MathBuildUp function
Converts the linear-format math in a range to a built-up form, or modifies the current built-up form.
HRESULT MathBuildUp(
_Inout_ ITextRange2 *prg,
_In_ ITextStrings *pstrs,
_In_ long Flags
prg [in, out]
Type: ITextRange2*
On input, a text range object that contains the linearly formatted math expressions to be converted into built-up math. On output, the object contains the built-up math.
pstrs [in]
Type: ITextStrings*
Strings collection used for manipulations.
Flags [in]
Type: long
A combination of the following flags.
See Remarks.
If the MathBuildUp method is called on a nondegenerate range, the method checks the text for math italic conversions (if tomMathAlphabetics is specified) and math autocorrect conversions (if tomMathAutoCorrect or tomMathAutoCorrectExt is specified). Then, the method attempts to build up the selected text. If successful, the method replaces the previous text in the range with the built-up text. If the method makes any changes to the range, the function returns NOERROR and the range selects the result. If the method does change the range, it returns S_FALSE or a Component Object Model (COM) error code.
If the MathBuildUp method is called on a degenerate range, the MathBuildUp method treats the range as an insertion point (IP) immediately following the last character input. The method converts that character, possibly along with some preceding characters, to math italic (if tomMathAlphabetics is specified), internal math autocorrect (if tomMathAutoCorrect is specified), negated operators, and some operator pairs (if tomMathAutoCorrectOpPairs is specified). If the IP is inside an argument, the method scans a range of text from the IP back to the start of a math object argument; otherwise, the method scans to the start of the current math zone. The scan is terminated by a hard carriage return or a soft end-of-paragraph mark, because math zones are terminated by these marks. A scan forward from start of the math object argument or math zone bypasses text that has no chance of being built up. If the scan reaches the original entry IP, one of the following outcomes can occur:
- If the method made any changes, the function returns NOERROR and the range updated with the changed text.
- If the method made no changes, the function returns S_FALSE and leaves the range unchanged.
If the scan finds text that might get built up, the MathBuildUp method attempts to build up the text up to the insertion point. If successful, the method returns NOERROR, and the range is updated with the corresponding built-up text.
If this full build-up attempt fails, the MathBuildUp method does a partial build-up check for the expression immediately preceding the IP. If this succeeds, the method returns NOERROR and the range contains the linear text to be replaced by the built-up text.
If full and partial build-up attempts fail, the function returns as described previously for the cases where no build-up text was found. Other possible return values include E_INVALIDARG (if either interface pointer is NULL) and E_OUTOFMEMORY.
You should set the tomNeedTermOp flag should for formula autobuildup unless autocorrection has occurred that deletes the terminating blank. Autocorrection can occur when correcting text like \alpha when the user types a blank to force autocorrection.
This function is exported by the RichEdit 6.0 or later msftedit.dll.
Header |
Tom.h |
Msftedit.dll |