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DML_ROI_ALIGN1_OPERATOR_DESC structure (directml.h)

Performs an ROI align operation, as described in the Mask R-CNN paper. In summary, the operation extracts cropped windows from the input image tensor, and resizes them to a common output size specified by the last 2 dimensions of OutputTensor using the specified InterpolationMode.

The general logic is as follows.

for every region roiIndex
    outputSizeX = OutputTensor.Sizes[3]
    outputSizeY = OutputTensor.Sizes[2]
    scaledRegionX1 = ROITensor[roiIndex, 0] * SpatialScaleX
    scaledRegionY1 = ROITensor[roiIndex, 1] * SpatialScaleY
    scaledRegionX2 = ROITensor[roiIndex, 2] * SpatialScaleX
    scaledRegionY2 = ROITensor[roiIndex, 3] * SpatialScaleY
    scaledRegionSizeX = scaledRegionX2 - scaledRegionX1
    scaledRegionSizeY = scaledRegionY2 - scaledRegionY1
    inputSamplesPerOutputSampleX = clamp(scaledRegionSizeX / outputSizeX, MinimumSamplesPerOutput, MaximumSamplesPerOutput)
    inputSamplesPerOutputSampleY = clamp(scaledRegionSizeY / outputSizeY, MinimumSamplesPerOutput, MaximumSamplesPerOutput)
    outputSampleSizeX = outputSizeX * inputSamplesPerOutputSampleX
    outputSampleSizeY = outputSizeY * inputSamplesPerOutputSampleY
    outputSampleToInputScaleX = scaledRegionSizeX / outputSampleSizeX
    outputSampleToInputScaleY = scaledRegionSizeX / outputSampleSizeX

    compute all output values

Compute all the output values for the current region as follows.

for every output tensor element x y and channel in the region
    outputValue = getOutputValue(channel, outputTensorX, outputTensorY)
    OutputTensor[roiIndex, channel, outputTensorY, outputTensorX] = outputValue

Compute each input sample for the output element as follows.

outputTensorSampleX = outputTensorX * inputSamplesPerOutputSampleX
outputTensorSampleY = outputTensorY * inputSamplesPerOutputSampleY
outputValue = 0
for sampleX from outputTensorSampleX to <= outputTensorSampleX + inputSamplesPerOutputSampleX
    for sampleY from outputTensorSampleY to <= outputTensorSampleY + inputSamplesPerOutputSampleY
        inputTensorX = (sampleX - OutputPixelOffset) * outputSampleToInputScaleX + scaledRegionX1 - InputPixelOffset
        inputTensorY = (sampleY - OutputPixelOffset) * outputSampleToInputScaleY + scaledRegionY1 - InputPixelOffset
        inputValue = interpolate2D(InputTensor, BatchIndicesTensor[roiIndex], channel, inputTensorX, inputTensorY)
        outputValue = either average or maximum with inputValue
return outputValue


ROI align examples


  const DML_TENSOR_DESC  *InputTensor;
  const DML_TENSOR_DESC  *ROITensor;
  const DML_TENSOR_DESC  *BatchIndicesTensor;
  const DML_TENSOR_DESC  *OutputTensor;
  DML_REDUCE_FUNCTION    ReductionFunction;
  FLOAT                  SpatialScaleX;
  FLOAT                  SpatialScaleY;
  FLOAT                  InputPixelOffset;
  FLOAT                  OutputPixelOffset;
  FLOAT                  OutOfBoundsInputValue;
  UINT                   MinimumSamplesPerOutput;
  UINT                   MaximumSamplesPerOutput;
  BOOL                   AlignRegionsToCorners;



Type: const DML_TENSOR_DESC*

A tensor containing the input data with dimensions { BatchCount, ChannelCount, InputHeight, InputWidth }.


Type: const DML_TENSOR_DESC*

A tensor containing the regions of interest (ROI) data, a series of bounding boxes in floating-point coordinates that point into the X and Y dimensions of the input tensor. The allowed dimensions of ROITensor are { NumROIs, 4 }, { 1, NumROIs, 4 }, or { 1, 1, NumROIs, 4 }. For each ROI, the values will be the coordinates of its top-left and bottom-right corners in the order [x1, y1, x2, y2]. Regions can be empty, meaning that all output pixels come from the single input coordinate, and regions can be inverted (for example, x2 less than x1), meaning that the output receives a mirrored/flipped version of the input. These coordinates are first scaled by SpatialScaleX and SpatialScaleY, but if they are both 1.0, then the region rectangles simply correspond directly to the input tensor coordinates.


