

MSL Specification


MSL v1 is unsupported, please update to V3

Mapping specification language (MSL) is an XML-based language that describes the mapping between the conceptual model and storage model of an Entity Framework application.

In an Entity Framework application, mapping metadata is loaded from an .msl file (written in MSL) at build time. Entity Framework uses mapping metadata at runtime to translate queries against the conceptual model to store-specific commands.

The Entity Framework Designer (EF Designer) stores mapping information in an .edmx file at design time. At build time, the Entity Designer uses information in an .edmx file to create the .msl file that is needed by Entity Framework at runtime

Names of all conceptual or storage model types that are referenced in MSL must be qualified by their respective namespace names. For information about the conceptual model namespace name, see CSDL Specification. For information about the storage model namespace name, see SSDL Specification.

Versions of MSL are differentiated by XML namespaces.

MSL Version XML Namespace
MSL v1 urn:schemas-microsoft-com:windows:storage:mapping:CS
MSL v2 https://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2008/09/mapping/cs
MSL v3 https://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2009/11/mapping/cs

Alias Element (MSL)

The Alias element in mapping specification language (MSL) is a child of the Mapping element that is used to define aliases for conceptual model and storage model namespaces. Names of all conceptual or storage model types that are referenced in MSL must be qualified by their respective namespace names. For information about the conceptual model namespace name, see Schema Element (CSDL). For information about the storage model namespace name, see Schema Element (SSDL).

The Alias element cannot have child elements.

Applicable Attributes

The table below describes the attributes that can be applied to the Alias element.

Attribute Name Is Required Value
Key Yes The alias for the namespace that is specified by the Value attribute.
Value Yes The namespace for which the value of the Key element is an alias.


The following example shows an Alias element that defines an alias, c, for types that are defined in the conceptual model.

 <Mapping Space="C-S"
   <Alias Key="c" Value="SchoolModel"/>
   <EntityContainerMapping StorageEntityContainer="SchoolModelStoreContainer"
     <EntitySetMapping Name="Courses">
       <EntityTypeMapping TypeName="c.Course">
         <MappingFragment StoreEntitySet="Course">
           <ScalarProperty Name="CourseID" ColumnName="CourseID" />
           <ScalarProperty Name="Title" ColumnName="Title" />
           <ScalarProperty Name="Credits" ColumnName="Credits" />
           <ScalarProperty Name="DepartmentID" ColumnName="DepartmentID" />
     <EntitySetMapping Name="Departments">
       <EntityTypeMapping TypeName="c.Department">
         <MappingFragment StoreEntitySet="Department">
           <ScalarProperty Name="DepartmentID" ColumnName="DepartmentID" />
           <ScalarProperty Name="Name" ColumnName="Name" />
           <ScalarProperty Name="Budget" ColumnName="Budget" />
           <ScalarProperty Name="StartDate" ColumnName="StartDate" />
           <ScalarProperty Name="Administrator" ColumnName="Administrator" />

AssociationEnd Element (MSL)

The AssociationEnd element in mapping specification language (MSL) is used when the modification functions of an entity type in the conceptual model are mapped to stored procedures in the underlying database. If a modification stored procedure takes a parameter whose value is held in an association property, the AssociationEnd element maps the property value to the parameter. For more information, see the example below.

For more information about mapping modification functions of entity types to stored procedures, see ModificationFunctionMapping Element (MSL) and Walkthrough: Mapping an Entity to Stored Procedures.

The AssociationEnd element can have the following child elements:

  • ScalarProperty

Applicable Attributes

The following table describes the attributes that are applicable to the AssociationEnd element.

Attribute Name Is Required Value
AssociationSet Yes The name of the association that is being mapped.
From Yes The value of the FromRole attribute of the navigation property that corresponds to the association being mapped. For more information, see NavigationProperty Element (CSDL).
To Yes The value of the ToRole attribute of the navigation property that corresponds to the association being mapped. For more information, see NavigationProperty Element (CSDL).


Consider the following conceptual model entity type:

 <EntityType Name="Course">
     <PropertyRef Name="CourseID" />
   <Property Type="Int32" Name="CourseID" Nullable="false" />
   <Property Type="String" Name="Title" Nullable="false" MaxLength="100"
             FixedLength="false" Unicode="true" />
   <Property Type="Int32" Name="Credits" Nullable="false" />
   <NavigationProperty Name="Department"
                       FromRole="Course" ToRole="Department" />

Also consider the following stored procedure:

 CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[UpdateCourse]
                                @CourseID int,
                                @Title nvarchar(50),
                                @Credits int,
                                @DepartmentID int
                                UPDATE Course SET Title=@Title,
                                WHERE CourseID=@CourseID;

In order to map the update function of the Course entity to this stored procedure, you must supply a value to the DepartmentID parameter. The value for DepartmentID does not correspond to a property on the entity type; it is contained in an independent association whose mapping is shown here:

 <AssociationSetMapping Name="FK_Course_Department"
   <EndProperty Name="Course">
     <ScalarProperty Name="CourseID" ColumnName="CourseID" />
   <EndProperty Name="Department">
     <ScalarProperty Name="DepartmentID" ColumnName="DepartmentID" />

The following code shows the AssociationEnd element used to map the DepartmentID property of the FK_Course_Department association to the UpdateCourse stored procedure (to which the update function of the Course entity type is mapped):

 <EntitySetMapping Name="Courses">
   <EntityTypeMapping TypeName="SchoolModel.Course">
     <MappingFragment StoreEntitySet="Course">
       <ScalarProperty Name="Credits" ColumnName="Credits" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="Title" ColumnName="Title" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="CourseID" ColumnName="CourseID" />
   <EntityTypeMapping TypeName="SchoolModel.Course">
       <UpdateFunction FunctionName="SchoolModel.Store.UpdateCourse">
         <AssociationEnd AssociationSet="FK_Course_Department"
                         From="Course" To="Department">
           <ScalarProperty Name="DepartmentID"
                           Version="Current" />
         <ScalarProperty Name="Credits" ParameterName="Credits"
                         Version="Current" />
         <ScalarProperty Name="Title" ParameterName="Title"
                         Version="Current" />
         <ScalarProperty Name="CourseID" ParameterName="CourseID"
                         Version="Current" />

AssociationSetMapping Element (MSL)

The AssociationSetMapping element in mapping specification language (MSL) defines the mapping between an association in the conceptual model and table columns in the underlying database.

Associations in the conceptual model are types whose properties represent primary and foreign key columns in the underlying database. The AssociationSetMapping element uses two EndProperty elements to define the mappings between association type properties and columns in the database. You can place conditions on these mappings with the Condition element. Map the insert, update, and delete functions for associations to stored procedures in the database with the ModificationFunctionMapping element. Define read-only mappings between associations and table columns by using an Entity SQL string in a QueryView element.


If a referential constraint is defined for an association in the conceptual model, the association does not need to be mapped with an AssociationSetMapping element. If an AssociationSetMapping element is present for an association that has a referential constraint, the mappings defined in the AssociationSetMapping element will be ignored. For more information, see ReferentialConstraint Element (CSDL).

The AssociationSetMapping element can have the following child elements

  • QueryView (zero or one)
  • EndProperty (zero or two)
  • Condition (zero or more)
  • ModificationFunctionMapping (zero or one)

Applicable Attributes

The following table describes the attributes that can be applied to the AssociationSetMapping element.

Attribute Name Is Required Value
Name Yes The name of the conceptual model association set that is being mapped.
TypeName No The namespace-qualified name of the conceptual model association type that is being mapped.
StoreEntitySet No The name of the table that is being mapped.


The following example shows an AssociationSetMapping element in which the FK_Course_Department association set in the conceptual model is mapped to the Course table in the database. Mappings between association type properties and table columns are specified in child EndProperty elements.

