GrovePiCommand Enum


GroovePi commands to read, write, setup pins and access special sensors Note that those commands are supported in most of the recent firmware with version higher than 1.2.1

public enum GrovePiCommand


Name Value Description
DigitalRead 1

Digital read a pin, equivalent of digitalRead on Arduino

DigitalWrite 2

Digital write a pin, equivalent of digitalWrite on Arduino

AnalogRead 3

Analog read a pin, equivalent of analogRead on Arduino

AnalogWrite 4

Analog write a pin, equivalent of analogRead on Arduino

PinMode 5

Set the Pin moden, equivalent of pinMode on Arduino

UltrasonicRead 7

Ultrasonic sensor

Version 8

Get the version number

DhtTemp 40

DHT22 sensor

LedBarInitialization 50

Initialize the Led bar

LedBarOrientation 51

Set orientiation

LedBarLevel 52

Set level

LedBarSetOneLed 53

Set an individual led

LedBarToggleOneLed 54

Toggle an individual led

LedBarSet 55

Set all leds

LetBarGet 56

Get the led status

FourDigitInit 70

Initialize na 4 digit display

FourDigitBrightness 71

Set brightness, not visible until next cmd

FourDigitValue 72

Set numeric value without leading zeros

FourDigitValueZeros 73

Set numeric value with leading zeros

FourDigitIndividualDigit 74

Set individual digit

FourDigitIndividualLeds 75

Set individual leds of a segment

FourDigitScore 76

Set left and right values with colon

FourDigitAnalogRead 77

Analog read for n seconds

FourDigitAllOn 78

Entire display on

FourDigitAllOff 79

Entire display off

Applies to

Produkt Versioner
.NET IoT Libraries 1.0.0, 1.1.0, 1.2.0, 1.3.0, 1.4.0, 1.5.0, 2.0.0, 2.1.0, 2.2.0