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An asset from Payables Management or from Purchase Order Processing does not appear in Fixed Asset Management in Microsoft Dynamics GP

This article provides a solution to an issue where an asset from Payables Management or from Purchase Order Processing doesn't appear in Fixed Asset Management when you move it to Fixed Asset Management in Microsoft Dynamics GP.

Applies to:   Microsoft Dynamics GP
Original KB number:   865907


When you try to move an asset from Payables Management or from Purchase Order Processing to Fixed Asset Management in Microsoft Dynamics GP, the asset does not appear in Fixed Asset Management.


This problem occurs if Microsoft Dynamics GP is not set up completely, or if Microsoft Dynamics GP is set up incorrectly.


To resolve this problem, follow these steps.


After you complete each step, check whether the problem is resolved.

  1. In the Fixed Assets Company Setup window, make sure that the Post PM through to FA check box and the Post POP though to FA check box are selected. To do this, follow these steps:

    1. Open the Fixed Assets Company Setup window. To do this, follow the steps for your version of the program:

      • Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0

        On the Microsoft Dynamics GP menu, point to Tools, point to Setup, point to Fixed Assets, and then click Company.

      • Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0 and earlier versions

        On the Tools menu, point to Setup, point to Fixed Assets, and then click Company.

    2. Examine the Post PM through to FA check box and the Post POP though to FA check box. If it is necessary, click to select both check boxes.

  2. In the Fixed Assets Purchasing Posting Accounts Setup window, make sure that you have an FA Clearing Account set up. To do this, follow the steps for your version of the program:

    • Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0

      On the Microsoft Dynamics GP menu, point to Tools, point to Setup, point to Fixed Assets, and then click Purchasing Posting Accounts.

    • Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0 and earlier versions

      On the Tools menu, point to Setup, point to Fixed Assets, and then click Purchasing Posting Accounts.

    An FA Clearing Account is required if the following conditions are true:

    • The Post PM through to FA check box or the Post POP through to FA check box is selected.
    • In the Fixed Assets Company Setup window, the by Account option is selected.
  3. In the Fixed Assets Company Setup window, make sure that the Require Account check box is selected. If the Require Account check box is selected, click the Default Accounts arrow to open the Default Accounts window, and make sure that all eight default accounts are filled in.

  4. Use the appropriate step:

    • Payables Management

      In the Payables Transaction Entry Distribution window, make sure that you use a Fixed Assets Purchasing Posting account for the PURCH Type distribution account.

    • Purchase Order Processing

      In the Receivings Item Detail Entry window, make sure that you use a Fixed Assets Purchasing Posting account for the Purchases account.

  5. If the Post POP through to FA check box and the by Receipt Line check box are selected in the Fixed Assets Company Setup window, make sure that you click to select the Capital Item check box in the Receivings Item Detail Entry window before you post the receivings transaction. To open the Receivings Item Detail Entry window, point to Purchasing on the Transactions menu, click Receivings Transaction Entry, and then click the arrow next to the Item field.

  6. Make sure that Fixed Asset is installed on all the client computers where the users will be entering the purchasing transactions. Make sure that the Fam.dic file is in the Microsoft Dynamics GP application directory.

The issue that is described in the Symptoms section does not apply to Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0.