Learn how to create a recommendation digest for your Advisor recommendations.
Configure your recommendation digest
Recomendation digests provide an easy and proactive way to configure notifications that summarize a list of your active recommendations across multiple categories. Use one or more action groups to choose your desired channel for notifications like email, SMS, or others. To configure your recommendation digest, complete the following parameters.
Frequency for the summary notification is weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly.
Recommendation Category
The recommendation categories include cost, operational excellence, performance, reliability, and security.
Language for the digest.
Action Groups
Select either an existing action group or create a new action group. To learn more about action groups, see Action groups.
Recommendation digest name
Use a user-friendly string to manage the digest.
Create a recommendation digest in Advisor
To create a recommendation digest, complete the following actions.
On Advisor | Overview, on the menu for Advisor, select Monitoring > Recommendation digests.
Select Create recommendation digest.
On Add an Advisor recommendation digest > Scope, in the drop-down menu next to Subscription, select the subscription for your digest.
On Add an Advisor recommendation digest > Condition, complete the following actions.
In the drop-down menu next to Frequency, select how often you receive the notification for your digest.
In the drop-down menu next to Recommendation Category, select the category of your digest.
In the drop-down menu next to Language, select the language of your digest.
On Add an Advisor recommendation digest > Action Groups, select an existing Action Group Name or create a new action group for your digest. To learn more, see Action groups.
On Add an Advisor recommendation digest > Digest Details, complete the following actions.
In the text box next to Recommendation digest name, enter the name of your digest.
Next to Enable recommendation digest, toggle the switch to activate your digest.
Select Create recommendation digest.
Manage digest
Your organization configures the recommendation digests. You must have access to the digest action group to modify the properties. The Subscription administrator manages your access.
To manage a digest after you create it, complete the actions in the following sections.
Update digest
To edit your digest, complete the following actions.
On Advisor | Recommendation digests.
Select the text in the column under the Digest name heading.
On Edit Advisor recommendation digest > Condition, update the following drop-down menus.
In the drop-down menu next to Frequency, select how often you receive the notification for your digest.
In the drop-down menu next to Recommendation Category, select the category of your digest.
In the drop-down menu next to Language, select the language of your digest.
On Edit Advisor recommendation digest > Action Groups, update the following table.
Remove an existing Action Group Name and either select an existing Action Group Name or create a new action group for your digest. To learn more, see Action groups.
On Edit Advisor recommendation digest > Digest Details, update the following toggle switch.
Next to Enable recommendation digest, toggle the switch to activate or deactivate your digest.
On Edit Advisor recommendation digest
Select Save Changes.
Activate and deactivate digest
To deactivate or activate your digest, complete the following actions.
On Advisor | Recommendation digests.
Select the checkbox next to name of the digest.
To deactivate an active digest, select Disable.
To activate an inactive digest, select Enable.
Delete digest
After you delete a digest, restoration isn't an option and you must recreate the digest.
Unlike deactivation that is reversible; deletion is permanent.
To reactivate an inactive digest, select Enable. A digest set to Enable restarts notification using email.
To delete your digest, complete the following actions.
On Advisor | Recommendation digests.
Select the checkbox next to name of the digest.
Select Delete.
On Delete.
Select Yes.
Related articles
For more information about Advisor recommendations, see the following articles.