Package containing the data models for CustomerInsightsManagementClient. The Azure Customer Insights management API provides a RESTful set of web services that interact with Azure Customer Insights service to manage your resources. The API has entities that capture the relationship between an end user and the Azure Customer Insights service.
Assignment |
The Assignment |
Authorization |
The response of list authorization policy operation. |
Canonical |
Definition of canonical profile. |
Canonical |
The definition of a canonical profile property. |
Canonical |
Type of canonical property value. |
Connector |
The response of list connector operation. |
Connector |
Connector mapping property availability. |
Connector |
The complete operation. |
Connector |
The error management. |
Connector |
Connector mapping property format. |
Connector |
The response of list connector mapping operation. |
Connector |
The connector mapping properties. |
Connector |
Connector mapping property structure. |
Connector |
Type of connector. |
Data |
The data source precedence is a way to know the precedence of each data source. |
Data |
The data source type. |
Enriching |
The enriching KPI definition. |
Entity |
Describes an entity. |
Get |
Input type for getting image upload url. |
Hub |
Hub billing info. |
Hub |
Response of list hub operation. |
Interaction |
The response of list interaction operation. |
Kpi |
The KPI alias. |
Kpi |
The KPI extract. |
Kpi |
The KPI Group |
Kpi |
The response of list KPI operation. |
Kpi |
The KPI participant profile metadata. |
Kpi |
Defines the KPI Threshold limits. |
Link |
The response of list link operation. |
Metadata |
The Metadata definition base. |
Operation |
The object that represents the operation. |
Operation |
Result of the request to list Customer Insights operations. |
Participant |
Describes a profile type participating in an interaction. |
Participant |
The participant profile property reference. |
Participant |
The participant property reference. |
Prediction |
The definition of the prediction distribution. |
Prediction |
The definition of a prediction distribution. |
Prediction |
The definition of a prediction grade. |
Prediction |
The response of list predictions operation. |
Prediction |
Definition of the link mapping of prediction. |
Prediction |
Prediction model life cycle. |
Prediction |
System generated entities. |
Profile |
Valid enum values in case of an enum property. |
Profile |
The response of list profile operation. |
Property |
Property definition. |
Provisioning |
Provisioning state. |
Relationship |
The fields mapping for Relationships. |
Relationship |
The response of list relationship link operation. |
Relationship |
The response of list relationship operation. |
Relationship |
Map a field of profile to its corresponding Strong |
Relationship |
Maps fields in Profile to their corresponding Strong |
Relationships |
The definition of suggested relationship for the type. |
Resource |
The resource set description. |
Role |
The response of list role assignment operation. |
Role |
The response of list role assignment operation. |
Status |
The data source status. |
Strong |
Property/Properties which represent a unique ID. |
Type |
Metadata for a Link's property mapping. |
View |
The response of list view operation. |
Widget |
The response of list widget type operation. |
Authorization |
Resource collection API of Authorization |
Authorization |
An immutable client-side representation of Authorization |
Authorization |
An immutable client-side representation of Authorization |
Authorization |
The entirety of the Authorization |
Authorization |
The Authorization |
Authorization |
The first stage of the Authorization |
Authorization |
The stage of the Authorization |
Authorization |
The stage of the Authorization |
Authorization |
The stage of the Authorization |
Authorization |
The stage of the Authorization |
Authorization |
The stage of the Authorization |
Authorization |
The template for Authorization |
Authorization |
The Authorization |
Authorization |
The stage of the Authorization |
Authorization |
The stage of the Authorization |
Authorization |
The stage of the Authorization |
Connector |
An immutable client-side representation of Connector |
Connector |
The entirety of the Connector |
Connector |
The Connector |
Connector |
The first stage of the Connector |
Connector |
The stage of the Connector |
Connector |
The stage of the Connector |
Connector |
The stage of the Connector |
Connector |
The stage of the Connector |
Connector |
The stage of the Connector |
Connector |
The stage of the Connector |
Connector |
The stage of the Connector |
Connector |
The stage of the Connector |
Connector |
The template for Connector |
Connector |
The Connector |
Connector |
The stage of the Connector |
Connector |
The stage of the Connector |
Connector |
The stage of the Connector |
