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Switch<T>.Cases Property


Represents the dictionary of potential execution paths. Each entry contains a key and an activity that is executed when the result of the expression matches the key.

 property System::Collections::Generic::IDictionary<T, System::Activities::Activity ^> ^ Cases { System::Collections::Generic::IDictionary<T, System::Activities::Activity ^> ^ get(); };
public System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<T,System.Activities.Activity> Cases { get; }
member this.Cases : System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<'T, System.Activities.Activity>
Public ReadOnly Property Cases As IDictionary(Of T, Activity)

Property Value

The execution paths.


The following code sample demonstrates setting the Cases property of a Switch<T> activity.

// check if the number is ok...
new Switch<int>()
    DisplayName = "Verify Value from User",
    Expression = ExpressionServices.Convert<int>( env => numberFromUser.Get(env).CompareTo(numberToGuess.Get(env)) ),
    Cases =
        { 0, new Assign<bool>()
                To = new OutArgument<bool>(finished),
                Value = true
        {  1, new WriteLine() { Text = "    Try a lower number number..." } },
        { -1, new WriteLine() { Text = "    Try a higher number" } }


When the activity executes, the case that is executed is the first case whose key matches the Expression property.

Applies to