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DataGridViewRowCollection.IList.Add(Object) Method


Adds a DataGridViewRow to the collection.

 virtual int System.Collections.IList.Add(System::Object ^ value) = System::Collections::IList::Add;
int IList.Add (object value);
int IList.Add (object? value);
abstract member System.Collections.IList.Add : obj -> int
override this.System.Collections.IList.Add : obj -> int
Function Add (value As Object) As Integer Implements IList.Add



The Object to add to the IList.


The index of the new DataGridViewRow.



The associated DataGridView control is performing one of the following actions that temporarily prevents new rows from being added:

  • Selecting all cells in the control.

  • Clearing the selection.


This method is being called from a handler for one of the following DataGridView events:


The DataSource property of the DataGridView is not null.


The DataGridView has no columns.


The DataGridView property of the value is not null.


value has a Selected property value of true.


This operation would add a frozen row after unfrozen rows.

value is null.

value has more cells than there are columns in the control.


This method is an explicit interface member implementation. It can be used only when the DataGridViewRowCollection instance is cast to an IList interface.

This method calls the Add(DataGridViewRow) overload, passing in value after casting it to a DataGridViewRow.

Rows in the control are not automatically sorted when new rows are added. To sort new rows into their correct position, call the DataGridView.Sort method in a DataGridView.RowsAdded event handler. You might also want to call the DataGridView.Sort method in a CellValueChanged event handler to sort the rows when the user modifies a cell.

Applies to

See also