Створення програм і агентів AI
17 бер., 21 - 21 бер., 10
Приєднайтеся до серії нарад, щоб створити масштабовані рішення зі ШІ на основі реальних випадків використання з колегами-розробниками та експертами.
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Замініть його на Microsoft Edge, щоб користуватися перевагами найновіших функцій, оновлень безпеки та технічної підтримки.
Call client media stats logs provide media statistics about a call made through ACS. These los are used to provide granular timeseries for quality metrics in Call Diagnostics Center. The logs contains information about media stream type, direction, codec as well as bitrate properties (e.g. max, min, average).
Attribute | Value |
Resource types | microsoft.communication/communicationservices |
Categories | Azure Resources |
Solutions | LogManagement |
Basic log | Yes |
Ingestion-time transformation | No |
Sample Queries | Yes |
Column | Type | Description |
AggregationIntervalSeconds | int | ACS calling media stats aggregation interval in seconds. |
Average | real | The average of a certain media metric statistics. |
_BilledSize | real | The record size in bytes |
CallClientTimeStamp | datetime | The timestamp (UTC) of when the ACS client's media stats log was generated. |
CallId | string | The identifier of the call used to correlate. Can be used to identify correlated events between multiple tables. |
ClientInstanceId | string | Client instance ID. |
Count | long | The count of a certain media metric statistics. |
EndpointId | string | ACS calling endpoint ID. |
_IsBillable | string | Specifies whether ingesting the data is billable. When _IsBillable is false ingestion isn't billed to your Azure account |
Maximum | real | The maximum of a certain media metric statistics. |
MediaStreamCodec | string | Client media stream codec. |
MediaStreamDirection | string | Client media stream direction, i.e. recv or send. |
MediaStreamId | string | ACS calling media stream ID. |
MediaStreamType | string | Client media stream type, i.e. video or screen. |
MetricName | string | Client metric name. |
Minimum | real | The minimum of a certain media metric statistics. |
OperationName | string | The operation associated with log record. |
ParticipantId | string | ID of the participant. |
RemoteEndpointId | string | ACS calling remote endpoint ID. |
RemoteParticipantId | string | ACS remote participant ID. |
_ResourceId | string | A unique identifier for the resource that the record is associated with |
SourceSystem | string | The type of agent the event was collected by. For example, OpsManager for Windows agent, either direct connect or Operations Manager, Linux for all Linux agents, or Azure for Azure Diagnostics |
_SubscriptionId | string | A unique identifier for the subscription that the record is associated with |
Sum | real | The sum of a certain media metric statistics. |
TenantId | string | The Log Analytics workspace ID |
TimeGenerated | datetime | The timestamp (UTC) of when the log was generated. |
Type | string | The name of the table |
Створення програм і агентів AI
17 бер., 21 - 21 бер., 10
Приєднайтеся до серії нарад, щоб створити масштабовані рішення зі ШІ на основі реальних випадків використання з колегами-розробниками та експертами.
Зареєструватися заразНавчання
Troubleshoot audio, video, and client issues - Training
Learn about the troubleshooting approaches for audio, video, and client issues in Teams, including collecting appropriate logs and identifying problems with different reports and dashboards.
Microsoft 365 Certified: Collaboration Communications Systems Engineer Associate - Certifications
Демонстрація навичок настроювання, розгортання, моніторингу та керування телефоном Microsoft Teams, нарадами та сертифікованими пристроями.
Azure Monitor Logs reference - ACSCallDiagnostics - Azure Monitor
Reference for ACSCallDiagnostics table in Azure Monitor Logs.
Example log table queries for ACSCallClientOperations - Azure Monitor
Example queries for ACSCallClientOperations log table
Azure Monitor Logs reference - ACSCallClientOperations - Azure Monitor
Reference for ACSCallClientOperations table in Azure Monitor Logs.