 <AssociationSetMapping Name="FK_Course_Department"
   <EndProperty Name="Department">
     <ScalarProperty Name="DepartmentID" ColumnName="DepartmentID" />
   <EndProperty Name="Course">
     <ScalarProperty Name="CourseID" ColumnName="CourseID" />

ComplexProperty Element (MSL)

A ComplexProperty element in mapping specification language (MSL) defines the mapping between a complex type property on a conceptual model entity type and table columns in the underlying database. The property-column mappings are specified in child ScalarProperty elements.

The ComplexType property element can have the following child elements:

  • ScalarProperty (zero or more)
  • ComplexProperty (zero or more)
  • ComplexTypeMapping (zero or more)
  • Condition (zero or more)

Applicable Attributes

The following table describes the attributes that are applicable to the ComplexProperty element:

Attribute Name Is Required Value
Name Yes The name of the complex property of an entity type in the conceptual model that is being mapped.
TypeName No The namespace-qualified name of the conceptual model property type.


The following example is based on the School model. The following complex type has been added to the conceptual model:

 <ComplexType Name="FullName">
   <Property Type="String" Name="LastName"
             Nullable="false" MaxLength="50"
             FixedLength="false" Unicode="true" />
   <Property Type="String" Name="FirstName"
             Nullable="false" MaxLength="50"
             FixedLength="false" Unicode="true" />

The LastName and FirstName properties of the Person entity type have been replaced with one complex property, Name:

 <EntityType Name="Person">
     <PropertyRef Name="PersonID" />
   <Property Name="PersonID" Type="Int32" Nullable="false"
             annotation:StoreGeneratedPattern="Identity" />
   <Property Name="HireDate" Type="DateTime" />
   <Property Name="EnrollmentDate" Type="DateTime" />
   <Property Name="Name" Type="SchoolModel.FullName" Nullable="false" />

The following MSL shows the ComplexProperty element used to map the Name property to columns in the underlying database:

 <EntitySetMapping Name="People">
   <EntityTypeMapping TypeName="SchoolModel.Person">
     <MappingFragment StoreEntitySet="Person">
       <ScalarProperty Name="PersonID" ColumnName="PersonID" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="HireDate" ColumnName="HireDate" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="EnrollmentDate" ColumnName="EnrollmentDate" />
       <ComplexProperty Name="Name" TypeName="SchoolModel.FullName">
         <ScalarProperty Name="FirstName" ColumnName="FirstName" />
         <ScalarProperty Name="LastName" ColumnName="LastName" />  

ComplexTypeMapping Element (MSL)

The ComplexTypeMapping element in mapping specification language (MSL) is a child of the ResultMapping element and defines the mapping between a function import in the conceptual model and a stored procedure in the underlying database when the following are true:

  • The function import returns a conceptual complex type.
  • The names of the columns returned by the stored procedure do not exactly match the names of the properties on the complex type.

By default, the mapping between the columns returned by a stored procedure and a complex type is based on column and property names. If column names do not exactly match property names, you must use the ComplexTypeMapping element to define the mapping. For an example of the default mapping, see FunctionImportMapping Element (MSL).

The ComplexTypeMapping element can have the following child elements:

  • ScalarProperty (zero or more)

Applicable Attributes

The following table describes the attributes that are applicable to the ComplexTypeMapping element.

Attribute Name Is Required Value
TypeName Yes The namespace-qualified name of the complex type that is being mapped.


Consider the following stored procedure:

 CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetGrades]
             @student_Id int
             SELECT     EnrollmentID as enroll_id,
                                                                             Grade as grade,
                                                                             CourseID as course_id,
                                                                             StudentID as student_id
                                               FROM dbo.StudentGrade
             WHERE StudentID = @student_Id

Also consider the following conceptual model complex type:

 <ComplexType Name="GradeInfo">
   <Property Type="Int32" Name="EnrollmentID" Nullable="false" />
   <Property Type="Decimal" Name="Grade" Nullable="true"
             Precision="3" Scale="2" />
   <Property Type="Int32" Name="CourseID" Nullable="false" />
   <Property Type="Int32" Name="StudentID" Nullable="false" />

In order to create a function import that returns instances of the previous complex type, the mapping between the columns returned by the stored procedure and the entity type must be defined in a ComplexTypeMapping element:

 <FunctionImportMapping FunctionImportName="GetGrades"
                        FunctionName="SchoolModel.Store.GetGrades" >
     <ComplexTypeMapping TypeName="SchoolModel.GradeInfo">
       <ScalarProperty Name="EnrollmentID" ColumnName="enroll_id"/>
       <ScalarProperty Name="CourseID" ColumnName="course_id"/>
       <ScalarProperty Name="StudentID" ColumnName="student_id"/>
       <ScalarProperty Name="Grade" ColumnName="grade"/>

Condition Element (MSL)

The Condition element in mapping specification language (MSL) places conditions on mappings between the conceptual model and the underlying database. The mapping that is defined within an XML node is valid if all conditions, as specified in child Condition elements, are met. Otherwise, the mapping is not valid. For example, if a MappingFragment element contains one or more Condition child elements, the mapping defined within the MappingFragment node will only be valid if all the conditions of the child Condition elements are met.

Each condition can apply to either a Name (the name of a conceptual model entity property, specified by the Name attribute), or a ColumnName (the name of a column in the database, specified by the ColumnName attribute). When the Name attribute is set, the condition is checked against an entity property value. When the ColumnName attribute is set, the condition is checked against a column value. Only one of the Name or ColumnName attribute can be specified in a Condition element.


When the Condition element is used within a FunctionImportMapping element, only the Name attribute is not applicable.

The Condition element can be a child of the following elements:

  • AssociationSetMapping
  • ComplexProperty
  • EntitySetMapping
  • MappingFragment
  • EntityTypeMapping

The Condition element can have no child elements.

Applicable Attributes

The following table describes the attributes that are applicable to the Condition element:

Attribute Name Is Required Value
ColumnName No The name of the table column whose value is used to evaluate the condition.
IsNull No True or False. If the value is True and the column value is null, or if the value is False and the column value is not null, the condition is true. Otherwise, the condition is false.
The IsNull and Value attributes cannot be used at the same time.
Value No The value with which the column value is compared. If the values are the same, the condition is true. Otherwise, the condition is false.
The IsNull and Value attributes cannot be used at the same time.
Name No The name of the conceptual model entity property whose value is used to evaluate the condition.
This attribute is not applicable if the Condition element is used within a FunctionImportMapping element.


The following example shows Condition elements as children of MappingFragment elements. When HireDate is not null and EnrollmentDate is null, data is mapped between the SchoolModel.Instructor type and the PersonID and HireDate columns of the Person table. When EnrollmentDate is not null and HireDate is null, data is mapped between the SchoolModel.Student type and the PersonID and Enrollment columns of the Person table.

 <EntitySetMapping Name="People">
   <EntityTypeMapping TypeName="IsTypeOf(SchoolModel.Person)">
     <MappingFragment StoreEntitySet="Person">
       <ScalarProperty Name="PersonID" ColumnName="PersonID" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="FirstName" ColumnName="FirstName" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="LastName" ColumnName="LastName" />
   <EntityTypeMapping TypeName="IsTypeOf(SchoolModel.Instructor)">
     <MappingFragment StoreEntitySet="Person">
       <ScalarProperty Name="PersonID" ColumnName="PersonID" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="HireDate" ColumnName="HireDate" />
       <Condition ColumnName="HireDate" IsNull="false" />
       <Condition ColumnName="EnrollmentDate" IsNull="true" />
   <EntityTypeMapping TypeName="IsTypeOf(SchoolModel.Student)">
     <MappingFragment StoreEntitySet="Person">
       <ScalarProperty Name="PersonID" ColumnName="PersonID" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="EnrollmentDate"
                       ColumnName="EnrollmentDate" />
       <Condition ColumnName="EnrollmentDate" IsNull="false" />
       <Condition ColumnName="HireDate" IsNull="true" />

DeleteFunction Element (MSL)

The DeleteFunction element in mapping specification language (MSL) maps the delete function of an entity type or association in the conceptual model to a stored procedure in the underlying database. Stored procedures to which modification functions are mapped must be declared in the storage model. For more information, see Function Element (SSDL).


