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sysmail_faileditems (Transact-SQL)

Applies to: SQL Server

Contains one row for each Database Mail message with the failed status. Use this view to determine which messages were not successfully sent.

To see all messages processed by Database Mail, use sysmail_allitems (Transact-SQL). To see only unsent messages, use sysmail_unsentitems (Transact-SQL). To see only messages that were sent, use sysmail_sentitems (Transact-SQL). To view e-mail attachments, use sysmail_mailattachments (Transact-SQL).

Column name Data type Description
mailitem_id int Identifier of the mail item in the mail queue.
profile_id int The identifier of the profile used to submit the message.
recipients varchar(max) The e-mail addresses of the message recipients.
copy_recipients varchar(max) The e-mail addresses of those who receive copies of the message.
blind_copy_recipients varchar(max) The e-mail addresses of those who receive copies of the message but whose names do not appear in the message header.
subject nvarchar(510) The subject line of the message.
body varchar(max) The body of the message.
body_format varchar(20) The body format of the message. The possible values are TEXT and HTML.
importance varchar(6) The importance parameter of the message.
sensitivity varchar(12) The sensitivity parameter of the message.
file_attachments varchar(max) A semicolon-delimited list of file names attached to the e-mail message.
Attachment_encoding varchar(20) The type of mail attachment.
Query varchar(max) The query executed by the mail program.
execute_query_database sysname The database context within which the mail program executed the query.
attach_query_result_as_file bit When the value is 0, the query results were included in the body of the e-mail message, after the contents of the body. When the value is 1, the results were returned as an attachment.
query_result_header bit When the value is 1, query results contained column headers. When the value is 0, query results did not include column headers.
query_result_width int The query_result_width parameter of the message.
query_result_separator char(1) The character used to separate columns in the query output.
exclude_query_output bit The exclude_query_output parameter of the message. For more information, see sp_send_dbmail (Transact-SQL).
append_query_error bit The append_query_error parameter of the message. 0 indicates that Database Mail should not send the e-mail message if there is an error in the query.
send_request_date datetime The date and time the message was placed on the mail queue.
send_request_user sysname The user who submitted the message. This is the user context of the database mail procedure, not the From: field of the message.
sent_account_id int The identifier of the Database Mail account used to send the message. Always NULL for this view.
sent_status varchar(8) The status of the mail. Always failed for this view.
sent_date datetime The date and time that the message was removed from the mail queue.
last_mod_date datetime The date and time of the last modification of the row.
last_mod_user sysname The user who last modified the row.


Use the sysmail_faileditems view to see which messages were not sent by Database Mail. When troubleshooting Database Mail, this view may help you identify the nature of the problem, by showing you the attributes of the messages that were not sent. To view the reason for the failure, see the entry for the failed message in the sysmail_event_log (Transact-SQL) view.


Granted to sysadmin fixed server role and databasemailuserrole database role. When executed by a member of the sysadmin fixed server role, this view shows all failed messages. All other users only see the failed messages that they submitted.