Protect endpoints using Web Application Firewall

Azure Spring Apps

You have now set up your Spring Petclinic application in Azure and secured the secrets used by the microservices. In this module, you'll learn how to add a Web Application Firewall to your setup.

Learning objectives

In this module, you will:

  • Create networking resources.
  • Recreate Azure Spring Apps service and apps in the virtual network.
  • Configure internal DNS.
  • Configure domain in Azure Spring Apps.
  • Create the Application Gateway resources.
  • Access the application by DNS name.
  • Configure Web Application Firewall on Application Gateway.


  • An Azure subscription.
  • Local installations of Java JDK (1.8 or later), Visual Studio Code, and the Azure CLI (2.12 or later).
  • Intermediate-level familiarity with and local installations of the following tools: Git, Java JDK 8 or later, and a Java IDE or text editor.
  • Basic Git commands, including cloning, committing files, and pushing changes to GitHub.
  • Pull requests in GitHub, including creating, reviewing, and merging pull requests.
  • Basic GitHub Actions workflows, including triggers and secrets for connecting to your Azure environment.