Package containing the data models for OperationalInsightsManagementClient. Operational Insights Client.
Associated |
The list of Log Analytics workspaces associated with the cluster. |
Azure |
Entity Resource The resource model definition for an Azure Resource Manager resource with an etag. |
Azure |
An Azure resource Query |
Billing |
Defines values for Billing |
Capacity |
The Capacity Reservation properties. |
Cluster |
Defines values for Cluster |
Cluster |
The list clusters operation response. |
Cluster |
The top level Log Analytics cluster resource container. |
Cluster |
The cluster sku definition. |
Cluster |
Defines values for Cluster |
Column |
Table column. |
Column |
Defines values for Column |
Column |
Defines values for Column |
Core |
The core summary of a search. |
Created |
Defines values for Created |
Data |
Result of the request to list data exports. |
Data |
Defines values for Data |
Data |
Defines values for Data |
Data |
The list data source by workspace operation response. |
Identity |
Identity for the resource. |
Identity |
Defines values for Identity |
Key |
The key vault properties. |
Linked |
Defines values for Linked |
Linked |
The list linked service operation response. |
Linked |
The list linked storage accounts service operation response. |
Log |
Describes the list of Log Analytics Query |
Log |
Describes the list of Log Analytics Query |
Log |
The related metadata items for the function. |
Log |
Properties that define an Log Analytics Query |
Log |
The related metadata items for the function. |
Metric |
The name of a metric. |
Operation |
Display metadata associated with the operation. |
Operation |
Result of the request to list solution operations. |
Private |
The private link scope resource reference. |
Provisioning |
Defines values for Provisioning |
Public |
Defines values for Public |
Purge |
Defines values for Purge |
Query |
An azure resource object. |
Restored |
Restore parameters. |
Result |
Search job execution statistics. |
Schema |
Table's schema. |
Search |
Metadata for search results. |
Search |
Schema metadata for search. |
Search |
Parameters of the search job that initiated this table. |
Search |
Value object for schema results. |
Search |
The sort parameters for search. |
Search |
Defines values for Search |
Sku |
Defines values for Sku |
Source |
Defines values for Source |
Storage |
Describes a storage account connection. |
Storage |
The list storage insights operation response. |
Storage |
Defines values for Storage |
Storage |
The status of the storage insight. |
System |
Metadata pertaining to creation and last modification of the resource. |
Table |
Defines values for Table |
Table |
Defines values for Table |
Table |
Defines values for Table |
Tables |
The list tables operation response. |
Tag |
A tag of a saved search. |
Tags |
A container holding only the Tags for a resource, allowing the user to update the tags on a Query |
Type |
Defines values for Type. |
User |
User assigned identity properties. |
Workspace |
The daily volume cap for ingestion. |
Workspace |
Defines values for Workspace |
Workspace |
Workspace features. |
Workspace |
The list workspace management groups operation response. |
Workspace |
The list workspaces operation response. |
Workspace |
The list workspace usages operation response. |
Workspace |
The top level Workspace resource container. |
Workspace |
Describes the body of a purge request for an App Insights Workspace. |
Workspace |
User-defined filters to return data which will be purged from the table. |
Workspace |
The Workspace |
Workspace |
Contains all response data for the purge operation. |
Workspace |
The SKU (tier) of a workspace. |
Workspace |
Defines values for Workspace |
Available |
An immutable client-side representation of Available |
Available |
Resource collection API of Available |
Cluster |
An immutable client-side representation of Cluster. |
Cluster. |
The entirety of the Cluster definition. |
Cluster. |
The Cluster definition stages. |
Cluster. |
The first stage of the Cluster definition. |
Cluster. |
The stage of the Cluster definition allowing to specify associated |
Cluster. |
The stage of the Cluster definition allowing to specify billing |
Cluster. |
The stage of the Cluster definition allowing to specify capacity |
Cluster. |
The stage of the Cluster definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified. |
Cluster. |
The stage of the Cluster definition allowing to specify identity. |
Cluster. |
The stage of the Cluster definition allowing to specify is |
Cluster. |
The stage of the Cluster definition allowing to specify is |
Cluster. |
The stage of the Cluster definition allowing to specify key |
Cluster. |
The stage of the Cluster definition allowing to specify location. |
Cluster. |
The stage of the Cluster definition allowing to specify parent resource. |
Cluster. |
The stage of the Cluster definition allowing to specify sku. |
Cluster. |
The stage of the Cluster definition allowing to specify tags. |
Cluster. |
The template for Cluster update. |
Cluster. |
The Cluster update stages. |
Cluster. |
The stage of the Cluster update allowing to specify billing |
