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ChoiceFormat.SetChoices(Double[], String[]) Method


Set the choices to be used in formatting.

[Android.Runtime.Register("setChoices", "([D[Ljava/lang/String;)V", "GetSetChoices_arrayDarrayLjava_lang_String_Handler")]
public virtual void SetChoices (double[]? limits, string[]? formats);
[<Android.Runtime.Register("setChoices", "([D[Ljava/lang/String;)V", "GetSetChoices_arrayDarrayLjava_lang_String_Handler")>]
abstract member SetChoices : double[] * string[] -> unit
override this.SetChoices : double[] * string[] -> unit



contains the top value that you want parsed with that format, and should be in ascending sorted order. When formatting X, the choice will be the i, where limit[i] &le; X < limit[i+1]. If the limit array is not in ascending order, the results of formatting will be incorrect.


are the formats you want to use for each limit. They can be either Format objects or Strings. When formatting with object Y, if the object is a NumberFormat, then ((NumberFormat) Y).format(X) is called. Otherwise Y.toString() is called.



Set the choices to be used in formatting.

Java documentation for java.text.ChoiceFormat.setChoices(double[], java.lang.String[]).

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