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GovernanceAssignmentsClient Interface

public interface GovernanceAssignmentsClient

An instance of this class provides access to all the operations defined in GovernanceAssignmentsClient.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
abstract GovernanceAssignmentInner createOrUpdate(String scope, String assessmentName, String assignmentKey, GovernanceAssignmentInner governanceAssignment)

Creates or updates a governance assignment on the given subscription.

abstract Response<GovernanceAssignmentInner> createOrUpdateWithResponse(String scope, String assessmentName, String assignmentKey, GovernanceAssignmentInner governanceAssignment, Context context)

Creates or updates a governance assignment on the given subscription.

abstract void delete(String scope, String assessmentName, String assignmentKey)

Delete a GovernanceAssignment over a given scope.

abstract Response<Void> deleteWithResponse(String scope, String assessmentName, String assignmentKey, Context context)

Delete a GovernanceAssignment over a given scope.

abstract GovernanceAssignmentInner get(String scope, String assessmentName, String assignmentKey)

Get a specific governanceAssignment for the requested scope by AssignmentKey.

abstract Response<GovernanceAssignmentInner> getWithResponse(String scope, String assessmentName, String assignmentKey, Context context)

Get a specific governanceAssignment for the requested scope by AssignmentKey.

abstract PagedIterable<GovernanceAssignmentInner> list(String scope, String assessmentName)

Get governance assignments on all of your resources inside a scope.

abstract PagedIterable<GovernanceAssignmentInner> list(String scope, String assessmentName, Context context)

Get governance assignments on all of your resources inside a scope.

Method Details


public abstract GovernanceAssignmentInner createOrUpdate(String scope, String assessmentName, String assignmentKey, GovernanceAssignmentInner governanceAssignment)

Creates or updates a governance assignment on the given subscription.


scope - The scope of the Governance assignments. Valid scopes are: subscription (format: 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}'), or security connector (format: 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Security/securityConnectors/{securityConnectorName})'.
assessmentName - The Assessment Key - A unique key for the assessment type.
assignmentKey - The governance assignment key - the assessment key of the required governance assignment.
governanceAssignment - Governance assignment over a subscription scope.


governance assignment over a given scope.


public abstract Response createOrUpdateWithResponse(String scope, String assessmentName, String assignmentKey, GovernanceAssignmentInner governanceAssignment, Context context)

Creates or updates a governance assignment on the given subscription.


scope - The scope of the Governance assignments. Valid scopes are: subscription (format: 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}'), or security connector (format: 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Security/securityConnectors/{securityConnectorName})'.
assessmentName - The Assessment Key - A unique key for the assessment type.
assignmentKey - The governance assignment key - the assessment key of the required governance assignment.
governanceAssignment - Governance assignment over a subscription scope.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


governance assignment over a given scope along with Response<T>.


public abstract void delete(String scope, String assessmentName, String assignmentKey)

Delete a GovernanceAssignment over a given scope.


scope - The scope of the Governance assignments. Valid scopes are: subscription (format: 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}'), or security connector (format: 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Security/securityConnectors/{securityConnectorName})'.
assessmentName - The Assessment Key - A unique key for the assessment type.
assignmentKey - The governance assignment key - the assessment key of the required governance assignment.


public abstract Response deleteWithResponse(String scope, String assessmentName, String assignmentKey, Context context)

Delete a GovernanceAssignment over a given scope.


scope - The scope of the Governance assignments. Valid scopes are: subscription (format: 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}'), or security connector (format: 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Security/securityConnectors/{securityConnectorName})'.
assessmentName - The Assessment Key - A unique key for the assessment type.
assignmentKey - The governance assignment key - the assessment key of the required governance assignment.
context - The context to associate with this operation.



public abstract GovernanceAssignmentInner get(String scope, String assessmentName, String assignmentKey)

Get a specific governanceAssignment for the requested scope by AssignmentKey.


scope - The scope of the Governance assignments. Valid scopes are: subscription (format: 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}'), or security connector (format: 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Security/securityConnectors/{securityConnectorName})'.
assessmentName - The Assessment Key - A unique key for the assessment type.
assignmentKey - The governance assignment key - the assessment key of the required governance assignment.


a specific governanceAssignment for the requested scope by AssignmentKey.


public abstract Response getWithResponse(String scope, String assessmentName, String assignmentKey, Context context)

Get a specific governanceAssignment for the requested scope by AssignmentKey.


scope - The scope of the Governance assignments. Valid scopes are: subscription (format: 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}'), or security connector (format: 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Security/securityConnectors/{securityConnectorName})'.
assessmentName - The Assessment Key - A unique key for the assessment type.
assignmentKey - The governance assignment key - the assessment key of the required governance assignment.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


a specific governanceAssignment for the requested scope by AssignmentKey along with Response<T>.


public abstract PagedIterable list(String scope, String assessmentName)

Get governance assignments on all of your resources inside a scope.


scope - The scope of the Governance assignments. Valid scopes are: subscription (format: 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}'), or security connector (format: 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Security/securityConnectors/{securityConnectorName})'.
assessmentName - The Assessment Key - A unique key for the assessment type.


governance assignments on all of your resources inside a scope as paginated response with PagedIterable<T>.


public abstract PagedIterable list(String scope, String assessmentName, Context context)

Get governance assignments on all of your resources inside a scope.


scope - The scope of the Governance assignments. Valid scopes are: subscription (format: 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}'), or security connector (format: 'subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Security/securityConnectors/{securityConnectorName})'.
assessmentName - The Assessment Key - A unique key for the assessment type.
context - The context to associate with this operation.


governance assignments on all of your resources inside a scope as paginated response with PagedIterable<T>.

Applies to

Azure SDK for Java