Type: const DML_TENSOR_DESC*

A tensor containing the batch indices to extract the ROIs from. The allowed dimensions of BatchIndicesTensor are { NumROIs }, { 1, NumROIs }, { 1, 1, NumROIs }, or { 1, 1, 1, NumROIs }. Each value is the index of a batch from InputTensor. The behavior is undefined if the values are not in the range [0, BatchCount).


Type: const DML_TENSOR_DESC*

A tensor containing the output data. The expected dimensions of OutputTensor are { NumROIs, ChannelCount, OutputHeight, OutputWidth }.



The reduction function to use when reducing across all input samples that contribute to an output element (DML_REDUCE_FUNCTION_AVERAGE or DML_REDUCE_FUNCTION_MAX). The number of input samples to reduce across is bounded by MinimumSamplesPerOutput and MaximumSamplesPerOutput.



The interpolation mode to use when resizing the regions.

  • DML_INTERPOLATION_MODE_NEAREST_NEIGHBOR. Uses the nearest nighbor algorithm, which chooses the input element nearest to the corresponding pixel center for each output element.
  • DML_INTERPOLATION_MODE_LINEAR. Uses the bilinear algorithm, which computes the output element by doing the weighted average of the 2 nearest neighboring input elements per dimension. Since only 2 dimensions are resized, the weighted average is computed on a total of 4 input elements for each output element.



The X (or width) component of the scaling factor to multiply the ROITensor coordinates by in order to make them proportionate to InputHeight and InputWidth. For example, if ROITensor contains normalized coordinates (values in the range [0..1]), then SpatialScaleX would usually have the same value as InputWidth.



The Y (or height) component of the scaling factor to multiply the ROITensor coordinates by in order to make them proportionate to InputHeight and InputWidth. For example, if ROITensor contains normalized coordinates (values in the range [0..1]), then SpatialScaleY would usually have the same value as InputHeight.



The offset from (0,0) of the input coordinates to the top-left pixel center, typically either 0 or 0.5. When this value is 0, the top-left corner of the pixel is used instead of its center, which usually won't give the expected result, but is useful for compatibility with some frameworks. When this value is 0.5, pixels are treated as being at the center, which is the same behavior as DML_ROI_ALIGN_OPERATOR_DESC.



The offset from the top-left pixel center to (0,0) of the output coordinates, typically either 0 or -0.5. When this value is 0, the top-left corner of the pixel is used instead of its center, which usually won't give the expected result, but is useful for compatibility with some frameworks. When this value is -0.5, pixels are treated as being at the center, which is the same behavior as DML_ROI_ALIGN_OPERATOR_DESC.



The value to read from InputTensor when the ROIs are outside the bounds of InputTensor. This can happen when the values obtained after scaling ROITensor by SpatialScaleX and SpatialScaleY are bigger than InputWidth and InputHeight.


Type: UINT

The minimum number of input samples to use for every output element. The operator will calculate the number of input samples by doing ScaledCropSize / OutputSize, and then clamping it to MinimumSamplesPerOutput and MaximumSamplesPerOutput.


Type: UINT

The maximum number of input samples to use for every output element. The operator will calculate the number of input samples by doing ScaledCropSize / OutputSize, and then clamping it to MinimumSamplesPerOutput and MaximumSamplesPerOutput.


Type: BOOL

The output sample points in each region should be stretched out to the very corners of the region rather than evenly spread within the region. The default value is FALSE, which is the same behavior as DML_ROI_ALIGN_OPERATOR_DESC.



This operator was introduced in DML_FEATURE_LEVEL_4_0.

Tensor constraints

InputTensor, OutputTensor, and ROITensor must have the same DataType.

Tensor support

DML_FEATURE_LEVEL_5_0 and above

Tensor Kind Supported dimension counts Supported data types
InputTensor Input 4 FLOAT32, FLOAT16
ROITensor Input 2 to 4 FLOAT32, FLOAT16
BatchIndicesTensor Input 1 to 4 UINT64, UINT32
OutputTensor Output 4 FLOAT32, FLOAT16

DML_FEATURE_LEVEL_4_0 and above

Tensor Kind Supported dimension counts Supported data types
InputTensor Input 4 FLOAT32, FLOAT16
ROITensor Input 2 to 4 FLOAT32, FLOAT16
BatchIndicesTensor Input 1 to 4 UINT32
OutputTensor Output 4 FLOAT32, FLOAT16


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Build 22000
Minimum supported server Windows Build 22000
Header directml.h