If you do not map all three of the insert, update, or delete operations of an entity type to stored procedures, the unmapped operations will fail if executed at runtime and an UpdateException is thrown.

DeleteFunction Applied to EntityTypeMapping

When applied to the EntityTypeMapping element, the DeleteFunction element maps the delete function of an entity type in the conceptual model to a stored procedure.

The DeleteFunction element can have the following child elements when applied to an EntityTypeMapping element:

  • AssociationEnd (zero or more)
  • ComplexProperty (zero or more)
  • ScalarProperty (zero or more)

Applicable Attributes

The following table describes the attributes that can be applied to the DeleteFunction element when it is applied to an EntityTypeMapping element.

Attribute Name Is Required Value
FunctionName Yes The namespace-qualified name of the stored procedure to which the delete function is mapped. The stored procedure must be declared in the storage model.
RowsAffectedParameter No The name of the output parameter that returns the number of rows affected.


The following example is based on the School model and shows the DeleteFunction element mapping the delete function of the Person entity type to the DeletePerson stored procedure. The DeletePerson stored procedure is declared in the storage model.

 <EntitySetMapping Name="People">
   <EntityTypeMapping TypeName="SchoolModel.Person">
     <MappingFragment StoreEntitySet="Person">
       <ScalarProperty Name="PersonID" ColumnName="PersonID" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="LastName" ColumnName="LastName" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="FirstName" ColumnName="FirstName" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="HireDate" ColumnName="HireDate" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="EnrollmentDate"
                       ColumnName="EnrollmentDate" />
   <EntityTypeMapping TypeName="SchoolModel.Person">
       <InsertFunction FunctionName="SchoolModel.Store.InsertPerson">
         <ScalarProperty Name="EnrollmentDate"
                         ParameterName="EnrollmentDate" />
         <ScalarProperty Name="HireDate" ParameterName="HireDate" />
         <ScalarProperty Name="FirstName" ParameterName="FirstName" />
         <ScalarProperty Name="LastName" ParameterName="LastName" />
         <ResultBinding Name="PersonID" ColumnName="NewPersonID" />
       <UpdateFunction FunctionName="SchoolModel.Store.UpdatePerson">
         <ScalarProperty Name="EnrollmentDate"
                         Version="Current" />
         <ScalarProperty Name="HireDate" ParameterName="HireDate"
                         Version="Current" />
         <ScalarProperty Name="FirstName" ParameterName="FirstName"
                         Version="Current" />
         <ScalarProperty Name="LastName" ParameterName="LastName"
                         Version="Current" />
         <ScalarProperty Name="PersonID" ParameterName="PersonID"
                         Version="Current" />
       <DeleteFunction FunctionName="SchoolModel.Store.DeletePerson">
         <ScalarProperty Name="PersonID" ParameterName="PersonID" />

DeleteFunction Applied to AssociationSetMapping

When applied to the AssociationSetMapping element, the DeleteFunction element maps the delete function of an association in the conceptual model to a stored procedure.

The DeleteFunction element can have the following child elements when applied to the AssociationSetMapping element:

  • EndProperty

Applicable Attributes

The following table describes the attributes that can be applied to the DeleteFunction element when it is applied to the AssociationSetMapping element.

Attribute Name Is Required Value
FunctionName Yes The namespace-qualified name of the stored procedure to which the delete function is mapped. The stored procedure must be declared in the storage model.
RowsAffectedParameter No The name of the output parameter that returns the number of rows affected.


The following example is based on the School model and shows the DeleteFunction element used to map delete function of the CourseInstructor association to the DeleteCourseInstructor stored procedure. The DeleteCourseInstructor stored procedure is declared in the storage model.

 <AssociationSetMapping Name="CourseInstructor"
   <EndProperty Name="Person">
     <ScalarProperty Name="PersonID" ColumnName="PersonID" />
   <EndProperty Name="Course">
     <ScalarProperty Name="CourseID" ColumnName="CourseID" />
     <InsertFunction FunctionName="SchoolModel.Store.InsertCourseInstructor" >   
       <EndProperty Name="Course">
         <ScalarProperty Name="CourseID" ParameterName="courseId"/>
       <EndProperty Name="Person">
         <ScalarProperty Name="PersonID" ParameterName="instructorId"/>
     <DeleteFunction FunctionName="SchoolModel.Store.DeleteCourseInstructor">
       <EndProperty Name="Course">
         <ScalarProperty Name="CourseID" ParameterName="courseId"/>
       <EndProperty Name="Person">
         <ScalarProperty Name="PersonID" ParameterName="instructorId"/>

EndProperty Element (MSL)

The EndProperty element in mapping specification language (MSL) defines the mapping between an end or a modification function of a conceptual model association and the underlying database. The property-column mapping is specified in a child ScalarProperty element.

When an EndProperty element is used to define the mapping for the end of a conceptual model association, it is a child of an AssociationSetMapping element. When the EndProperty element is used to define the mapping for a modification function of a conceptual model association, it is a child of an InsertFunction element or DeleteFunction element.

The EndProperty element can have the following child elements:

  • ScalarProperty (zero or more)

Applicable Attributes

The following table describes the attributes that are applicable to the EndProperty element:

Attribute Name Is Required Value
Name Yes The name of the association end that is being mapped.


The following example shows an AssociationSetMapping element in which the FK_Course_Department association in the conceptual model is mapped to the Course table in the database. Mappings between association type properties and table columns are specified in child EndProperty elements.

 <AssociationSetMapping Name="FK_Course_Department"
   <EndProperty Name="Department">
     <ScalarProperty Name="DepartmentID" ColumnName="DepartmentID" />
   <EndProperty Name="Course">
     <ScalarProperty Name="CourseID" ColumnName="CourseID" />


The following example shows the EndProperty element mapping the insert and delete functions of an association (CourseInstructor) to stored procedures in the underlying database. The functions that are mapped to are declared in the storage model.

 <AssociationSetMapping Name="CourseInstructor"
   <EndProperty Name="Person">
     <ScalarProperty Name="PersonID" ColumnName="PersonID" />
   <EndProperty Name="Course">
     <ScalarProperty Name="CourseID" ColumnName="CourseID" />
     <InsertFunction FunctionName="SchoolModel.Store.InsertCourseInstructor" >   
       <EndProperty Name="Course">
         <ScalarProperty Name="CourseID" ParameterName="courseId"/>
       <EndProperty Name="Person">
         <ScalarProperty Name="PersonID" ParameterName="instructorId"/>
     <DeleteFunction FunctionName="SchoolModel.Store.DeleteCourseInstructor">
       <EndProperty Name="Course">
         <ScalarProperty Name="CourseID" ParameterName="courseId"/>
       <EndProperty Name="Person">
         <ScalarProperty Name="PersonID" ParameterName="instructorId"/>

EntityContainerMapping Element (MSL)

The EntityContainerMapping element in mapping specification language (MSL) maps the entity container in the conceptual model to the entity container in the storage model. The EntityContainerMapping element is a child of the Mapping element.

The EntityContainerMapping element can have the following child elements (in the order listed):

  • EntitySetMapping (zero or more)
  • AssociationSetMapping (zero or more)
  • FunctionImportMapping (zero or more)

Applicable Attributes

The following table describes the attributes that can be applied to the EntityContainerMapping element.

