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Migrating to the OpenAI JavaScript API library 4.x

As of June 2024, we recommend migrating to the OpenAI JavaScript API library 4.x, the latest version of the official OpenAI JavaScript client library that supports the Azure OpenAI Service API version 2022-12-01 and later. This article helps you bring you up to speed on the changes specific to Azure OpenAI.

Authenticating the client

There are several ways to authenticate API requests to Azure OpenAI. We highly recommend using Microsoft Entra ID tokens. See the Azure Identity documentation for more information.

Microsoft Entra ID

There are several ways to authenticate with the Azure OpenAI service using Microsoft Entra ID tokens. The default way is to use the DefaultAzureCredential class from the @azure/identity package, but your application might be using a different credential class. For the purposes of this guide, we assume that you are using the DefaultAzureCredential class. A credential can be created as follows:

import { DefaultAzureCredential } from "@azure/identity";
const credential = new DefaultAzureCredential();

This object is then passed to the second argument of the OpenAIClient and AssistantsClient client constructors.

In order to authenticate the AzureOpenAI client, however, we need to use the getBearerTokenProvider function from the @azure/identity package. This function creates a token provider that AzureOpenAI uses internally to obtain tokens for each request. The token provider is created as follows:

import { DefaultAzureCredential, getBearerTokenProvider } from "@azure/identity";
const credential = new DefaultAzureCredential();
const scope = "https://cognitiveservices.azure.com/.default";
const azureADTokenProvider = getBearerTokenProvider(credential, scope);

azureADTokenProvider is passed to the options object when creating the AzureOpenAI client.

(Highly Discouraged) API Key

API keys are not recommended for production use because they are less secure than other authentication methods. Previously, AzureKeyCredential objects were created as follows to authenticate OpenAIClient or AssistantsClient:

import { AzureKeyCredential } from "@azure/openai";
const apiKey = new AzureKeyCredential("your API key");

On the other hand, AzureOpenAI can be authenticated with an API key by setting the AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable or by setting the apiKey string property in the options object when creating the AzureOpenAI client.


Use API keys with caution. Don't include the API key directly in your code, and never post it publicly. If you use an API key, store it securely in Azure Key Vault. For more information about using API keys securely in your apps, see API keys with Azure Key Vault.

For more information about AI services security, see Authenticate requests to Azure AI services.

Constructing the client

import { AzureOpenAI } from "openai";
const deployment = "Your Azure OpenAI deployment";
const apiVersion = "2024-04-01-preview";
const options = { azureADTokenProvider, deployment, apiVersion }
const client = new AzureOpenAI(options);

The endpoint of the Azure OpenAI resource can be specified by setting the endpoint option but it can also be loaded by the client from the environment variable AZURE_OPENAI_ENDPOINT. This is the recommended way to set the endpoint because it allows the client to be used in different environments without changing the code and also to protect the endpoint from being exposed in the code.

The API version is required to be specified, this is necessary to ensure that existing code doesn't break between preview API versions. Refer to API versioning documentation to learn more about Azure OpenAI API versions. Additionally, the deployment property isn't required but it's recommended to be set. Once deployment is set, it's used as the default deployment for all operations that require it. If the client isn't created with the deployment option, the model property in the options object should be set with the deployment name. However, audio operations such as audio.transcriptions.create require the client to be created with the deployment option set to the deployment name.

API differences

There are key differences between the OpenAIClient and AssistantsClient clients and the AzureOpenAI client:

  • Operations are represented as a flat list of methods in both OpenAIClient and AssistantsClient, for example client.getChatCompletions. In AzureOpenAI, operations are grouped in nested groups, for example client.chat.completions.create.
  • OpenAIClient and AssistantsClient rename many of the names used in the Azure OpenAI service API. For example, snake case is used in the API but camel case is used in the client. In AzureOpenAI, names are kept the same as in the Azure OpenAI service API.

Migration examples

The following sections provide examples of how to migrate from OpenAIClient and AssistantsClient to AzureOpenAI.

