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OleCreateLinkToFile function (ole2.h)

Creates an object that is linked to a file.


HRESULT OleCreateLinkToFile(
  [in]  LPCOLESTR       lpszFileName,
  [in]  REFIID          riid,
  [in]  DWORD           renderopt,
  [in]  LPFORMATETC     lpFormatEtc,
  [in]  LPOLECLIENTSITE pClientSite,
  [in]  LPSTORAGE       pStg,
  [out] LPVOID          *ppvObj


[in] lpszFileName

Pointer to a string naming the source file to be linked to.

[in] riid

Reference to the identifier of the interface the caller later uses to communicate with the new object (usually IID_IOleObject, defined in the OLE headers as the interface identifier for IOleObject).

[in] renderopt

Value from the enumeration OLERENDER that indicates the locally cached drawing or data-retrieval capabilities the newly created object is to have. Additional considerations are described in the following Remarks section.

[in] lpFormatEtc

Pointer to a value from the enumeration OLERENDER that indicates the locally cached drawing or data-retrieval capabilities the newly created object is to have. The OLERENDER value chosen affects the possible values for the pFormatEtc parameter.

[in] pClientSite

Pointer to an instance of IOleClientSite, the primary interface through which the object will request services from its container. This parameter can be NULL.

[in] pStg

Pointer to the IStorage interface on the storage object. This parameter cannot be NULL.

[out] ppvObj

Address of pointer variable that receives the interface pointer requested in riid. Upon successful return, *ppvObj contains the requested interface pointer on the newly created object.

Return value

This function returns S_OK on success. Other possible values include the following.

Return code Description
The file name is invalid.
Not able to bind to source.


The OleCreateLinkToFile function differs from the OleCreateLink function because it can create links both to files that are not aware of OLE, as well as to those that are using the Windows Packager.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 2000 Professional [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header ole2.h
Library Ole32.lib
DLL Ole32.dll

See also