Attribute Name Is Required Value
StorageModelContainer Yes The name of the storage model entity container that is being mapped.
CdmEntityContainer Yes The name of the conceptual model entity container that is being mapped.
GenerateUpdateViews No True or False. If False, no update views are generated. This attribute should be set to False when you have a read-only mapping that would be invalid because data may not round-trip successfully.
The default value is True.


The following example shows an EntityContainerMapping element that maps the SchoolModelEntities container (the conceptual model entity container) to the SchoolModelStoreContainer container (the storage model entity container):

 <EntityContainerMapping StorageEntityContainer="SchoolModelStoreContainer"
   <EntitySetMapping Name="Courses">
     <EntityTypeMapping TypeName="c.Course">
       <MappingFragment StoreEntitySet="Course">
         <ScalarProperty Name="CourseID" ColumnName="CourseID" />
         <ScalarProperty Name="Title" ColumnName="Title" />
         <ScalarProperty Name="Credits" ColumnName="Credits" />
         <ScalarProperty Name="DepartmentID" ColumnName="DepartmentID" />
   <EntitySetMapping Name="Departments">
     <EntityTypeMapping TypeName="c.Department">
       <MappingFragment StoreEntitySet="Department">
         <ScalarProperty Name="DepartmentID" ColumnName="DepartmentID" />
         <ScalarProperty Name="Name" ColumnName="Name" />
         <ScalarProperty Name="Budget" ColumnName="Budget" />
         <ScalarProperty Name="StartDate" ColumnName="StartDate" />
         <ScalarProperty Name="Administrator" ColumnName="Administrator" />

EntitySetMapping Element (MSL)

The EntitySetMapping element in mapping specification language (MSL) maps all types in a conceptual model entity set to entity sets in the storage model. An entity set in the conceptual model is a logical container for instances of entities of the same type (and derived types). An entity set in the storage model represents a table or view in the underlying database. The conceptual model entity set is specified by the value of the Name attribute of the EntitySetMapping element. The mapped-to table or view is specified by the StoreEntitySet attribute in each child MappingFragment element or in the EntitySetMapping element itself.

The EntitySetMapping element can have the following child elements:

  • EntityTypeMapping (zero or more)
  • QueryView (zero or one)
  • MappingFragment (zero or more)

Applicable Attributes

The following table describes the attributes that can be applied to the EntitySetMapping element.

Attribute Name Is Required Value
Name Yes The name of the conceptual model entity set that is being mapped.
TypeName 1 No The name of the conceptual model entity type that is being mapped.
StoreEntitySet 1 No The name of the storage model entity set that is being mapped to.
MakeColumnsDistinct No True or False depending on whether only distinct rows are returned.
If this attribute is set to True, the GenerateUpdateViews attribute of the EntityContainerMapping element must be set to False.


1 The TypeName and StoreEntitySet attributes can be used in place of the EntityTypeMapping and MappingFragment child elements to map a single entity type to a single table.


The following example shows an EntitySetMapping element that maps three types (a base type and two derived types) in the Courses entity set of the conceptual model to three different tables in the underlying database. The tables are specified by the StoreEntitySet attribute in each MappingFragment element.

 <EntitySetMapping Name="Courses">
   <EntityTypeMapping TypeName="IsTypeOf(SchoolModel1.Course)">
     <MappingFragment StoreEntitySet="Course">
       <ScalarProperty Name="CourseID" ColumnName="CourseID" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="DepartmentID" ColumnName="DepartmentID" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="Credits" ColumnName="Credits" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="Title" ColumnName="Title" />
   <EntityTypeMapping TypeName="IsTypeOf(SchoolModel1.OnlineCourse)">
     <MappingFragment StoreEntitySet="OnlineCourse">
       <ScalarProperty Name="CourseID" ColumnName="CourseID" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="URL" ColumnName="URL" />
   <EntityTypeMapping TypeName="IsTypeOf(SchoolModel1.OnsiteCourse)">
     <MappingFragment StoreEntitySet="OnsiteCourse">
       <ScalarProperty Name="CourseID" ColumnName="CourseID" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="Time" ColumnName="Time" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="Days" ColumnName="Days" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="Location" ColumnName="Location" />

EntityTypeMapping Element (MSL)

The EntityTypeMapping element in mapping specification language (MSL) defines the mapping between an entity type in the conceptual model and tables or views in the underlying database. For information about conceptual model entity types and underlying database tables or views, see EntityType Element (CSDL) and EntitySet Element (SSDL). The conceptual model entity type that is being mapped is specified by the TypeName attribute of the EntityTypeMapping element. The table or view that is being mapped is specified by the StoreEntitySet attribute of the child MappingFragment element.

The ModificationFunctionMapping child element can be used to map the insert, update, or delete functions of entity types to stored procedures in the database.

The EntityTypeMapping element can have the following child elements:

  • MappingFragment (zero or more)
  • ModificationFunctionMapping (zero or one)
  • ScalarProperty
  • Condition


MappingFragment and ModificationFunctionMapping elements cannot be child elements of the EntityTypeMapping element at the same time.


The ScalarProperty and Condition elements can only be child elements of the EntityTypeMapping element when it is used within a FunctionImportMapping element.

Applicable Attributes

The following table describes the attributes that can be applied to the EntityTypeMapping element.

Attribute Name Is Required Value
TypeName Yes The namespace-qualified name of the conceptual model entity type that is being mapped.
If the type is abstract or a derived type, the value must be IsOfType(Namespace-qualified_type_name).


The following example shows an EntitySetMapping element with two child EntityTypeMapping elements. In the first EntityTypeMapping element, the SchoolModel.Person entity type is mapped to the Person table. In the second EntityTypeMapping element, the update functionality of the SchoolModel.Person type is mapped to a stored procedure, UpdatePerson, in the database.

 <EntitySetMapping Name="People">
   <EntityTypeMapping TypeName="SchoolModel.Person">
     <MappingFragment StoreEntitySet="Person">
       <ScalarProperty Name="PersonID" ColumnName="PersonID" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="LastName" ColumnName="LastName" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="FirstName" ColumnName="FirstName" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="HireDate" ColumnName="HireDate" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="EnrollmentDate" ColumnName="EnrollmentDate" />
   <EntityTypeMapping TypeName="SchoolModel.Person">
       <UpdateFunction FunctionName="SchoolModel.Store.UpdatePerson">
         <ScalarProperty Name="EnrollmentDate" ParameterName="EnrollmentDate"
                         Version="Current" />
         <ScalarProperty Name="HireDate" ParameterName="HireDate"
                         Version="Current" />
         <ScalarProperty Name="FirstName" ParameterName="FirstName"
                         Version="Current" />
         <ScalarProperty Name="LastName" ParameterName="LastName"
                         Version="Current" />
         <ScalarProperty Name="PersonID" ParameterName="PersonID"
                         Version="Current" />


The next example shows the mapping of a type hierarchy in which the root type is abstract. Note the use of the IsOfType syntax for the TypeName attributes.

 <EntitySetMapping Name="People">
   <EntityTypeMapping TypeName="IsTypeOf(SchoolModel.Person)">
     <MappingFragment StoreEntitySet="Person">
       <ScalarProperty Name="PersonID" ColumnName="PersonID" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="FirstName" ColumnName="FirstName" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="LastName" ColumnName="LastName" />
   <EntityTypeMapping TypeName="IsTypeOf(SchoolModel.Instructor)">
     <MappingFragment StoreEntitySet="Person">
       <ScalarProperty Name="PersonID" ColumnName="PersonID" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="HireDate" ColumnName="HireDate" />
       <Condition ColumnName="HireDate" IsNull="false" />
       <Condition ColumnName="EnrollmentDate" IsNull="true" />
   <EntityTypeMapping TypeName="IsTypeOf(SchoolModel.Student)">
     <MappingFragment StoreEntitySet="Person">
       <ScalarProperty Name="PersonID" ColumnName="PersonID" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="EnrollmentDate"
                       ColumnName="EnrollmentDate" />
       <Condition ColumnName="EnrollmentDate" IsNull="false" />
       <Condition ColumnName="HireDate" IsNull="true" />

FunctionImportMapping Element (MSL)

The FunctionImportMapping element in mapping specification language (MSL) defines the mapping between a function import in the conceptual model and a stored procedure or function in the underlying database. Function imports must be declared in the conceptual model and stored procedures must be declared in the storage model. For more information, see FunctionImport Element (CSDL) and Function Element (SSDL).


