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AbstractSelector.ImplCloseSelector Method


Closes this selector.

[Android.Runtime.Register("implCloseSelector", "()V", "GetImplCloseSelectorHandler")]
protected abstract void ImplCloseSelector ();
[<Android.Runtime.Register("implCloseSelector", "()V", "GetImplCloseSelectorHandler")>]
abstract member ImplCloseSelector : unit -> unit



Closes this selector.

This method is invoked by the #close close method in order to perform the actual work of closing the selector. This method is only invoked if the selector has not yet been closed, and it is never invoked more than once.

An implementation of this method must arrange for any other thread that is blocked in a selection operation upon this selector to return immediately as if by invoking the java.nio.channels.Selector#wakeup wakeup method.

Java documentation for java.nio.channels.spi.AbstractSelector.implCloseSelector().

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