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SpatialStationaryFrameOfReference.CoordinateSystem Property


Gets a stationary coordinate system with an origin at the position and orientation of the device at the time this frame was created.

 property SpatialCoordinateSystem ^ CoordinateSystem { SpatialCoordinateSystem ^ get(); };
SpatialCoordinateSystem CoordinateSystem();
public SpatialCoordinateSystem CoordinateSystem { get; }
var spatialCoordinateSystem = spatialStationaryFrameOfReference.coordinateSystem;
Public ReadOnly Property CoordinateSystem As SpatialCoordinateSystem

Property Value

The coordinate system.


The coordinate system is right-handed, with +y up, +x to the right, and -z forward.

Note that the origin is arbitrary. Coordinates are always most stable near the device rather than near this origin.

Applies to