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Word template option missing in Report destination window when printing in Microsoft Dynamics GP

This article provides a resolution for the issue that the word template option is missing in the Report destination window when printing in Microsoft Dynamics GP.

Applies to:   Microsoft Dynamics GP
Original KB number:   4502006


When printing, the Template option is missing in the Report destination window. For Report type, only standard is listed.


They can be several causes. See below troubleshooting steps in Resolution section. Refer to the original Blog article for same information with screen prints.


Review the below troubleshooting steps, in no particular order:

  1. Under Reports > Template configuration:

    1. Expand the Enable All templates for all companies and specify which specific templates you want enabled.
    2. Also, make sure the Enable Report Templates checkbox is marked at the bottom.
  2. Make sure you have the Dexterity Shared components installed (and also the correct version for your Microsoft Dynamics GP installation.)

    (You can even try uninstalling and reinstalling the Dexitry shared components under Add/Remove programs.)

  3. Check where the Dynamics.exe and Dynamics.exe.config are pulling from, and are not renamed:

    1. Right-click your Microsoft Dynamics GP shortcut and select PROPERTIES.
    2. Make sure the Dynamics.exe file is not renamed in the folder listed for the shortcut for the Target or Start infields in the GP Properties windows.


    When using Citrix and utilizing a shared folder for dictionaries, make sure the Dynamics.exe.config file is listed there as well.

  4. Verify the ReportTemplatesEnables of globals is set to true.

    1. Open the Dex.ini file in the Microsoft Dynamics GP code folder and add this tag. Save and restart GP.

    2. In Microsoft Dynamics GP, select DEBUG in the menu and select WATCH.

    3. Enter RerpotTempaletsEnabled of Globals and true.

      (If it is false, make sure the Dynamics.exe.config in the GP code folder is there and not renamed.)

  5. Another option is to reinstall Microsoft Dynamics GP.

  6. Also disable Windows firewall and/or Antivirus softwardeto rule these out.


You may need to create an exception for the path to your GP code folder, and the %TEMP% folder to not be scanned during certain hours or to allow certain actions if your Antivirus is the cause.