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Modernize SharePoint 2013 workflows

Modern business processes are essential for transforming organizational productivity in Microsoft 365. Since the release of SharePoint workflows, Microsoft has evolved workflow orchestration to not only encompass SharePoint, but all the productivity services you use with Microsoft 365 and beyond with Microsoft Power Automate. Power Automate connects to all Microsoft 365 services and over 220 other services to let an enterprise build custom workflows.

With the continued investment in Power Automate as the universal solution to workflow orchestration, SharePoint 2010 workflows are retired as of November 2020. SharePoint 2013 workflow has been deprecated since April 2023 and will be turned off for new tenants as of April 2, 2024. It will be removed from existing tenants and will be fully retired as of April 2, 2026. If you’re using SharePoint 2013 workflow, we recommend migrating to Power Automate or other supported solutions. For more info, see SharePoint 2013 workflow retirement in Microsoft 365.

Assessing your SharePoint 2013 workflow usage

Before you can plan to migrate your SharePoint 2013 workflows to Power Automate you first need to understand how many SharePoint 2013 workflows there are in your tenant, and for that you can use the Workflow 2013 Assessment tool. This tool will assess your tenant on SharePoint 2013 workflow usage and generates a Power BI report with the findings. This assessment tool allows you to not only identify the SharePoint 2013 workflows active in your tenant but it also evaluates if they should be migrated to a Power Automate flow before SharePoint 2013 workflows are retired.

Migrating from SharePoint 2013 workflow to Power Automate

Once you've defined a list of SharePoint 2013 workflows to migrate to Power Automate you use the Migrate from classic workflows to Power Automate flows in SharePoint article to get guidance.