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Iot.Device.Nmea0183.Sentences Namespace



BWC message: Contains direction to the next waypoint, calculated on the great circle


BOD sentence: Bearing origin to destination (between two waypoints, typically on the active leg)


XTE sentence: Cross track error (one of the most important messages used to control autopilot)


DBS sentence: Depth below surface (sent by depth transducer if configured properly)


A helper DTO to transfer engine data in one blob


Engine revolutions (RPM) sentence. Note: This is superseeded by NMEA2000 commands, which provide a lot more details for engine parameters


Represents GlobalPositioningSystemFixData (GGA) NMEA0183 sentence. This message is typically preferred over RMC if it is available.


HDG Sentence (Heading, declination, variation) Usually measured using an electronic compass. Can be used instead of HDM or HDT (the variation is also included in message RMC)


HDT Sentence: Heading magnetic. Usually measured using an electronic compass. See also HeadingTrue.


HDT Sentence: Heading true. This is either a calculated message by using the HDM message and a magnetic variation model, or directly measured using a gyrocompass. But since these are very expensive and power-hungry, they are only available in big ships or aircraft. Note that the direction reported by the GNS sequence GPVTG is the track over ground, which is generally not equal to the heading.


Provides meteorological information. This class does not parse or send the wind information, which is also part of this message. Use WindSpeedAndAngle (MWV sentence) instead.


Base class for Nmea Sentences. All sentences can be constructed using three different approaches:

  • A constructor taking a talker sentence and a time is used for automatic message construction by the parser or for manual decoding
  • A constructor taking the talker id and a field list is used as helper function for the parser.
  • A constructor taking individual values for the data is used to construct new messages to be sent out. If sending out messages, you might want to use the third constructor, it is usually the one with most arguments and not taking a talker sentence, as this is added automatically from the static field OwnTalkerId.

GLL message: Current position, fast update. Contains a subset of the GGA message, but is intended to be transmitted more often. Message size was important when NMEA was first designed, since it uses only 4800 Baud by default


Proprietary message used to pass NMEA2000 messages over NMEA0183, only supported by some converters and for some messages, for instance engine parameters. The messages are usually not fully documented, but the SeaSmart (v1.6.0) protocol specification may help (and some trying around)


This sentence type is used either if no better matching type is known or as placeholder for whole messages. This allows forwarding of messages even if we don't need/understand them.


Represents RMC NMEA0183 sentence (Recommended Minimum Navigation Information)


RMB sentence: Recommended minimum navigation information (current leg). This sentence is the bare minimum a navigation system should send to the autopilot. Normally, you would also send at least BWC, XTE and MWV


RTE sentence: Identifiers of waypoints of current route


Information about a satellite, part of a satellite constellation


GSV message: Satellites that are currently in view. The message is sent multiple times with a different sequence ID. The original NMEA-0183 definition allows at most 12 satellites (in 3 messages) to be transmitted, but newer receivers may send more.


An extended engine data message, using a PCDIN sequence (supported by some NMEA0183 to NMEA2000 bridges) PCDIN message 01F201 Engine status data (temperatures, oil pressure, operating time)


An extended engine data message, using a PCDIN sequence (supported by some NMEA0183 to NMEA2000 bridges) This message mostly provides the RPM value and can be sent with a high frequency.


Represents one date and time message (GPZDA)


VTG Sentence: Speed and course


A single data set from an XDR sentence


Reading of a sensor, not covered by other sentences. This can include environmental values (temperature, pressure), tank levels, etc.


VHW sentence: Speed trough water and heading


WPT sentence: Identifies a single waypoint (may be sent multiple times with different names)


The MWD sequence gives the wind direction and speed in true directions. That means the direction is given in degrees from true north and the speed is the true wind speed. Calculating the input data for this sentence requires heading or, as a backup, COG. However, with COG, the data is unreliable when the ship is moored. See WindSpeedAndAngle for relative wind directions (as measured by the wind instrument)


MWV sentence: Wind speed and wind angle (true or apparent) Note that the wind angle is always given relative to the ship's bow, so to get the wind direction in cardinal direction, the heading is required (or with some error, COG can be used). See WindDirectionWithRespectToNorth for geographic wind direction.



GPS Quality indicator (from GGA message)


Navigation status, for use in RecommendedMinimumNavigationInformation


Source for the engine revolution data