To begin building a Windows IoT Enterprise solution, you need to select a hardware platform or board.
A full hardware platform houses all of the board-level components inside an enclosure and is commercial ready out-of-the-box. It's a good fit for application-level solutions builders that don't need high degrees of hardware customizability.
A hardware board includes only the board with exposed components, making it easier to make hardware configuration changes and debug hardware issues. It's a good fit for OEMs that have specific or bespoke hardware requirements for their product.
Other factors to consider when selecting hardware include performance, available memory, availability connectivity options, security, customizability, time to market, and cost. Decide which hardware works best for you based on your specific requirements.
Modern yönetimin, ortak yönetim yaklaşımlarının ve Microsoft Intune tümleştirmesinin temel öğelerini kullanarak bir uç nokta dağıtım stratejisi planlayın ve yürütun.