Configure and use cash and bank management, and sales tax in Dynamics 365 Finance

You can use the Cash and bank management module in Dynamics 365 Finance to maintain an organization's bank accounts, and the financial instruments that are associated with those bank accounts. All businesses must collect and pay taxes to various tax authorities. In this learning path you learn how to configure and use these areas of Dynamics 365 Finance.


  • Basic understanding of finance and accounting processes.
  • The ability to use Finance for basic processing.
  • Understand how to set up general ledger in Finance.

Modules in this learning path

You can use the Cash and bank management module in Dynamics 365 Finance to maintain an organization's bank accounts and the financial instruments that are associated with those bank accounts. These instruments include deposit slips, checks, bills of exchange, and promissory notes. You can also reconcile bank statements and print bank data on standard reports.

Letters of credit are bank documents that are commonly used for the purchase and sale of goods across international borders. A letter of guarantee is an agreement by a bank (the guarantor) to pay a set amount of money to some person (the beneficiary) if a bank customer (the principal) defaults on a payment or an obligation to the beneficiary.

Postdated checks are checks that are issued to make and receive payments on a future date. Therefore, the check can't be cashed until the specified date. Dynamics 365 Finance supports the full management cycle for postdated checks in both accounts receivable and accounts payable.

Set up taxes in Dynamics 365 Finance

Setting up taxes in Dynamics 365 Finance offers many benefits, including automated and accurate tax calculations. As a result, your organization can ensure that it complies with national and regional tax laws. To help improve efficiency, your organization can streamline the tax management process by automating postings to ledger accounts.

Working with taxes in Dynamics 365 Finance is important for ensuring compliance with tax regulations, accurate financial reporting, and efficient tax management. Proper tax configuration helps your organization manage complex tax scenarios, including withholding taxes, sales tax exemptions, and conditional taxes. As a result, your organization can tax and report all transactions correctly to the relevant authorities.