By default, if a function import returns a conceptual model entity type or complex type, then the names of the columns returned by the underlying stored procedure must exactly match the names of the properties on the conceptual model type. If the column names do not exactly match the property names, the mapping must be defined in a ResultMapping element.

The FunctionImportMapping element can have the following child elements:

  • ResultMapping (zero or more)

Applicable Attributes

The following table describes the attributes that are applicable to the FunctionImportMapping element:

Attribute Name Is Required Value
FunctionImportName Yes The name of the function import in the conceptual model that is being mapped.
FunctionName Yes The namespace-qualified name of the function in the storage model that is being mapped.


The following example is based on the School model. Consider the following function in the storage model:

 <Function Name="GetStudentGrades" Aggregate="false"
           BuiltIn="false" NiladicFunction="false"
           IsComposable="false" ParameterTypeSemantics="AllowImplicitConversion"
   <Parameter Name="StudentID" Type="int" Mode="In" />

Also consider this function import in the conceptual model:

 <FunctionImport Name="GetStudentGrades" EntitySet="StudentGrades"
   <Parameter Name="StudentID" Mode="In" Type="Int32" />

The following example shows a FunctionImportMapping element used to map the function and function import above to each other:

 <FunctionImportMapping FunctionImportName="GetStudentGrades"
                        FunctionName="SchoolModel.Store.GetStudentGrades" />


InsertFunction Element (MSL)

The InsertFunction element in mapping specification language (MSL) maps the insert function of an entity type or association in the conceptual model to a stored procedure in the underlying database. Stored procedures to which modification functions are mapped must be declared in the storage model. For more information, see Function Element (SSDL).


If you do not map all three of the insert, update, or delete operations of an entity type to stored procedures, the unmapped operations will fail if executed at runtime and an UpdateException is thrown.

The InsertFunction element can be a child of the ModificationFunctionMapping element and applied to the EntityTypeMapping element or the AssociationSetMapping element.

InsertFunction Applied to EntityTypeMapping

When applied to the EntityTypeMapping element, the InsertFunction element maps the insert function of an entity type in the conceptual model to a stored procedure.

The InsertFunction element can have the following child elements when applied to an EntityTypeMapping element:

  • AssociationEnd (zero or more)
  • ComplexProperty (zero or more)
  • ResultBinding (zero or one)
  • ScalarProperty (zero or more)

Applicable Attributes

The following table describes the attributes that can be applied to the InsertFunction element when applied to an EntityTypeMapping element.

Attribute Name Is Required Value
FunctionName Yes The namespace-qualified name of the stored procedure to which the insert function is mapped. The stored procedure must be declared in the storage model.
RowsAffectedParameter No The name of the output parameter that returns the number of affected rows.


The following example is based on the School model and shows the InsertFunction element used to map insert function of the Person entity type to the InsertPerson stored procedure. The InsertPerson stored procedure is declared in the storage model.

 <EntityTypeMapping TypeName="SchoolModel.Person">
     <InsertFunction FunctionName="SchoolModel.Store.InsertPerson">
       <ScalarProperty Name="EnrollmentDate"
                       ParameterName="EnrollmentDate" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="HireDate" ParameterName="HireDate" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="FirstName" ParameterName="FirstName" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="LastName" ParameterName="LastName" />
       <ResultBinding Name="PersonID" ColumnName="NewPersonID" />
     <UpdateFunction FunctionName="SchoolModel.Store.UpdatePerson">
       <ScalarProperty Name="EnrollmentDate"
                       Version="Current" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="HireDate" ParameterName="HireDate"
                       Version="Current" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="FirstName" ParameterName="FirstName"
                       Version="Current" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="LastName" ParameterName="LastName"
                       Version="Current" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="PersonID" ParameterName="PersonID"
                       Version="Current" />
     <DeleteFunction FunctionName="SchoolModel.Store.DeletePerson">
       <ScalarProperty Name="PersonID" ParameterName="PersonID" />

InsertFunction Applied to AssociationSetMapping

When applied to the AssociationSetMapping element, the InsertFunction element maps the insert function of an association in the conceptual model to a stored procedure.

The InsertFunction element can have the following child elements when applied to the AssociationSetMapping element:

  • EndProperty

Applicable Attributes

The following table describes the attributes that can be applied to the InsertFunction element when it is applied to the AssociationSetMapping element.

Attribute Name Is Required Value
FunctionName Yes The namespace-qualified name of the stored procedure to which the insert function is mapped. The stored procedure must be declared in the storage model.
RowsAffectedParameter No The name of the output parameter that returns the number of rows affected.


The following example is based on the School model and shows the InsertFunction element used to map insert function of the CourseInstructor association to the InsertCourseInstructor stored procedure. The InsertCourseInstructor stored procedure is declared in the storage model.

 <AssociationSetMapping Name="CourseInstructor"
   <EndProperty Name="Person">
     <ScalarProperty Name="PersonID" ColumnName="PersonID" />
   <EndProperty Name="Course">
     <ScalarProperty Name="CourseID" ColumnName="CourseID" />
     <InsertFunction FunctionName="SchoolModel.Store.InsertCourseInstructor" >   
       <EndProperty Name="Course">
         <ScalarProperty Name="CourseID" ParameterName="courseId"/>
       <EndProperty Name="Person">
         <ScalarProperty Name="PersonID" ParameterName="instructorId"/>
     <DeleteFunction FunctionName="SchoolModel.Store.DeleteCourseInstructor">
       <EndProperty Name="Course">
         <ScalarProperty Name="CourseID" ParameterName="courseId"/>
       <EndProperty Name="Person">
         <ScalarProperty Name="PersonID" ParameterName="instructorId"/>

Mapping Element (MSL)

The Mapping element in mapping specification language (MSL) contains information for mapping objects that are defined in a conceptual model to a database (as described in a storage model). For more information, see CSDL Specification and SSDL Specification.

The Mapping element is the root element for a mapping specification. The XML namespace for mapping specifications is https://schemas.microsoft.com/ado/2009/11/mapping/cs.

The mapping element can have the following child elements (in the order listed):

  • Alias (zero or more)
  • EntityContainerMapping (exactly one)

Names of conceptual and storage model types that are referenced in MSL must be qualified by their respective namespace names. For information about the conceptual model namespace name, see Schema Element (CSDL). For information about the storage model namespace name, see Schema Element (SSDL). Aliases for namespaces that are used in MSL can be defined with the Alias element.

Applicable Attributes

The table below describes the attributes that can be applied to the Mapping element.

Attribute Name Is Required Value
Space Yes C-S. This is a fixed value and cannot be changed.