Chat completions

const result = await client.chat.completions.create({ messages, model: '', max_tokens: 100 });

Note the following:

  • The getChatCompletions method has been replaced with the chat.completions.create method.
  • The messages parameter is now passed in the options object with the messages property.
  • The maxTokens property has been renamed to max_tokens and the deploymentName parameter has been removed. Generally, the names of the properties in the options object are the same as in the Azure OpenAI service API, following the snake case convention instead of the camel case convention used in the AssistantsClient. This is true for all the properties across all requests and responses in the AzureOpenAI client.
  • The deploymentName parameter isn't needed if the client was created with the deployment option. If the client was not created with the deployment option, the model property in the option object should be set with the deployment name.

Streaming chat completions

const stream = await client.chat.completions.create({ model: '', messages, max_tokens: 100, stream: true });

Azure On Your Data

import "@azure/openai/types";

const azureSearchEndpoint = "Your Azure Search resource endpoint";
const azureSearchIndexName = "Your Azure Search index name";
const result = await client.chat.completions.create({ model: '', messages, data_sources: [{
      type: "azure_search",
      parameters: {
        endpoint: azureSearchEndpoint,
        index_name: azureSearchIndexName,
        authentication: {
          type: "system_assigned_managed_identity",
  • "@azure/openai/types" is imported which adds Azure-specific definitions (for example, data_sources) to the client types.
  • The azureExtensionOptions property has been replaced with the inner data_sources property.
  • The parameters property has been added to wrap the parameters of the extension, which mirrors the schema of the Azure OpenAI service API.
  • Camel case properties have been replaced with snake case properties.

Audio transcription

import { createReadStream } from "fs";

const result = await client.audio.transcriptions.create({
  model: '',
  file: createReadStream(audioFilePath),
  • The getAudioTranscription method has been replaced with the audio.transcriptions.create method.
  • The AzureOpenAI has to be constructed with the deployment option set to the deployment name in order to use audio operations such as audio.transcriptions.create.
  • The model property is required to be set in the options object but its value isn't used in the operation so feel free to set it to any value.
  • The file property accepts various types including Buffer, fs.ReadaStream, and Blob but in this example, a file is streamed from disk using fs.createReadStream.

Audio translation

import { createReadStream } from "fs";

const result = await client.audio.translations.create({
  model: '',
  file: createReadStream(audioFilePath),
  • The getAudioTranslation method has been replaced with the audio.translations.create method.
  • All other changes are the same as in the audio transcription example.


The following examples show how to migrate some of the AssistantsClient methods.

Assistant creation

const options = ...;
const assistantResponse = await assistantsClient.beta.assistants.create(
  • The createAssistant method has been replaced with the beta.assistants.create method

Thread creation

The following example shows how to migrate the createThread method call.

const assistantThread = await assistantsClient.beta.threads.create();
  • The createThread method has been replaced with the beta.threads.create method

Message creation

The following example shows how to migrate the createMessage method call.

const threadResponse = await assistantsClient.beta.threads.messages.create(
    content: message,
  • The createMessage method has been replaced with the beta.threads.messages.create method.
  • The message specification has been moved from a parameter list to an object.


To run an assistant on a thread, the createRun method is used to create a run, and then a loop is used to poll the run status until it is in a terminal state. The following example shows how to migrate the run creation and polling.

This code can be migrated and simplified by using the createAndPoll method, which creates a run and polls it until it is in a terminal state.

const runResponse = await assistantsClient.beta.threads.runs.createAndPoll(
    assistant_id: assistantResponse.id,
  { pollIntervalMs: 500 }
  • The createRun method has been replaced with the beta.threads.runs.create and createAndPoll methods.
  • The createAndPoll method is used to create a run and poll it until it is in a terminal state.

