCategories Retrieves the maximum number of categories supported by the system.
GetMaxCategoryLength Retrieves the maximum number of characters in a category name.
GetMaxNameLength Retrieves the maximum number of characters in a statistic name.
GetMaxStatsPerCategory Retrieves thee maximum number of statistics per category supported by the system.
GetMaxValueLength Retrieves the maximum number of characters in a statistic value.
GetStatistic Retrieves the value of the statistic value, if it is set.
Save Saves all changes made since the interface was created.
SetCategoryTitle Retrieves the category title name for the indexed statistics category.
SetLastPlayedCategory Sets the category in Windows Games Explorer which is display the next time the user views their statistics.
SetStatistic Sets the name and value of the indexed statistic.


interface class IGameStatistics


Header: Declared in GameUX.h.

See Also

Windows Games Explorer Interfaces for Windows 7