Cluster. |
The stage of the Cluster update allowing to specify identity. |
Cluster. |
The stage of the Cluster update allowing to specify key |
Cluster. |
The stage of the Cluster update allowing to specify sku. |
Cluster. |
The stage of the Cluster update allowing to specify tags. |
Clusters |
Resource collection API of Clusters. |
Data |
An immutable client-side representation of Data |
Data |
The entirety of the Data |
Data |
The Data |
Data |
The first stage of the Data |
Data |
The stage of the Data |
Data |
The stage of the Data |
Data |
The stage of the Data |
Data |
The stage of the Data |
Data |
The stage of the Data |
Data |
The stage of the Data |
Data |
The stage of the Data |
Data |
The stage of the Data |
Data |
The stage of the Data |
Data |
The template for Data |
Data |
The Data |
Data |
The stage of the Data |
Data |
The stage of the Data |
Data |
The stage of the Data |
Data |
The stage of the Data |
Data |
The stage of the Data |
Data |
The stage of the Data |
Data |
The stage of the Data |
Data |
Resource collection API of Data |
Data |
An immutable client-side representation of Data |
Data |
The entirety of the Data |
Data |
The Data |
Data |
The first stage of the Data |
Data |
The stage of the Data |
Data |
The stage of the Data |
Data |
The stage of the Data |
Data |
The stage of the Data |
Data |
The stage of the Data |
Data |
The stage of the Data |
Data |
The template for Data |
Data |
The Data |
Data |
The stage of the Data |
Data |
The stage of the Data |
Data |
The stage of the Data |
Data |
The stage of the Data |
Data |
Resource collection API of Data |
Deleted |
Resource collection API of Deleted |
Gateways |
Resource collection API of Gateways. |
Intelligence |
An immutable client-side representation of Intelligence |
Intelligence |
Resource collection API of Intelligence |
Linked |
An immutable client-side representation of Linked |
Linked |
The entirety of the Linked |
Linked |
The Linked |
Linked |
The first stage of the Linked |
Linked |
The stage of the Linked |
Linked |
The stage of the Linked |
Linked |
The stage of the Linked |
Linked |
The stage of the Linked |
Linked |
The stage of the Linked |
Linked |
The stage of the Linked |
Linked |
The template for Linked |
Linked |
The Linked |
Linked |
The stage of the Linked |
Linked |
The stage of the Linked |
Linked |
The stage of the Linked |
Linked |
The stage of the Linked |
Linked |
Resource collection API of Linked |
Linked |
Resource collection API of Linked |
Linked |
An immutable client-side representation of Linked |
Linked |
The entirety of the Linked |
Linked |
The Linked |
Linked |
The first stage of the Linked |
Linked |
The stage of the Linked |
Linked |
The stage of the Linked |
Linked |
The stage of the Linked |
Linked |
The template for Linked |
Linked |
The Linked |
Linked |
The stage of the Linked |
Log |
An immutable client-side representation of Log |
Log |
The entirety of the Log |
Log |
The Log |
Log |
The first stage of the Log |
Log |
The stage of the Log |
Log |
The stage of the Log |
Log |
The stage of the Log |
Log |
The stage of the Log |
Log |
The template for Log |
Log |
The Log |
Log |
The stage of the Log |
Log |
An immutable client-side representation of Log |
Log |
The entirety of the Log |
Log |
The Log |
Log |
The first stage of the Log |
Log |
The stage of the Log |
Log |
The stage of the Log |
Log |
The stage of the Log |
Log |
The stage of the Log |
Log |
The stage of the Log |
Log |
The stage of the Log |
Log |
The stage of the Log |
Log |
The stage of the Log |
Log |
The template for Log |
Log |
The Log |
Log |
The stage of the Log |
Log |
The stage of the Log |
Log |
The stage of the Log |
Log |
The stage of the Log |
Log |
The stage of the Log |
Log |
The stage of the Log |
Management |
An immutable client-side representation of Management |
Management |
Resource collection API of Management |
Operation |
An immutable client-side representation of Operation. |
Operation |
An immutable client-side representation of Operation |
Operation |
Resource collection API of Operation |
Operations |
Resource collection API of Operations. |
Queries |
Resource collection API of Queries. |
Query |
Resource collection API of Query |
Saved |
An immutable client-side representation of Saved |
Saved |
The entirety of the Saved |
Saved |
The Saved |
Saved |
The first stage of the Saved |
Saved |
The stage of the Saved |
Saved |
The stage of the Saved |
Saved |
The stage of the Saved |
Saved |
The stage of the Saved |
Saved |
The stage of the Saved |
Saved |
The stage of the Saved |
Saved |
The stage of the Saved |
Saved |
The stage of the Saved |
Saved |
The stage of the Saved |
Saved |
The stage of the Saved |
Saved |
The template for Saved |
Saved |
The Saved |
Saved |
The stage of the Saved |
Saved |
The stage of the Saved |
Saved |
The stage of the Saved |
Saved |
The stage of the Saved |
Saved |
The stage of the Saved |
Saved |
The stage of the Saved |
Saved |
The stage of the Saved |
Saved |
The stage of the Saved |
Saved |
Resource collection API of Saved |
Saved |
An immutable client-side representation of Saved |
Schemas |
Resource collection API of Schemas. |