Processing Run results

Pages can be looped through by using the for await loop.

for await (const runMessageDatum of runMessages) {
  for (const item of runMessageDatum.content) {


The following example shows how to migrate the getEmbeddings method call.

const embeddings = await client.embeddings.create({ input, model: '' });
  • The getEmbeddings method has been replaced with the embeddings.create method.
  • The input parameter is now passed in the options object with the input property.
  • The deploymentName parameter has been removed. The deploymentName parameter isn't needed if the client was created with the deployment option. If the client was not created with the deployment option, the model property in the option object should be set with the deployment name.

Image generation

The following example shows how to migrate the getImages method call.

  const results = await client.images.generate({ prompt, model: '', n, size });
  • The getImages method has been replaced with the images.generate method.
  • The prompt parameter is now passed in the options object with the prompt property.
  • The deploymentName parameter has been removed. The deploymentName parameter isn't needed if the client was created with the deployment option. If the client was not created with the deployment option, the model property in the option object should be set with the deployment name.

Content filter

Content filter results are part of the chat completions response types in OpenAIClient. However, AzureOpenAI does not have a direct equivalent to the contentFilterResults property in the ChatCompletion.Choice interface. The content filter results can be accessed by importing "@azure/openai/types" and accessing the content_filter_results property. The following example shows how to access the content filter results.

import "@azure/openai/types";

const result = await client.chat.completions.create({ model: '', messages });
for (const choice of results.choices) {
  const filterResults = choice.content_filter_results;
  if (!filterResults) {
    console.log("No content filter is found");
  if (filterResults.error) {
      `Content filter ran into the error ${filterResults.error.code}: ${filterResults.error.message}`);
  const { hate, sexual, self_harm, violence } = filterResults;
  • Camel case properties have been replaced with snake case properties.
  • "@azure/openai/types" is imported which adds Azure-specific definitions (for example, content_filter_results) to the client types, see the Azure types section for more information.

Comparing Types

The following table explores several type names from @azure/openai and shows their nearest openai equivalent. The names differences illustrate several of the above-mentioned changes. This table provides an overview, and more detail and code samples are provided in the following sections.

