Using the Microsoft C Runtime with User-Mode Drivers and Desktop Apps
If you are building applications or drivers for Windows 10, you only need to read this section. If you are using a version of Visual Studio earlier than Visual Studio 2015, skip this section and start with Redistributing the C Runtime (applies to before Visual Studio 2015).
Starting in Visual Studio 2015, the Universal C Runtime (UCRT) encompasses the C runtime. The other pieces required for a complete program (C/C++ Language Features, C++ Library) are provided by Visual Studio in the VC++ Redistributable. To avoid a runtime redistribution requirement, those pieces are statically linked.
When building a user-mode driver project in Visual Studio, if you set PlatformToolset to WindowsUserModeDriver10.0, the toolset ignores any runtime library specified in the project and instead links statically against the VC++ Runtime and dynamically against the UCRT. When using this toolset, this hybrid linking behavior cannot be reconfigured.
If you're not using the WindowsUserModeDriver10.0 toolset, use the following procedure to make modifications (for example include another DLL):
Set to link statically in general: Properties > C/C++ > Code Generation > Runtime Library = Multi-threaded (/MT)
Remove the statically linked UCRT: Properties > Linker > Input > Ignore Specific Default Libraries += libucrt.lib
Redistributing the C Runtime (applies to before Visual Studio 2015)
All information below this point applies only to pre-2015. Prior to 2015, there were two separate versions of the C Runtime: the Visual C++ Runtime (VCRT, for example msvcr120.dll) and the legacy Windows CRT (msvcrt.dll).
Visual Studio installs the latest version of the VCRT into the System32 directory. If the file is not in this location, you can copy it directly into the build directory of your Visual C++ project.
If your user-mode driver or desktop application uses the VCRT, you must distribute the appropriate dynamic-link libraries. Use the Visual C++ Redistributable Package (VCRedist_x86.exe, VCRedist_x64.exe, VCRedist_arm.exe). Chain the redistributable package in with other binaries, and the redistributable package will receive automatic updates.
If you want to achieve isolation or avoid the dependency on the VC++ Redistributable, you can link statically to the CRT instead.
While non-driver projects are usually able to copy the specific Visual C/C++ DLLs to the application local folder (where the application is installed) to avoid a dependency on the VC++ Redistributable, app-local deployment is not appropriate for a driver.
Do not copy individual CRT components to System32 instead of using a redistributable package. This may cause the CRT not to be serviced automatically, and potentially to be overwritten.
The following special considerations apply for printer drivers:
These drivers should include the required CRT files in the INF, so the CRT files are copied to the driver store as part of the driver payload.
V4 print drivers cannot use a co-installer for setup, so the INF must copy relevant binaries of the C/C++ runtime library to the driver store. To do this, reference the appropriate files in the [COPY_FILES] section of the driver package.
V3 print drivers should not use co-installers for setup, as they are not run during Point and Print connections. These drivers should reference the appropriate files in the [COPY_FILES] section of the driver package.
The following is an example of how to include the CRT binaries in the [COPY_FILES] section of an INF:
Statically link your driver against the CRT to include the runtime in the binary. In this case, you do not need to redistribute the CRT.
Linking your code with the C Runtime libraries (applies to before Visual Studio 2015)
To determine which DLLs you must redistribute with your application, collect a list of the DLLs that your application depends on. One way to collect the list is to run Dependency Walker (depends.exe).
Windows developers have various options for creating applications that run on Windows. This module introduces the native Windows UI frameworks that are available for Windows development. It also provides guidance on how to choose the best framework for your application.
Describes how binary compatibility works between compiled C++ files in Visual Studio 2015, 2017, 2019, and 2022. One Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable package works for all three versions.