The following example shows a Mapping element that is based on part of the School model. For more information about the School model, see Quickstart (Entity Framework):

 <Mapping Space="C-S"
   <Alias Key="c" Value="SchoolModel"/>
   <EntityContainerMapping StorageEntityContainer="SchoolModelStoreContainer"
     <EntitySetMapping Name="Courses">
       <EntityTypeMapping TypeName="c.Course">
         <MappingFragment StoreEntitySet="Course">
           <ScalarProperty Name="CourseID" ColumnName="CourseID" />
           <ScalarProperty Name="Title" ColumnName="Title" />
           <ScalarProperty Name="Credits" ColumnName="Credits" />
           <ScalarProperty Name="DepartmentID" ColumnName="DepartmentID" />
     <EntitySetMapping Name="Departments">
       <EntityTypeMapping TypeName="c.Department">
         <MappingFragment StoreEntitySet="Department">
           <ScalarProperty Name="DepartmentID" ColumnName="DepartmentID" />
           <ScalarProperty Name="Name" ColumnName="Name" />
           <ScalarProperty Name="Budget" ColumnName="Budget" />
           <ScalarProperty Name="StartDate" ColumnName="StartDate" />
           <ScalarProperty Name="Administrator" ColumnName="Administrator" />

MappingFragment Element (MSL)

The MappingFragment element in mapping specification language (MSL) defines the mapping between the properties of a conceptual model entity type and a table or view in the database. For information about conceptual model entity types and underlying database tables or views, see EntityType Element (CSDL) and EntitySet Element (SSDL). The MappingFragment can be a child element of the EntityTypeMapping element or the EntitySetMapping element.

The MappingFragment element can have the following child elements:

  • ComplexType (zero or more)
  • ScalarProperty (zero or more)
  • Condition (zero or more)

Applicable Attributes

The following table describes the attributes that can be applied to the MappingFragment element.

Attribute Name Is Required Value
StoreEntitySet Yes The name of the table or view that is being mapped.
MakeColumnsDistinct No True or False depending on whether only distinct rows are returned.
If this attribute is set to True, the GenerateUpdateViews attribute of the EntityContainerMapping element must be set to False.


The following example shows a MappingFragment element as the child of an EntityTypeMapping element. In this example, properties of the Course type in the conceptual model are mapped to columns of the Course table in the database.

 <EntitySetMapping Name="Courses">
   <EntityTypeMapping TypeName="SchoolModel.Course">
     <MappingFragment StoreEntitySet="Course">
       <ScalarProperty Name="CourseID" ColumnName="CourseID" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="Title" ColumnName="Title" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="Credits" ColumnName="Credits" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="DepartmentID" ColumnName="DepartmentID" />


The following example shows a MappingFragment element as the child of an EntitySetMapping element. As in the example above, properties of the Course type in the conceptual model are mapped to columns of the Course table in the database.

 <EntitySetMapping Name="Courses" TypeName="SchoolModel.Course">
     <MappingFragment StoreEntitySet="Course">
       <ScalarProperty Name="CourseID" ColumnName="CourseID" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="Title" ColumnName="Title" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="Credits" ColumnName="Credits" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="DepartmentID" ColumnName="DepartmentID" />

ModificationFunctionMapping Element (MSL)

The ModificationFunctionMapping element in mapping specification language (MSL) maps the insert, update, and delete functions of a conceptual model entity type to stored procedures in the underlying database. The ModificationFunctionMapping element can also map the insert and delete functions for many-to-many associations in the conceptual model to stored procedures in the underlying database. Stored procedures to which modification functions are mapped must be declared in the storage model. For more information, see Function Element (SSDL).


If you do not map all three of the insert, update, or delete operations of an entity type to stored procedures, the unmapped operations will fail if executed at runtime and an UpdateException is thrown.


If the modification functions for one entity in an inheritance hierarchy are mapped to stored procedures, then modification functions for all types in the hierarchy must be mapped to stored procedures.

The ModificationFunctionMapping element can be a child of the EntityTypeMapping element or the AssociationSetMapping element.

The ModificationFunctionMapping element can have the following child elements:

  • DeleteFunction (zero or one)
  • InsertFunction (zero or one)
  • UpdateFunction (zero or one)

No attributes are applicable to the ModificationFunctionMapping element.


The following example shows the entity set mapping for the People entity set in the School model. In addition to the column mapping for the Person entity type, the mapping of the insert, update, and delete functions of the Person type are shown. The functions that are mapped to are declared in the storage model.

 <EntitySetMapping Name="People">
   <EntityTypeMapping TypeName="SchoolModel.Person">
     <MappingFragment StoreEntitySet="Person">
       <ScalarProperty Name="PersonID" ColumnName="PersonID" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="LastName" ColumnName="LastName" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="FirstName" ColumnName="FirstName" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="HireDate" ColumnName="HireDate" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="EnrollmentDate"
                       ColumnName="EnrollmentDate" />
   <EntityTypeMapping TypeName="SchoolModel.Person">
       <InsertFunction FunctionName="SchoolModel.Store.InsertPerson">
         <ScalarProperty Name="EnrollmentDate"
                         ParameterName="EnrollmentDate" />
         <ScalarProperty Name="HireDate" ParameterName="HireDate" />
         <ScalarProperty Name="FirstName" ParameterName="FirstName" />
         <ScalarProperty Name="LastName" ParameterName="LastName" />
         <ResultBinding Name="PersonID" ColumnName="NewPersonID" />
       <UpdateFunction FunctionName="SchoolModel.Store.UpdatePerson">
         <ScalarProperty Name="EnrollmentDate"
                         Version="Current" />
         <ScalarProperty Name="HireDate" ParameterName="HireDate"
                         Version="Current" />
         <ScalarProperty Name="FirstName" ParameterName="FirstName"
                         Version="Current" />
         <ScalarProperty Name="LastName" ParameterName="LastName"
                         Version="Current" />
         <ScalarProperty Name="PersonID" ParameterName="PersonID"
                         Version="Current" />
       <DeleteFunction FunctionName="SchoolModel.Store.DeletePerson">
         <ScalarProperty Name="PersonID" ParameterName="PersonID" />


The following example shows the association set mapping for the CourseInstructor association set in the School model. In addition to the column mapping for the CourseInstructor association, the mapping of the insert and delete functions of the CourseInstructor association are shown. The functions that are mapped to are declared in the storage model.

 <AssociationSetMapping Name="CourseInstructor"
   <EndProperty Name="Person">
     <ScalarProperty Name="PersonID" ColumnName="PersonID" />
   <EndProperty Name="Course">
     <ScalarProperty Name="CourseID" ColumnName="CourseID" />
     <InsertFunction FunctionName="SchoolModel.Store.InsertCourseInstructor" >   
       <EndProperty Name="Course">
         <ScalarProperty Name="CourseID" ParameterName="courseId"/>
       <EndProperty Name="Person">
         <ScalarProperty Name="PersonID" ParameterName="instructorId"/>
     <DeleteFunction FunctionName="SchoolModel.Store.DeleteCourseInstructor">
       <EndProperty Name="Course">
         <ScalarProperty Name="CourseID" ParameterName="courseId"/>
       <EndProperty Name="Person">
         <ScalarProperty Name="PersonID" ParameterName="instructorId"/>



QueryView Element (MSL)

The QueryView element in mapping specification language (MSL) defines a read-only mapping between an entity type or association in the conceptual model and a table in the underlying database. The mapping is defined with an Entity SQL query that is evaluated against the storage model, and you express the result set in terms of an entity or association in the conceptual model. Because query views are read-only, you cannot use standard update commands to update types that are defined by query views. You can make updates to these types by using modification functions. For more information, see How to: Map Modification Functions to Stored Procedures.


In the QueryView element, Entity SQL expressions that contain GroupBy, group aggregates, or navigation properties are not supported.


The QueryView element can be a child of the EntitySetMapping element or the AssociationSetMapping element. In the former case, the query view defines a read-only mapping for an entity in the conceptual model. In the latter case, the query view defines a read-only mapping for an association in the conceptual model.


If the AssociationSetMapping element is for an association with a referential constraint, the AssociationSetMapping element is ignored. For more information, see ReferentialConstraint Element (CSDL).

The QueryView element cannot have any child elements.

