IoConnectInterrupt function (wdm.h)
The IoConnectInterrupt routine registers a device driver's InterruptService routine (ISR), so that it will be called when a device interrupts on any of a specified set of processors.
NTSTATUS IoConnectInterrupt(
[out] PKINTERRUPT *InterruptObject,
[in] PKSERVICE_ROUTINE ServiceRoutine,
[in, optional] PVOID ServiceContext,
[in, optional] PKSPIN_LOCK SpinLock,
[in] ULONG Vector,
[in] KIRQL Irql,
[in] KIRQL SynchronizeIrql,
[in] KINTERRUPT_MODE InterruptMode,
[in] BOOLEAN ShareVector,
[in] KAFFINITY ProcessorEnableMask,
[in] BOOLEAN FloatingSave
[out] InterruptObject
Pointer to the address of driver-supplied storage for a pointer to a set of interrupt objects. This pointer must be passed in subsequent calls to KeSynchronizeExecution.
[in] ServiceRoutine
Pointer to the entry point for the driver-supplied InterruptService routine.
[in, optional] ServiceContext
Pointer to the driver-determined context that will be supplied to the InterruptService routine when it is called. The ServiceContext area must be in resident memory: in the device extension of a driver-created device object, in the controller extension of a driver-created controller object, or in nonpaged pool allocated by the device driver. See Providing ISR Context Information for details.
[in, optional] SpinLock
Pointer to an initialized spin lock, for which the driver supplies the storage, that will be used to synchronize access to driver-determined data shared by other driver routines. This parameter is required if the ISR handles more than one vector or if the driver has more than one ISR. Otherwise, the driver need not allocate storage for an interrupt spin lock and the input pointer is NULL.
[in] Vector
Specifies the interrupt vector passed in the interrupt resource at the u.Interrupt.Vector member of CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR.
[in] Irql
Specifies the DIRQL passed in the interrupt resource at the u.Interrupt.Level member of CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR.
[in] SynchronizeIrql
Specifies the DIRQL at which the ISR will run. If the ISR handles more than one interrupt vector or the driver has more than one ISR, this value must be the highest of the Irql values passed at u.Interrupt.Level in each interrupt resource. Otherwise, the Irql and SynchronizeIrql values are identical.
[in] InterruptMode
Specifies whether the device interrupt is LevelSensitive or Latched.
[in] ShareVector
Specifies whether the interrupt vector is sharable.
[in] ProcessorEnableMask
Specifies a KAFFINITY value representing the set of processors on which device interrupts can occur in this platform. This value is passed in the interrupt resource at u.Interrupt.Affinity.
[in] FloatingSave
Specifies whether to save the floating-point stack when the driver's device interrupts. For x86-based and Itanium-based platforms, this value must be set to FALSE. For more information about saving floating-point and MMX state, see Using Floating Point or MMX in a WDM Driver.
IoConnectInterrupt can return one of the following NTSTATUS values:
STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER: No processors were specified.
STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES: There was not enough nonpaged pool.
New drivers should use the IoConnectInterruptEx routine, which is easier to use. Drivers for devices that support message-signaled interrupts (MSI) must use IoConnectInterruptEx.
A PnP driver should call IoConnectInterrupt as part of device start-up, before it completes the PnP IRP_MN_START_DEVICE request.
When a driver receives an IRP_MN_START_DEVICE request, the driver receives raw and translated hardware resources in the Parameters.StartDevice.AllocatedResources and Parameters.StartDevice.AllocatedResourcesTranslated members of the IRP's IO_STACK_LOCATION structure, respectively. To connect its interrupt, the driver uses the resources at AllocatedResourcesTranslated.List.PartialResourceList.PartialDescriptors[]. The driver must scan the array of partial descriptors for resources of type CmResourceTypeInterrupt.
If the driver supplies the storage for the SpinLock, it must call KeInitializeSpinLock before passing its interrupt spin lock to IoConnectInterrupt.
On return from a successful call to IoConnectInterrupt, the caller's ISR can be called if interrupts are enabled on the driver's device or if ShareVector was set to TRUE. Drivers must not enable interrupts until after IoConnectInterrupt returns.
Requirement | Value |
Minimum supported client | Available starting with Windows 2000. |
Target Platform | Universal |
Header | wdm.h (include Wdm.h, Ntddk.h, Ntifs.h) |
Library | NtosKrnl.lib |
DLL | NtosKrnl.exe |
DDI compliance rules | HwStorPortProhibitedDDIs(storport), IrqlIoPassive2(wdm), PowerIrpDDis(wdm) |