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How to access information about Report Writer functions in the Microsoft Dynamics GP SDK

This article describes how to access information about Report Writer functions that can be added to Report Writer in Microsoft Dynamics GP.

Applies to:   Microsoft Dynamics GP
Original KB number:   928172


Report Writer functions are Dexterity functions that were created to do functions that aren't typically available in Report Writer. These functions can be added to reports by using a Calculated field as a user-defined function. For more information about these functions, see the Report Writer Programmer's Interface document in the Microsoft Dynamics GP Software Development Kit (SDK). To do it, follow the appropriate steps.

Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0

  1. Install the SDK.
  2. Select Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft Dynamics, and then select GP & SBF SDK.
  3. In the left Navigation Pane, double-click Microsoft Dynamics GP SDK, double-click Procedures and functions, double-click The Foundation Series, and then select Report Writer (RW) Programmer's Interface.

Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains 8.0

  1. Install the SDK.
  2. Select Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft Business Solutions, point to Great Plains & SBM SDK, and then select Release 8.0 Developer Resources.
  3. In the left Navigation Pane, expand Great Plains, and then select Procedures and Functions.
  4. In the right Navigation Pane, select Report Writer (RW) Programmer's Interface in the System Manager area.

More information

You can also access the parameter list for these Report Writer functions in the Report Writer Programmer's Interface document. To do it, follow the appropriate steps.

Dynamics GP 9.0

  1. Select Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft Dynamics, and then select GP & SBF SDK.

  2. In the left Navigation Pane, double-click Microsoft Dynamics GP SDK, double-click Parameters for Microsoft Dynamics GP, double-click Parameters for Release 9.0, and then select Main Dictionary Parameters.

  3. Open the parameter list in Notepad, and then select Find on the Edit menu.

  4. Type the name of the function for which you want to search, and then select Find Next.

    The function line displays the information that is returned and the data type of this information. The "in" parameters display the information that must be passed in from Report Writer.

Business Solutions - Great Plains 8.0

  1. Select Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft Business Solutions, point to Great Plains & SBM SDK, and then select Release 8.0 Developer Resources.
  2. In the left Navigation Pane, expand Great Plains, and then select Parameters.
  3. In the right Navigation Pane, select Great Plains 8.0 Parameters, right-click the text in the right Navigation Pane, and then select View Source.