Advanced Canvas App Development in Power Apps: Mastering Formulas and Development Techniques

This learning path teaches how to write complex formulas and apply imperative development techniques in Power Apps, including understanding various development methods and utilizing different types of variables.


  • A basic understanding of how to create a canvas app in Power Apps.

Modules in this learning path


App in a Day instructor-led training

Continue your learning journey with the App in a Day instructor-led workshop. This course provides hands-on experience for building custom apps! Browse training events.

Do you have need for complex formulas in your app? This module can help you write those formulas.



App in a Day instructor-led training

Continue your learning journey with the App in a Day instructor-led workshop. This course provides hands-on experience for building custom apps! Browse training events.

Imperative development techniques can help you achieve the goal for your app. You learn about different development methods and different variables in Power Apps.