Connector |
The stage of the Connector |
Connector |
The stage of the Connector |
Connector |
The stage of the Connector |
Connector |
Resource collection API of Connector |
Connector |
An immutable client-side representation of Connector |
Connector |
The entirety of the Connector |
Connector |
The Connector |
Connector |
The first stage of the Connector |
Connector |
The stage of the Connector |
Connector |
The stage of the Connector |
Connector |
The stage of the Connector |
Connector |
The stage of the Connector |
Connector |
The stage of the Connector |
Connector |
The stage of the Connector |
Connector |
The stage of the Connector |
Connector |
The stage of the Connector |
Connector |
The template for Connector |
Connector |
The Connector |
Connector |
The stage of the Connector |
Connector |
The stage of the Connector |
Connector |
The stage of the Connector |
Connector |
The stage of the Connector |
Connector |
The stage of the Connector |
Connector |
The stage of the Connector |
Connectors |
Resource collection API of Connectors. |
Hub |
An immutable client-side representation of Hub. |
Hub. |
The entirety of the Hub definition. |
Hub. |
The Hub definition stages. |
Hub. |
The first stage of the Hub definition. |
Hub. |
The stage of the Hub definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified. |
Hub. |
The stage of the Hub definition allowing to specify hub |
Hub. |
The stage of the Hub definition allowing to specify location. |
Hub. |
The stage of the Hub definition allowing to specify parent resource. |
Hub. |
The stage of the Hub definition allowing to specify tags. |
Hub. |
The stage of the Hub definition allowing to specify tenant |
Hub. |
The template for Hub update. |
Hub. |
The Hub update stages. |
Hub. |
The stage of the Hub update allowing to specify hub |
Hub. |
The stage of the Hub update allowing to specify tags. |
Hub. |
The stage of the Hub update allowing to specify tenant |
Hubs |
Resource collection API of Hubs. |
Image |
An immutable client-side representation of Image |
Images |
Resource collection API of Images. |
Interaction |
An immutable client-side representation of Interaction |
Interaction |
The entirety of the Interaction |
Interaction |
The Interaction |
Interaction |
The first stage of the Interaction |
Interaction |
The stage of the Interaction |
Interaction |
The stage of the Interaction |
Interaction |
The stage of the Interaction |
Interaction |
The stage of the Interaction |
Interaction |
The stage of the Interaction |
Interaction |
The stage of the Interaction |
Interaction |
The stage of the Interaction |
Interaction |
The stage of the Interaction |
Interaction |
The stage of the Interaction |
Interaction |
The stage of the Interaction |
Interaction |
The stage of the Interaction |
Interaction |
The stage of the Interaction |
Interaction |
The stage of the Interaction |
Interaction |
The stage of the Interaction |
Interaction |
The stage of the Interaction |
Interaction |
The stage of the Interaction |
Interaction |
The stage of the Interaction |
Interaction |
The stage of the Interaction |
Interaction |
The stage of the Interaction |
Interaction |
The stage of the Interaction |
Interaction |
The template for Interaction |
Interaction |
The Interaction |
Interaction |
The stage of the Interaction |
Interaction |
The stage of the Interaction |
Interaction |
The stage of the Interaction |
Interaction |
The stage of the Interaction |
Interaction |
The stage of the Interaction |
Interaction |
The stage of the Interaction |
Interaction |
The stage of the Interaction |
Interaction |
The stage of the Interaction |
Interaction |
The stage of the Interaction |
Interaction |
The stage of the Interaction |
Interaction |
The stage of the Interaction |
Interaction |
The stage of the Interaction |
Interaction |
The stage of the Interaction |
Interaction |
The stage of the Interaction |
Interaction |
The stage of the Interaction |
Interaction |
The stage of the Interaction |
Interaction |
The stage of the Interaction |
Interaction |
The stage of the Interaction |
Interactions |
Resource collection API of Interactions. |
Kpi |
An immutable client-side representation of Kpi |
Kpi |
An immutable client-side representation of Kpi |
Kpi |
The entirety of the Kpi |
Kpi |
The Kpi |
Kpi |
The first stage of the Kpi |
Kpi |
The stage of the Kpi |
Kpi |
The stage of the Kpi |
Kpi |
The stage of the Kpi |
Kpi |
The stage of the Kpi |
Kpi |
The stage of the Kpi |
Kpi |
The stage of the Kpi |
Kpi |
The stage of the Kpi |
Kpi |
The stage of the Kpi |
Kpi |
The stage of the Kpi |
Kpi |
The stage of the Kpi |
Kpi |
The stage of the Kpi |
Kpi |
The stage of the Kpi |
Kpi |
The stage of the Kpi |
Kpi |
The stage of the Kpi |
Kpi |
The stage of the Kpi |
Kpi |
The stage of the Kpi |
Kpi |
The template for Kpi |
Kpi |
The Kpi |
Kpi |
The stage of the Kpi |
Kpi |
The stage of the Kpi |