Applicable Attributes

The following table describes the attributes that can be applied to the QueryView element.

Attribute Name Is Required Value
TypeName No The name of the conceptual model type that is being mapped by the query view.


The following example shows the QueryView element as a child of the EntitySetMapping element and defines a query view mapping for the Department entity type in the School Model.

 <EntitySetMapping Name="Departments" >
     SELECT VALUE SchoolModel.Department(d.DepartmentID,
     FROM SchoolModelStoreContainer.Department AS d
     WHERE d.Budget > 150000

Because the query only returns a subset of the members of the Department type in the storage model, the Department type in the School model has been modified based on this mapping as follows:

 <EntityType Name="Department">
     <PropertyRef Name="DepartmentID" />
   <Property Type="Int32" Name="DepartmentID" Nullable="false" />
   <Property Type="String" Name="Name" Nullable="false"
             MaxLength="50" FixedLength="false" Unicode="true" />
   <Property Type="Decimal" Name="Budget" Nullable="false"
             Precision="19" Scale="4" />
   <Property Type="DateTime" Name="StartDate" Nullable="false" />
   <NavigationProperty Name="Courses"
                       FromRole="Department" ToRole="Course" />


The next example shows the QueryView element as the child of an AssociationSetMapping element and defines a read-only mapping for the FK_Course_Department association in the School model.

 <EntityContainerMapping StorageEntityContainer="SchoolModelStoreContainer"
   <EntitySetMapping Name="Courses" >
       SELECT VALUE SchoolModel.Course(c.CourseID,
       FROM SchoolModelStoreContainer.Course AS c
   <EntitySetMapping Name="Departments" >
       SELECT VALUE SchoolModel.Department(d.DepartmentID,
       FROM SchoolModelStoreContainer.Department AS d
       WHERE d.Budget > 150000
   <AssociationSetMapping Name="FK_Course_Department" >
       SELECT VALUE SchoolModel.FK_Course_Department(
         CREATEREF(SchoolEntities.Departments, row(c.DepartmentID), SchoolModel.Department),
         CREATEREF(SchoolEntities.Courses, row(c.CourseID)) )
       FROM SchoolModelStoreContainer.Course AS c



You can define query views to enable the following scenarios:

  • Define an entity in the conceptual model that doesn't include all the properties of the entity in the storage model. This includes properties that do not have default values and do not support null values.
  • Map computed columns in the storage model to properties of entity types in the conceptual model.
  • Define a mapping where conditions used to partition entities in the conceptual model are not based on equality. When you specify a conditional mapping using the Condition element, the supplied condition must equal the specified value. For more information, see Condition Element (MSL).
  • Map the same column in the storage model to multiple types in the conceptual model.
  • Map multiple types to the same table.
  • Define associations in the conceptual model that are not based on foreign keys in the relational schema.
  • Use custom business logic to set the value of properties in the conceptual model. For example, you could map the string value "T" in the data source to a value of true, a Boolean, in the conceptual model.
  • Define conditional filters for query results.
  • Enforce fewer restrictions on data in the conceptual model than in the storage model. For example, you could make a property in the conceptual model nullable even if the column to which it is mapped does not support nullvalues.

The following considerations apply when you define query views for entities:

  • Query views are read-only. You can only make updates to entities by using modification functions.
  • When you define an entity type by a query view, you must also define all related entities by query views.
  • When you map a many-to-many association to an entity in the storage model that represents a link table in the relational schema, you must define a QueryView element in the AssociationSetMapping element for this link table.
  • Query views must be defined for all types in a type hierarchy. You can do this in the following ways:
    • With a single QueryView element that specifies a single Entity SQL query that returns a union of all of the entity types in the hierarchy.
    • With a single QueryView element that specifies a single Entity SQL query that uses the CASE operator to return a specific entity type in the hierarchy based on a specific condition.
    • With an additional QueryView element for a specific type in the hierarchy. In this case, use the TypeName attribute of the QueryView element to specify the entity type for each view.
  • When a query view is defined, you cannot specify the StorageSetName attribute on the EntitySetMapping element.
  • When a query view is defined, the EntitySetMappingelement cannot also contain Property mappings.

ResultBinding Element (MSL)

The ResultBinding element in mapping specification language (MSL) maps column values that are returned by stored procedures to entity properties in the conceptual model when entity type modification functions are mapped to stored procedures in the underlying database. For example, when the value of an identity column is returned by an insert stored procedure, the ResultBinding element maps the returned value to an entity type property in the conceptual model.

The ResultBinding element can be child of the InsertFunction element or the UpdateFunction element.

The ResultBinding element cannot have any child elements.

Applicable Attributes

The following table describes the attributes that are applicable to the ResultBinding element:

Attribute Name Is Required Value
Name Yes The name of the entity property in the conceptual model that is being mapped.
ColumnName Yes The name of the column being mapped.


The following example is based on the School model and shows an InsertFunction element used to map the insert function of the Person entity type to the InsertPerson stored procedure. (The InsertPerson stored procedure is shown below and is declared in the storage model.) A ResultBinding element is used to map a column value that is returned by the stored procedure (NewPersonID) to an entity type property (PersonID).

 <EntityTypeMapping TypeName="SchoolModel.Person">
     <InsertFunction FunctionName="SchoolModel.Store.InsertPerson">
       <ScalarProperty Name="EnrollmentDate"
                       ParameterName="EnrollmentDate" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="HireDate" ParameterName="HireDate" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="FirstName" ParameterName="FirstName" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="LastName" ParameterName="LastName" />
       <ResultBinding Name="PersonID" ColumnName="NewPersonID" />
     <UpdateFunction FunctionName="SchoolModel.Store.UpdatePerson">
       <ScalarProperty Name="EnrollmentDate"
                       Version="Current" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="HireDate" ParameterName="HireDate"
                       Version="Current" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="FirstName" ParameterName="FirstName"
                       Version="Current" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="LastName" ParameterName="LastName"
                       Version="Current" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="PersonID" ParameterName="PersonID"
                       Version="Current" />
     <DeleteFunction FunctionName="SchoolModel.Store.DeletePerson">
       <ScalarProperty Name="PersonID" ParameterName="PersonID" />

The following Transact-SQL describes the InsertPerson stored procedure:

 CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[InsertPerson]
                                @LastName nvarchar(50),
                                @FirstName nvarchar(50),
                                @HireDate datetime,
                                @EnrollmentDate datetime
                                INSERT INTO dbo.Person (LastName,
                                VALUES (@LastName,
                                SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() as NewPersonID;

ResultMapping Element (MSL)

The ResultMapping element in mapping specification language (MSL) defines the mapping between a function import in the conceptual model and a stored procedure in the underlying database when the following are true:

  • The function import returns a conceptual model entity type or complex type.
  • The names of the columns returned by the stored procedure do not exactly match the names of the properties on the entity type or complex type.

By default, the mapping between the columns returned by a stored procedure and an entity type or complex type is based on column and property names. If column names do not exactly match property names, you must use the ResultMapping element to define the mapping. For an example of the default mapping, see FunctionImportMapping Element (MSL).

The ResultMapping element is a child element of the FunctionImportMapping element.

The ResultMapping element can have the following child elements:

  • EntityTypeMapping (zero or more)
  • ComplexTypeMapping

No attributes are applicable to the ResultMapping Element.