Search |
An immutable client-side representation of Search |
Shared |
An immutable client-side representation of Shared |
Shared |
Resource collection API of Shared |
Storage |
An immutable client-side representation of Storage |
Storage |
The entirety of the Storage |
Storage |
The Storage |
Storage |
The first stage of the Storage |
Storage |
The stage of the Storage |
Storage |
The stage of the Storage |
Storage |
The stage of the Storage |
Storage |
The stage of the Storage |
Storage |
The stage of the Storage |
Storage |
The stage of the Storage |
Storage |
The stage of the Storage |
Storage |
The template for Storage |
Storage |
The Storage |
Storage |
The stage of the Storage |
Storage |
The stage of the Storage |
Storage |
The stage of the Storage |
Storage |
The stage of the Storage |
Storage |
The stage of the Storage |
Storage |
Resource collection API of Storage |
Table |
An immutable client-side representation of Table. |
Table. |
The entirety of the Table definition. |
Table. |
The Table definition stages. |
Table. |
The first stage of the Table definition. |
Table. |
The stage of the Table definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified. |
Table. |
The stage of the Table definition allowing to specify parent resource. |
Table. |
The stage of the Table definition allowing to specify plan. |
Table. |
The stage of the Table definition allowing to specify restored |
Table. |
The stage of the Table definition allowing to specify result |
Table. |
The stage of the Table definition allowing to specify retention |
Table. |
The stage of the Table definition allowing to specify schema. |
Table. |
The stage of the Table definition allowing to specify search |
Table. |
The stage of the Table definition allowing to specify total |
Table. |
The template for Table update. |
Table. |
The Table update stages. |
Table. |
The stage of the Table update allowing to specify plan. |
Table. |
The stage of the Table update allowing to specify restored |
Table. |
The stage of the Table update allowing to specify result |
Table. |
The stage of the Table update allowing to specify retention |
Table. |
The stage of the Table update allowing to specify schema. |
Table. |
The stage of the Table update allowing to specify search |
Table. |
The stage of the Table update allowing to specify total |
Tables |
Resource collection API of Tables. |
Usage |
An immutable client-side representation of Usage |
Usages |
Resource collection API of Usages. |
Workspace |
An immutable client-side representation of Workspace. |
Workspace. |
The entirety of the Workspace definition. |
Workspace. |
The Workspace definition stages. |
Workspace. |
The first stage of the Workspace definition. |
Workspace. |
The stage of the Workspace definition which contains all the minimum required properties for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional properties to be specified. |
Workspace. |
The stage of the Workspace definition allowing to specify default |
Workspace. |
The stage of the Workspace definition allowing to specify etag. |
Workspace. |
The stage of the Workspace definition allowing to specify features. |
Workspace. |
The stage of the Workspace definition allowing to specify force |
Workspace. |
The stage of the Workspace definition allowing to specify location. |
Workspace. |
The stage of the Workspace definition allowing to specify public |
Workspace. |
The stage of the Workspace definition allowing to specify public |
Workspace. |
The stage of the Workspace definition allowing to specify parent resource. |
Workspace. |
The stage of the Workspace definition allowing to specify retention |
Workspace. |
The stage of the Workspace definition allowing to specify sku. |
Workspace. |
The stage of the Workspace definition allowing to specify tags. |
Workspace. |
The stage of the Workspace definition allowing to specify workspace |
Workspace. |
The template for Workspace update. |
Workspace. |
The Workspace update stages. |
Workspace. |
The stage of the Workspace update allowing to specify default |
Workspace. |
The stage of the Workspace update allowing to specify features. |
Workspace. |
The stage of the Workspace update allowing to specify force |
Workspace. |
The stage of the Workspace update allowing to specify public |
Workspace. |
The stage of the Workspace update allowing to specify public |
Workspace. |
The stage of the Workspace update allowing to specify retention |
Workspace. |
The stage of the Workspace update allowing to specify sku. |
Workspace. |
The stage of the Workspace update allowing to specify tags. |
Workspace. |
The stage of the Workspace update allowing to specify workspace |
Workspace |
An immutable client-side representation of Workspace |
Workspace |
An immutable client-side representation of Workspace |
Workspace |
Resource collection API of Workspace |
Workspaces |
Resource collection API of Workspaces. |
Capacity |
Defines values for Capacity. |
Capacity |
Defines values for Capacity |
Data |
Defines values for Data |
Azure SDK for Java geri bildirimi
Azure SDK for Java, açık kaynak bir projedir. Geri bildirim sağlamak için bir bağlantı seçin: