แก้ไขปัญหาเครือข่ายที่เกี่ยวข้องกับการควบคุมการกําหนดเส้นทางและปริมาณการใช้งานและการปรับสมดุลโหลด ระบบเครือข่าย AZ720 AZ-720 az-720
อัปเกรดเป็น Microsoft Edge เพื่อใช้ประโยชน์จากคุณลักษณะล่าสุด เช่น การอัปเดตความปลอดภัยและการสนับสนุนด้านเทคนิค
This document provides troubleshooting guidance for the Global Secure Access client using the Health check tab in the Advanced diagnostics utility.
The Advanced diagnostics Health check runs tests to verify that the Global Secure Access client is working correctly and that its components are running.
To run a health check for the Global Secure Access client:
Most of the Health check tests depend on one another. If tests fail:
As part of the troubleshooting process, it can be useful to check the Event Viewer for the Global Secure Access client. The log contains valuable events regarding errors and their cause.
The following checks verify the health of the Global Secure Access client.
The Windows client authenticates the user and the device to Global Secure Access services. The device authentication, based on a device token, requires that the device is either Microsoft Entra joined or Microsoft Entra hybrid joined. Microsoft Entra registered devices are currently not supported.
To check the status of your device, enter the following command in the Command Prompt: dsregcmd.exe /status
This check indicates whether or not the device is connected to the internet. The Global Secure Access client requires an internet connection. This test is based on the Network Connectivity Status Indicator (NCSI) feature.
Global Secure Access Tunneling service must be running.
sc query GlobalSecureAccessTunnelingService
.The Global Secure Access Engine service must be running.
sc query GlobalSecureAccessEngineService
.The Global Secure Access Policy Retriever service must be running.
sc query GlobalSecureAccessPolicyRetrieverService
.The Global Secure Access driver must be running.
To verify that this service running, enter the following command in the Command Prompt:
sc query GlobalSecureAccessDriver
If the driver isn't running:
sc query GlobalSecureAccessDriver
command again.The GlobalSecureAccessClient.exe process runs the client UX in the system tray.
If you can't see the Global Secure Access icon in the system tray, you can run it from the following path:
C:\Program Files\Global Secure Access Client\GlobalSecureAccessClient.exe
This test verifies that the following registry key exists:
Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Global Secure Access Client\ForwardingProfile
If the registry key doesn't exist, try to force forwarding policy retrieval:
Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Global Secure Access Client\ForwardingProfileTimestamp
registry key, if it exists.Global Secure Access Policy Retriever Service
.This test verifies that the forwarding profile in the registry has a valid format that the client can read.
If this test fails, make sure you're using the most updated forwarding profile of your tenant by following these steps:
Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Global Secure Access Client\ForwardingProfile
Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Global Secure Access Client\ForwardingProfileTimestamp
Global Secure Access Policy Retriever Service
.Break-glass mode prevents the Global Secure Access client from tunneling network traffic to the Global Secure Access cloud service. In Break-glass mode, all traffic profiles in the Global Secure Access portal are unchecked and the Global Secure Access client isn't expected to tunnel any traffic.
To set the client to acquire traffic and tunnel that traffic to the Global Secure Access service:
The Global Secure Access client should receive the updated forwarding profile within one hour after you make changes in the portal.
For each channel activated in the forwarding profile, this test checks that the configuration contains a URL to probe the service's health.
To view the health status, double-click the Global Secure Access client system tray icon.
If this test fails, it's usually because of an internal problem with Global Secure Access. Contact Microsoft Support.
This test verifies that a certificate exists on the device for the Mutual Transport Layer Security (mTLS) connection to the Global Secure Access cloud service.
This test doesn't appear if mTLS isn't enabled for your tenant yet.
If this test fails, enroll in a new certificate by completing the following steps:
.Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Global Secure Access Client\CertCommonName
This test verifies that the authentication certificate used for the mTLS connection to the Global Secure Access cloud service is valid.
This test doesn't appear if mTLS isn't enabled for your tenant yet.
If this test fails, enroll in a new certificate by completing the following steps:
.Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Global Secure Access Client\CertCommonName
For the Global Secure Access client to acquire network traffic by a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) destination (as opposed to an IP destination), the client needs to read the DNS requests sent by the device to the DNS server. This means that if the forwarding profile contains FQDN rules, you must disable DNS over HTTPS.
To disable DNS over HTTPS in Windows, refer to Secure DNS Client over HTTPS (DoH).
You must disable DNS over HTTPS to successfully run the Global Secure Access client Health check.
Check that Secure DNS is disabled for each of the following browsers:
To disable DNS over HTTPS in Microsoft Edge:
To disable DNS over HTTPS in Google Chrome:
To disable DNS over HTTPS in Mozilla Firefox:
This test checks whether the DNS server configured to Windows returns a DNS response.
If this test fails:
tool.This check verifies that the client is able to acquire traffic from a fully qualified domain name (FQDN).
If the test fails:
This test verifies that the client successfully authenticated to Microsoft Entra.
If the cached token test fails:
Global Secure Access doesn't yet support traffic acquisition for destinations with IPv6 addresses. We recommend that you configure the client to prefer IPv4 over IPv6, if:
To configure the client to prefer IPv4 over IPv6, set the following registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip6\Parameters\ Name: DisabledComponents Type: REG_DWORD Value: 0x20 (Hex)
Changes to this registry value require a computer restart. For more information, see Guidance for configuring IPv6 in Windows for advanced users.
This test checks all active traffic types: Microsoft 365, Private Access, and Internet Access. If this test fails, the DNS can't resolve the hostnames of the Global Secure Access cloud service, and therefore the service isn't reachable. This failed test could be due to an internet connectivity problem or a DNS server that doesn't resolve public internet hostnames.
To verify that the hostname resolution works correctly:
Resolve-DnsName -Name <edge's FQDN>
Resolve-DnsName -Name microsoft.com
ipconfig /all
This test checks all active traffic types: Microsoft 365, Private Access, and Internet Access. If this test fails, the device doesn't have a network connection to the Global Secure Access cloud service.
If the test fails:
Test-NetConnection -ComputerName <edge's fqdn> -Port 443
.This test checks whether the proxy is configured on the device. If the end-user device is configured to use a proxy for outgoing traffic to the internet, you must exclude the destination IPs/FQDNs acquired by the client with a Proxy Auto-Configuration (PAC) file or with the Web Proxy Auto-Discovery (WPAD) protocol.
Add the IPs/FQDNs to be tunneled to Global Secure Access edge as exclusions in the PAC file, so that HTTP requests for these destinations won't redirect to the proxy. (These IPs/FQDNs are also set to tunnel to Global Secure Access in the forwarding profile.)
To show the client's health status properly, add the FQDN used for health probing to the exclusions list: .edgediagnostic.globalsecureaccess.microsoft.com
Example PAC file containing exclusions:
function FindProxyForURL(url, host) {
if (isPlainHostName(host) ||
dnsDomainIs(host, ".edgediagnostic.globalsecureaccess.microsoft.com") || //tunneled
dnsDomainIs(host, ".contoso.com") || //tunneled
dnsDomainIs(host, ".fabrikam.com")) // tunneled
return "DIRECT"; // For tunneled destinations, use "DIRECT" connection (and not the proxy)
else // for all other destinations
return "PROXY"; // route the traffic to the proxy.
Configuring the Global Secure Access client to route Global Secure Access traffic through a proxy:
to the value of the proxy address. For example,
.Hyper-V support:
The Global Secure Access Windows client supports Azure Virtual Machines.
The Global Secure Access Windows client supports Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD).
AVD multi-session is not supported.
This test checks each active traffic profile in the forwarding profile (Microsoft 365, Private Access, and Internet Access) to verify that connections to the health service of the corresponding channel are tunneled successfully.
If this test fails:
If this test fails, it means that at least one process of the client crashed in the last 24 hours.
If all other tests pass, the client should be currently functioning. However, it can be helpful to investigate the process dump file to increase future stability and to better understand why the process crashed.
To investigate the process dump file when a process crashes:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\LocalDumps
REG_SZ DumpFolder
registry value and set its data to the existing DumpFolder where you want to save the dump file.Since QUIC isn't yet supported for Internet Access, traffic to ports 80 UDP and 443 UDP can't be tunneled.
QUIC is currently supported in Private Access and Microsoft 365 workloads.
Administrators can disable QUIC protocol triggering clients to fall back to HTTPS over TCP, which is fully supported in Internet Access.
To disable QUIC in Microsoft Edge:
in the Address bar.To disable QUIC in Google Chrome:
in the Address bar.To disable QUIC in Mozilla Firefox:
in the Address bar.network.http.http3.enable
แก้ไขปัญหาเครือข่ายที่เกี่ยวข้องกับการควบคุมการกําหนดเส้นทางและปริมาณการใช้งานและการปรับสมดุลโหลด ระบบเครือข่าย AZ720 AZ-720 az-720
Troubleshoot the Global Secure Access client: diagnostics - Global Secure Access
Troubleshoot the Global Secure Access client using the health check tab in the advanced diagnostics utility.
Troubleshoot issues in Global Secure Access client for Windows
Learn how to troubleshoot issues that occur when you use the Global Secure Access client for Windows.
The Global Secure Access Client for Windows - Global Secure Access
The Global Secure Access client secures network traffic at the end-user device. This article describes how to download and install the Windows client.