Old Type Name Nearest New Type Symbol Type Change description
OpenAIClient AzureOpenAI Class This class replaces the former and has no methods in common with it. See the section on AzureOpenAI below.
AudioResult Transcription/Transcription Interface Depending on the calling operation, the two interfaces replace the former one
AudioResultFormat inline union type of the response_format property Alias It doesn't exist
AudioResultSimpleJson Transcription/Transcription Interface Depending on the calling operation, the two interfaces replace the former one
AudioResultVerboseJson N/A Interface
AudioSegment N/A Interface
AudioTranscriptionTask N/A Alias
AzureChatEnhancementConfiguration, AzureChatEnhancements, AzureChatExtensionConfiguration, AzureChatExtensionConfigurationUnion, AzureChatExtensionDataSourceResponseCitation, AzureChatExtensionsMessageContext, AzureChatExtensionType, AzureChatGroundingEnhancementConfiguration, AzureChatOCREnhancementConfiguration, AzureCosmosDBChatExtensionConfiguration, AzureCosmosDBFieldMappingOptions, AzureExtensionsOptions, AzureGroundingEnhancement, AzureGroundingEnhancementCoordinatePoint, AzureGroundingEnhancementLine, AzureGroundingEnhancementLineSpan, AzureMachineLearningIndexChatExtensionConfiguration, AzureSearchChatExtensionConfiguration, AzureSearchIndexFieldMappingOptions, AzureSearchQueryType, ContentFilterBlocklistIdResult, ContentFilterCitedDetectionResult, ContentFilterDetectionResult, ContentFilterErrorResults, ContentFilterResult, ContentFilterResultDetailsForPrompt, ContentFilterResultsForChoice, ContentFilterSeverity, ContentFilterResultsForPrompt, ContentFilterSuccessResultDetailsForPrompt, ContentFilterSuccessResultsForChoice, ElasticsearchChatExtensionConfiguration, ElasticsearchIndexFieldMappingOptions, ElasticsearchQueryType, ImageGenerationContentFilterResults, ImageGenerationPromptFilterResults, OnYourDataAccessTokenAuthenticationOptions, OnYourDataApiKeyAuthenticationOptions, OnYourDataAuthenticationOptions, OnYourDataAuthenticationOptionsUnion, OnYourDataConnectionStringAuthenticationOptions, OnYourDataDeploymentNameVectorizationSource, OnYourDataEncodedApiKeyAuthenticationOptions, OnYourDataEndpointVectorizationSource, OnYourDataKeyAndKeyIdAuthenticationOptions, OnYourDataModelIdVectorizationSource, OnYourDataSystemAssignedManagedIdentityAuthenticationOptions, OnYourDataUserAssignedManagedIdentityAuthenticationOptions, OnYourDataVectorizationSource, OnYourDataVectorizationSourceType, OnYourDataVectorizationSourceUnion, PineconeChatExtensionConfiguration, PineconeFieldMappingOptions N/A Interfaces and Aliases See the Azure types section below
AzureKeyCredential N/A Class The API key can be provided as a string value
ChatChoice ChatCompletion.Choice Interface
ChatChoiceLogProbabilityInfo Logprobs Interface
ChatCompletions ChatCompletion and ChatCompletionChunk Interface
ChatCompletionsFunctionToolCall ChatCompletionMessageToolCall Interface
ChatRequestFunctionMessage ChatCompletionFunctionMessageParam Interface
ChatRequestMessage ChatCompletionMessageParam Interface
ChatRequestMessageUnion ChatCompletionMessageParam
ChatRequestSystemMessage ChatCompletionSystemMessageParam Interface
ChatRequestToolMessage ChatCompletionToolMessageParam Interface
ChatRequestUserMessage ChatCompletionUserMessageParam Interface
ChatResponseMessage Delta / ChatCompletionMessage Interface
ChatRole N/A Alias
ChatTokenLogProbabilityInfo TopLogprob Interface
ChatTokenLogProbabilityResult ChatCompletionTokenLogprob Interface
Choice Choice Interface
Completions Completion Interface
CompletionsFinishReason N/A Alias
CompletionsLogProbabilityModel Logprobs Interface
CompletionsUsage CompletionUsage Interface
EmbeddingItem Embedding Interface
Embeddings CreateEmbeddingResponse Interface
EmbeddingsUsage CreateEmbeddingResponse.Usage Interface
EventStream Stream Interface
FunctionCall FunctionCall Interface
FunctionCallPreset N/A Alias
FunctionDefinition Function Interface
FunctionName N/A Alias
GetAudioTranscriptionOptions TranscriptionCreateParams Interface
GetAudioTranslationOptions TranslationCreateParams Interface
GetChatCompletionsOptions ChatCompletionCreateParamsNonStreaming and ChatCompletionCreateParamsStreaming Interface
GetCompletionsOptions CompletionCreateParams Interface
GetEmbeddingsOptions EmbeddingCreateParams Interface
GetImagesOptions ImageGenerateParams Interface
ImageGenerationData Image Interface
ImageGenerationQuality N/A Alias
ImageGenerationResponseFormat N/A Alias
ImageGenerations ImagesResponse Interface
ImageGenerationStyle N/A Alias
ImageSize N/A Alias
MaxTokensFinishDetails N/A Interface
OpenAIClientOptions AzureClientOptions Interface
OpenAIError OpenAIError Interface
OpenAIKeyCredential N/A Class
StopFinishDetails N/A Interface

Azure types

AzureOpenAI connects to the Azure OpenAI service and can call all the operations available in the service. However, the types of the requests and responses are inherited from the OpenAI and are not yet updated to reflect the additional features supported exclusively by the Azure OpenAI service. TypeScript users will need to import "@azure/openai/types" from @azure/openai@2.0.0-beta.1 which will merge Azure-specific definitions into existing types. Examples in the Migration examples section show how to do this.

Next steps