Kpi |
The stage of the Kpi |
Kpi |
The stage of the Kpi |
Kpi |
The stage of the Kpi |
Kpi |
The stage of the Kpi |
Kpi |
The stage of the Kpi |
Kpi |
The stage of the Kpi |
Kpi |
The stage of the Kpi |
Kpi |
The stage of the Kpi |
Kpi |
The stage of the Kpi |
Kpi |
The stage of the Kpi |
Kpi |
The stage of the Kpi |
Kpi |
The stage of the Kpi |
Kpis |
Resource collection API of Kpis. |
Link |
An immutable client-side representation of Link |
Link |
The entirety of the Link |
Link |
The Link |
Link |
The first stage of the Link |
Link |
The stage of the Link |
Link |
The stage of the Link |
Link |
The stage of the Link |
Link |
The stage of the Link |
Link |
The stage of the Link |
Link |
The stage of the Link |
Link |
The stage of the Link |
Link |
The stage of the Link |
Link |
The stage of the Link |
Link |
The stage of the Link |
Link |
The stage of the Link |
Link |
The stage of the Link |
Link |
The template for Link |
Link |
The Link |
Link |
The stage of the Link |
Link |
The stage of the Link |
Link |
The stage of the Link |
Link |
The stage of the Link |
Link |
The stage of the Link |
Link |
The stage of the Link |
Link |
The stage of the Link |
Link |
The stage of the Link |
Link |
The stage of the Link |
Link |
The stage of the Link |
Links |
Resource collection API of Links. |
Operation |
An immutable client-side representation of Operation. |
Operations |
Resource collection API of Operations. |
Prediction |
An immutable client-side representation of Prediction |
Prediction |
An immutable client-side representation of Prediction |
Prediction |
The entirety of the Prediction |
Prediction |
The Prediction |
Prediction |
The first stage of the Prediction |
Prediction |
The stage of the Prediction |
Prediction |
The stage of the Prediction |
Prediction |
The stage of the Prediction |
Prediction |
The stage of the Prediction |
Prediction |
The stage of the Prediction |
Prediction |
The stage of the Prediction |
Prediction |
The stage of the Prediction |
Prediction |
The stage of the Prediction |
Prediction |
The stage of the Prediction |
Prediction |
The stage of the Prediction |
Prediction |
The stage of the Prediction |
Prediction |
The stage of the Prediction |
Prediction |
The stage of the Prediction |
Prediction |
The stage of the Prediction |
Prediction |
The stage of the Prediction |
Prediction |
The stage of the Prediction |
Prediction |
The template for Prediction |
Prediction |
The Prediction |
Prediction |
The stage of the Prediction |
Prediction |
The stage of the Prediction |
Prediction |
The stage of the Prediction |
Prediction |
The stage of the Prediction |
Prediction |
The stage of the Prediction |
Prediction |
The stage of the Prediction |
Prediction |
The stage of the Prediction |
Prediction |
The stage of the Prediction |
Prediction |
The stage of the Prediction |
Prediction |
The stage of the Prediction |
Prediction |
The stage of the Prediction |
Prediction |
The stage of the Prediction |
Prediction |
The stage of the Prediction |
Prediction |
The stage of the Prediction |
Prediction |
An immutable client-side representation of Prediction |
Predictions |
Resource collection API of Predictions. |
Profile |
An immutable client-side representation of Profile |
Profile |
The entirety of the Profile |
Profile |
The Profile |
Profile |
The first stage of the Profile |
Profile |
The stage of the Profile |
Profile |
The stage of the Profile |
Profile |
The stage of the Profile |
Profile |
The stage of the Profile |
Profile |
The stage of the Profile |
Profile |
The stage of the Profile |
Profile |
The stage of the Profile |
Profile |
The stage of the Profile |
Profile |
The stage of the Profile |
Profile |
The stage of the Profile |
Profile |
The stage of the Profile |
Profile |
The stage of the Profile |
Profile |
The stage of the Profile |
Profile |
The stage of the Profile |
Profile |
The stage of the Profile |
Profile |
The stage of the Profile |
Profile |
The stage of the Profile |
Profile |
The template for Profile |
Profile |
The Profile |
Profile |
The stage of the Profile |
Profile |
The stage of the Profile |
Profile |
The stage of the Profile |
Profile |
The stage of the Profile |
Profile |
The stage of the Profile |
Profile |
The stage of the Profile |
Profile |
The stage of the Profile |
Profile |
The stage of the Profile |
Profile |
The stage of the Profile |
Profile |
The stage of the Profile |
Profile |
The stage of the Profile |
Profile |
The stage of the Profile |
Profile |
The stage of the Profile |
Profile |
The stage of the Profile |
Profile |
The stage of the Profile |
Profiles |
Resource collection API of Profiles. |
Relationship |
An immutable client-side representation of Relationship |
Relationship |
The entirety of the Relationship |
Relationship |
The Relationship |
Relationship |
The first stage of the Relationship |
Relationship |
The stage of the Relationship |
