How to reupload a SafePay Transactions Upload file in a different format after it was processed in Microsoft Dynamics GP
This article describes how to reupload a SafePay Transactions Upload file in a different format after it was already processed in Microsoft Dynamics GP or in Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains 8.0.
Applies to: Microsoft Dynamics GP Original KB number: 854519
To reupload a SafePay Transactions Upload file, follow these steps:
Have all users exit Microsoft Dynamics GP.
Start the Support Administrator Console, Microsoft SQL Query Analyzer, or SQL Server Management Studio. To do this, use one of the following methods depending on the program that you are using.
Method 1: For SQL Server Desktop Engine
If you are using SQL Server Desktop Engine (also known as MSDE 2000), start the Support Administrator Console. To do this, select Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft Administrator Console, and then select Support Administrator Console.
Method 2: For SQL Server 2000
If you are using SQL Server 2000, start SQL Query Analyzer. To do this, select Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft SQL Server, and then select Query Analyzer.
Method 3: For SQL Server 2005
If you are using SQL Server 2005, start SQL Server Management Studio. To do this, select Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft SQL Server 2005, and then select SQL Server Management Studio.
Run the following scripts against the company database.
SELECT * from ME123503
SELECT * from ME123504
In these scripts, note the value of the MEUPLDID field for the last upload process.
Run the following scripts against the company database.
DELETE ME123503 where MeUpldID = 'XXX'
Replace the placeholder XXX by using the value of the MEUPLDID field that you noted.
DELETE ME123504 where MeUpldID = 'XXX'
Replace the placeholder XXX by using the value of the MEUPLDID field that you noted.
Start Microsoft Dynamics GP.
Follow the appropriate step:
In Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0, point to Tools on the Microsoft Dynamics GP menu, point to Routines, point to Financials, point to SafePay, and then select Transactions Upload.
In Microsoft Dynamics GP 9.0 and in Microsoft Business Solutions - Great Plains 8.0, point to Routines on the Tools menu, point to Financials, point to SafePay, and then select Transactions Upload.
Verify that you can re-upload the SafePay Transaction file.
Do you want to discover how to use payment reconciliation journals in Business Central? If so, then follow this module, which shows how to use the payment reconciliation journal to import bank statements and automatically match payments. This module also explains how you can post and reconcile the payment lines.