Consider the following stored procedure:

 CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetGrades]
             @student_Id int
             SELECT     EnrollmentID as enroll_id,
                                                                             Grade as grade,
                                                                             CourseID as course_id,
                                                                             StudentID as student_id
                                               FROM dbo.StudentGrade
             WHERE StudentID = @student_Id

Also consider the following conceptual model entity type:

 <EntityType Name="StudentGrade">
     <PropertyRef Name="EnrollmentID" />
   <Property Name="EnrollmentID" Type="Int32" Nullable="false"
             annotation:StoreGeneratedPattern="Identity" />
   <Property Name="CourseID" Type="Int32" Nullable="false" />
   <Property Name="StudentID" Type="Int32" Nullable="false" />
   <Property Name="Grade" Type="Decimal" Precision="3" Scale="2" />

In order to create a function import that returns instances of the previous entity type, the mapping between the columns returned by the stored procedure and the entity type must be defined in a ResultMapping element:

 <FunctionImportMapping FunctionImportName="GetGrades"
                        FunctionName="SchoolModel.Store.GetGrades" >
     <EntityTypeMapping TypeName="SchoolModel.StudentGrade">
       <ScalarProperty Name="EnrollmentID" ColumnName="enroll_id"/>
       <ScalarProperty Name="CourseID" ColumnName="course_id"/>
       <ScalarProperty Name="StudentID" ColumnName="student_id"/>
       <ScalarProperty Name="Grade" ColumnName="grade"/>

ScalarProperty Element (MSL)

The ScalarProperty element in mapping specification language (MSL) maps a property on a conceptual model entity type, complex type, or association to a table column or stored procedure parameter in the underlying database.


Stored procedures to which modification functions are mapped must be declared in the storage model. For more information, see Function Element (SSDL).

The ScalarProperty element can be a child of the following elements:

  • MappingFragment
  • InsertFunction
  • UpdateFunction
  • DeleteFunction
  • EndProperty
  • ComplexProperty
  • ResultMapping

As a child of the MappingFragment, ComplexProperty, or EndProperty element, the ScalarProperty element maps a property in the conceptual model to a column in the database. As a child of the InsertFunction, UpdateFunction, or DeleteFunction element, the ScalarProperty element maps a property in the conceptual model to a stored procedure parameter.

The ScalarProperty element cannot have any child elements.

Applicable Attributes

The attributes that apply to the ScalarProperty element differ depending on the role of the element.

The following table describes the attributes that are applicable when the ScalarProperty element is used to map a conceptual model property to a column in the database:

Attribute Name Is Required Value
Name Yes The name of the conceptual model property that is being mapped.
ColumnName Yes The name of the table column that is being mapped.

The following table describes the attributes that are applicable to the ScalarProperty element when it is used to map a conceptual model property to a stored procedure parameter:

Attribute Name Is Required Value
Name Yes The name of the conceptual model property that is being mapped.
ParameterName Yes The name of the parameter that is being mapped.
Version No Current or Original depending on whether the current value or the original value of the property should be used for concurrency checks.


The following example shows the ScalarProperty element used in two ways:

  • To map the properties of the Person entity type to the columns of the Persontable.
  • To map the properties of the Person entity type to the parameters of the UpdatePerson stored procedure. The stored procedures are declared in the storage model.
 <EntitySetMapping Name="People">
   <EntityTypeMapping TypeName="SchoolModel.Person">
     <MappingFragment StoreEntitySet="Person">
       <ScalarProperty Name="PersonID" ColumnName="PersonID" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="LastName" ColumnName="LastName" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="FirstName" ColumnName="FirstName" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="HireDate" ColumnName="HireDate" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="EnrollmentDate"
                       ColumnName="EnrollmentDate" />
   <EntityTypeMapping TypeName="SchoolModel.Person">
       <InsertFunction FunctionName="SchoolModel.Store.InsertPerson">
         <ScalarProperty Name="EnrollmentDate"
                         ParameterName="EnrollmentDate" />
         <ScalarProperty Name="HireDate" ParameterName="HireDate" />
         <ScalarProperty Name="FirstName" ParameterName="FirstName" />
         <ScalarProperty Name="LastName" ParameterName="LastName" />
         <ResultBinding Name="PersonID" ColumnName="NewPersonID" />
       <UpdateFunction FunctionName="SchoolModel.Store.UpdatePerson">
         <ScalarProperty Name="EnrollmentDate"
                         Version="Current" />
         <ScalarProperty Name="HireDate" ParameterName="HireDate"
                         Version="Current" />
         <ScalarProperty Name="FirstName" ParameterName="FirstName"
                         Version="Current" />
         <ScalarProperty Name="LastName" ParameterName="LastName"
                         Version="Current" />
         <ScalarProperty Name="PersonID" ParameterName="PersonID"
                         Version="Current" />
       <DeleteFunction FunctionName="SchoolModel.Store.DeletePerson">
         <ScalarProperty Name="PersonID" ParameterName="PersonID" />


The next example shows the ScalarProperty element used to map the insert and delete functions of a conceptual model association to stored procedures in the database. The stored procedures are declared in the storage model.

 <AssociationSetMapping Name="CourseInstructor"
   <EndProperty Name="Person">
     <ScalarProperty Name="PersonID" ColumnName="PersonID" />
   <EndProperty Name="Course">
     <ScalarProperty Name="CourseID" ColumnName="CourseID" />
     <InsertFunction FunctionName="SchoolModel.Store.InsertCourseInstructor" >   
       <EndProperty Name="Course">
         <ScalarProperty Name="CourseID" ParameterName="courseId"/>
       <EndProperty Name="Person">
         <ScalarProperty Name="PersonID" ParameterName="instructorId"/>
     <DeleteFunction FunctionName="SchoolModel.Store.DeleteCourseInstructor">
       <EndProperty Name="Course">
         <ScalarProperty Name="CourseID" ParameterName="courseId"/>
       <EndProperty Name="Person">
         <ScalarProperty Name="PersonID" ParameterName="instructorId"/>

UpdateFunction Element (MSL)

The UpdateFunction element in mapping specification language (MSL) maps the update function of an entity type in the conceptual model to a stored procedure in the underlying database. Stored procedures to which modification functions are mapped must be declared in the storage model. For more information, see Function Element (SSDL).


If you do not map all three of the insert, update, or delete operations of an entity type to stored procedures, the unmapped operations will fail if executed at runtime and an UpdateException is thrown.

The UpdateFunction element can be a child of the ModificationFunctionMapping element and applied to the EntityTypeMapping element.

The UpdateFunction element can have the following child elements:

  • AssociationEnd (zero or more)
  • ComplexProperty (zero or more)
  • ResultBinding (zero or one)
  • ScalarProperty (zero or more)

Applicable Attributes

The following table describes the attributes that can be applied to the UpdateFunction element.

Attribute Name Is Required Value
FunctionName Yes The namespace-qualified name of the stored procedure to which the update function is mapped. The stored procedure must be declared in the storage model.
RowsAffectedParameter No The name of the output parameter that returns the number of rows affected.


The following example is based on the School model and shows the UpdateFunction element used to map update function of the Person entity type to the UpdatePerson stored procedure. The UpdatePerson stored procedure is declared in the storage model.

 <EntityTypeMapping TypeName="SchoolModel.Person">
     <InsertFunction FunctionName="SchoolModel.Store.InsertPerson">
       <ScalarProperty Name="EnrollmentDate"
                       ParameterName="EnrollmentDate" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="HireDate" ParameterName="HireDate" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="FirstName" ParameterName="FirstName" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="LastName" ParameterName="LastName" />
       <ResultBinding Name="PersonID" ColumnName="NewPersonID" />
     <UpdateFunction FunctionName="SchoolModel.Store.UpdatePerson">
       <ScalarProperty Name="EnrollmentDate"
                       Version="Current" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="HireDate" ParameterName="HireDate"
                       Version="Current" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="FirstName" ParameterName="FirstName"
                       Version="Current" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="LastName" ParameterName="LastName"
                       Version="Current" />
       <ScalarProperty Name="PersonID" ParameterName="PersonID"
                       Version="Current" />
     <DeleteFunction FunctionName="SchoolModel.Store.DeletePerson">
       <ScalarProperty Name="PersonID" ParameterName="PersonID" />