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What's New in DevTools (Microsoft Edge 130)

These are the latest features in the Stable release of Microsoft Edge DevTools.

Detached Elements profiling type in Memory tool

The Memory tool has a new profiling type called Detached elements, which shows detached objects that are retained by a JavaScript reference:

Detached elements profiling type

The Detached elements profiling type shows a view of the detached nodes to help you identify memory leaks on your webpage:

Detached elements view

See also:

Improved names of JavaScript objects in heap snapshots

To help differentiate plain JavaScript objects in the Object category, they are now named and categorized based on the properties they contain. These names are also searchable if you press Ctrl+F.

See also:

Create a collection or environment in Network Console

Previously, in the Network Console tool, when you tried to create a new collection or environment, it was unresponsive and wouldn't save after pressing Enter. This bug is fixed and functionality has been restored.

Network Console collection and environment

See also:

Fixed icon alignment in vertical Activity Bar

When the Activity Bar was vertical, the icons were left-aligned:

Broken activity bar icons

This has been fixed:

Fixed activity bar icons

See also:

Removed circle shadow when hover over toolbar icons

Many icons in the Activity Bar and other toolbars showed an overlapping circle and square shadow when you hovered over them:

Double shadow on icon

The double shadow has been removed, and the icon only shows the square shadow when you hover over it:

Single shadow on icon

See also:

Performance tool tab warning icon when throttling

When throttling is enabled in Device Emulation, a warning icon is displayed in the Performance tab of the toolbar to help you know that performance is impacted by throttling:

Performance tab warning icon

See also:

Console's Warnings count button has increased contrast

In the Console tool, the Warning count expander button on warning messages in the Console previously didn't meet the standard luminosity ratio of 3:1.

Low luminosity ratio for the Warning count expander button

This has now been fixed; the Warning count expander button has a higher luminosity ratio:

High luminosity ratio for the Warning count expander button

See also:

Announcements from the Chromium project

Microsoft Edge 130 also includes the following updates from the Chromium project:

See also