Relationship |
The stage of the Relationship |
Relationship |
The stage of the Relationship |
Relationship |
The stage of the Relationship |
Relationship |
The stage of the Relationship |
Relationship |
The stage of the Relationship |
Relationship |
The stage of the Relationship |
Relationship |
The stage of the Relationship |
Relationship |
The stage of the Relationship |
Relationship |
The template for Relationship |
Relationship |
The Relationship |
Relationship |
The stage of the Relationship |
Relationship |
The stage of the Relationship |
Relationship |
The stage of the Relationship |
Relationship |
The stage of the Relationship |
Relationship |
The stage of the Relationship |
Relationship |
The stage of the Relationship |
Relationship |
The stage of the Relationship |
Relationship |
Resource collection API of Relationship |
Relationship |
An immutable client-side representation of Relationship |
Relationship |
The entirety of the Relationship |
Relationship |
The Relationship |
Relationship |
The first stage of the Relationship |
Relationship |
The stage of the Relationship |
Relationship |
The stage of the Relationship |
Relationship |
The stage of the Relationship |
Relationship |
The stage of the Relationship |
Relationship |
The stage of the Relationship |
Relationship |
The stage of the Relationship |
Relationship |
The stage of the Relationship |
Relationship |
The stage of the Relationship |
Relationship |
The stage of the Relationship |
Relationship |
The stage of the Relationship |
Relationship |
The template for Relationship |
Relationship |
The Relationship |
Relationship |
The stage of the Relationship |
Relationship |
The stage of the Relationship |
Relationship |
The stage of the Relationship |
Relationship |
The stage of the Relationship |
Relationship |
The stage of the Relationship |
Relationship |
The stage of the Relationship |
Relationship |
The stage of the Relationship |
Relationship |
The stage of the Relationship |
Relationships |
Resource collection API of Relationships. |
Role |
An immutable client-side representation of Role |
Role |
The entirety of the Role |
Role |
The Role |
Role |
The first stage of the Role |
Role |
The stage of the Role |
Role |
The stage of the Role |
Role |
The stage of the Role |
Role |
The stage of the Role |
Role |
The stage of the Role |
Role |
The stage of the Role |
Role |
The stage of the Role |
Role |
The stage of the Role |
Role |
The stage of the Role |
Role |
The stage of the Role |
Role |
The stage of the Role |
Role |
The stage of the Role |
Role |
The stage of the Role |
Role |
The stage of the Role |
Role |
The stage of the Role |
Role |
The stage of the Role |
Role |
The stage of the Role |
Role |
The stage of the Role |
Role |
The stage of the Role |
Role |
The template for Role |
Role |
The Role |
Role |
The stage of the Role |
Role |
The stage of the Role |
Role |
The stage of the Role |
Role |
The stage of the Role |
Role |
The stage of the Role |
Role |
The stage of the Role |
Role |
The stage of the Role |
Role |
The stage of the Role |
Role |
The stage of the Role |
Role |
The stage of the Role |
Role |
The stage of the Role |
Role |
The stage of the Role |
Role |
The stage of the Role |
Role |
The stage of the Role |
Role |
The stage of the Role |
Role |
The stage of the Role |
Role |
The stage of the Role |
Role |
Resource collection API of Role |
Role |
An immutable client-side representation of Role |
Roles |
Resource collection API of Roles. |
Suggest |
An immutable client-side representation of Suggest |
View |
An immutable client-side representation of View |
View |
The entirety of the View |
View |
The View |
View |
The first stage of the View |
View |
The stage of the View |
View |
The stage of the View |
View |
The stage of the View |
View |
The stage of the View |
View |
The stage of the View |
View |
The template for View |
View |
The View |
View |
The stage of the View |
View |
The stage of the View |
View |
The stage of the View |
Views |
Resource collection API of Views. |
Widget |
An immutable client-side representation of Widget |
Widget |
Resource collection API of Widget |
Calculation |
The calculation window. |
Cardinality |
The Relationship Cardinality. |
Completion |
The type of completion operation. |
Connector |
State of connector mapping. |
Connector |
State of connector. |
Entity |
Type of source entity. |
Entity |
Type of entity. |
Error |
The type of error management to use for the mapping. |
Frequency |
The frequency to update. |
Instance |
Determines whether this link is supposed to create or delete instances if Link is NOT Reference Only. |
Kpi |
The computation function for the KPI. |
Link |
Link type. |
Permission |
Supported permission types. |
Role |
Type of roles. |
Azure SDK for Java geri bildirimi
Azure SDK for Java, açık kaynak bir projedir. Geri bildirim sağlamak için bir bağlantı seçin: